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Advertisements & Notices

... CHAPPELL and CO.'S NEW and POPULAR DANCE MUSIC by CHARLES D'ALBERT. FASCINATION WALTZ. (Compo.sed expressly for Trois Temos.) istrated 4S- FLEUR DE THE QUADRILLE, on Favourite Airs front Leocri's Co ...

Published: Saturday 30 January 1875
Newspaper: Graphic
County: London, England
Type: Advertisement | Words: 4247 | Page: Page 23 | Tags: Advertisements & Notices 

Advertisements & Notices

... ILLIE'S SONG-BOOK, containing L fifty nursery and youthful songs. Price us. this day. ILLIE'S SONG-BOOK, beautifully L illustrated in colours by Leighton Brothers. This day, prce ,s.-BOOSEY and CO. OO ...

Published: Saturday 27 November 1875
Newspaper: Graphic
County: London, England
Type: Advertisement | Words: 3326 | Page: Page 23 | Tags: Advertisements & Notices 

Advertisements & Notices

... MZZ3 ?? TO NEW ZAAD Z'O Married and Single Agrioutura1 Laohouers, Alecto 0INGQLE PEMALE DOMESTIC SERVANTS5 WsCo Hoks, Eosesnae, Nurses General Smrants, Da.itymaide, go I5ar terms and eendltlou.s, apply peerrmally. to the qn-irrafr1stw Ze&aland .7.Wetaeur-eh eembrer. London S.W. ZZ1ZRAON To ADELAIDE, SOUTH .AUSTRALIA. The government of the above Colony Sranl ASSISTED PASSAGES Emigra o hepamnts ...

Advertisements & Notices

... w8 ll'anagtue D -aaers, Psaxmemr, Private Fur.~ .c0agem, and Otherr-. FRD.HOLLOWAY will SELL by AUCTIO1- withou~t g o ueslgtst eere uo te une known as 'Fir ?? presolythosrirole of the 0Aoittal wn eadoliodohka ishtura, Wm srissngfealkeir beds asued beddingoosss us hn glev glaso nd T.he usual items, together withiso lfiv5 atci -ond Vtrriug W three cows Itwo in calf), Wolsh Poyvillst tunsness ...

Advertisements & Notices

... COR vzzo g. OHSOPSCEOOE W .* AO=N 0S, Paisley, end 2N 1remoUe-lne JOHNSTON's CORN FLOUR G3 T * 3. Jerndl G OllESTO~l eonhue to earm e the loii nae* btuoneps in the ?? theY ?? oronpiod fer Tent y JOErnTN5SCORN MLown J. and G. 10H NTON, quanltc ft the Oorr low 001P berg their ow nam e ui be untoif4 cl the Best i~ thati Me posible to produce, JOVENSTON'W ON WU J. nd. G. JObiNSTB ON are not now ...

Advertisements & Notices

... DES~~i~l3 f'wS o-MN, Care. VTMU~:their Tor~teatnt swd Wairal 0,Core. 9 T. Jorav, MD., Phyoician to the Hoapitsl ?? or IOD* BoItonhouoe C1apbn-road. }ondon. Price R BLkDDER' DITS1asE$ RUItE A BY'NEWDCV C. MTCELL and oricd OfL n tost, Fttre Now Publbhing, in MXiWS J&URNAL, PriOO3d iOA ?? 1R~tEgSMAING lLE3S !la ' MTUA JOURNAL D E &hAI lgun in the Jne nbez. JaUn No. .oon L -aI.-How to take a Mea ...

Advertisements & Notices

... 11882Z A. MANeoaasssa, Has. BSSAIS 1iT ACRReBTH.-ery svertng ast S. I'sIAChETH.Maebetb, Mr. .E51 Iriear; Irldcan sr. Mmu atley* Mairalm. MIr. Smroke;an'0 qo. llr. Forrester1dsut Mr. SwnLboisrnt Ro0s. 31r fa te- Vllr;.tlerate, Mtisteeaunrefsrtp rstIuith. ir. Mcsd WhAiton. MsB. Aresr: J aWitl,. Mrs. Huntlew. Lade sneoluedbits Shlue suna s.. -osWso. S Music by ltsTAL Bnd seearY Miss lidaser a. ...

