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... A Robbery Exchange.—At the Southampton Police-court, Tuesiay, Janes Kcelet:, private in the -19th Foot, stationed Parkhurst. 1.W., was charged with stealing half-sovereign and various articles of wearing- apparel, value 305., belonging to Martin Warland, son of the landlady Loosemore's Hotel, Chapel-road. The lat'er stated that Saturday night met prisoner in East-street, who asked him if he ...

Hampshire Telegraph

... PQBTBMOUTH. WEDNESDAY, OCT. 20. Statesmen who trade m measures which they have borrowed —we will not use a shorter, uiore forcible, and possibly more exact word—from thenopponents, should feel somewhat uncomfortable the lavish encomiums of their friends. We do Mr. Cross the bare justice to say that he experienced any embarrassment on Saturday evening at the complimentary Address of the ...


... not sit Div ' the House Lords did iUKi.iT. j • PAI:LIA}t.\NT AND T«IK ' rr>-«> T ll l '1 ■ , '' Ak uls OF HARTISOTOK ment and the , ' be e « 1 noblei loril t •' ' '■ speech the { Which ignores the pre- V V * and the public . .-r which