Advertisements & Notices

... N° MORE MEDICINE OF ANY KIND. pERFECT IIEALTII RESTORED toallby .DIU BAlRRY'S DELICIOUS IE VALENTA ARABICA FOOD, which SAVES 50 times its COST in' ?EDICSII nord 5 tluore ntltoltlishiu d t 1utl .ol'ttillnt 0e0l tm tt . witi lOII its overlioatiu. tt:.inlyl lly; vitits n -d alle children live annd tih;ve to1; it ot IL I r' ordiwtvr diet. The 2Y. tiLS ?? frce by Loxt i:, 1. : s. 4dd. stnirpo. ...

Advertisements & Notices

... ADVERTISEMENTS. BRIGHTON A ND BACK FOR FOUR SHILLINGS, Sunday, October 11. 51st, the last of the season, from Loudon-bridge aud Vic. toria, 8,45 n.m., calling at Ncw-cross, Clalsiram Junction, Nor- wood Junction, and Croydon. POFTSMOUTH. CRHEAP TRAIN, Shudndy, October 31st. The last of the s 5eason. From London-bridge and Victoria S.20 a.m. Fares there ard back saine day, lls., 7o. tld., So. ...

Advertisements & Notices

... RpOYAL ITALIAN OPERA, COVE NT-GARDEN. ILThird Appearance of Mladamsc Adelhia Patti. On, Monday next, Slay 17ti, LA TRAVIATA. Maldanie Adetina Patti (liar'Jl~itd Appear-. alice flue Season), Signeur Grazienij, Signer Tagliafins, end Signior De Sanetes.-On Tuesday next. Maliy 15th, a. Favourite Opema, it, wiviceh Wsidle. EarS Thalb'r g will sjing._15ltllc. Albanid. egii O Wedesdy nxt Na 12h, ...

Published: Sunday 16 May 1875
Newspaper: The Era
County: London, England
Type: Advertisement | Words: 6257 | Page: Page 10 | Tags: Advertisements & Notices 

Advertisements & Notices

... GAIETY THEATRE, GLASGOW. MI S S J U L I A SEAMAN, .4AL ~~HELEN MACGREGOR. Miss Seaman's Helen is silmply perfcct.-V. B. Daily Mail. For vac'ant dates applY, J. SEAAN, as above. [ I S ,S S. B 0 0 T H ' . -1 - Summer Tour with Mr . H Clynds's Dramatic Company. THEATRE ROjYAL. BRAD FORD, May 24th, Six Nights. Seven Sins, Iron Hands, British Born, Sonc and Buskin, &c. STOCIRTON, ...

Published: Sunday 23 May 1875
Newspaper: The Era
County: London, England
Type: Advertisement | Words: 4967 | Page: Page 16 | Tags: Advertisements & Notices 

Advertisements & Notices

... Mi~r I S S L E O N O R A G R E Y til at Home for Too Weeks. Voluntary vacation. Elesutinlption of business trill be iluly announced. Address, Egertonll Villa Sheepsc.r-VoWv, Leeds. T1Gle Rising Star, TiLI ,S S P O L L I E RANDALL IV! (late wf the Britnnila Theatre), SOUTH LONDON, SUN, and sAM COLLINS'S MUSIC HALLS Nightly. Provincial Tour con- emlocas Slav 10th, Yort; Music halt, Southampton. ...

Published: Sunday 25 April 1875
Newspaper: The Era
County: London, England
Type: Advertisement | Words: 5443 | Page: Page 13 | Tags: Advertisements & Notices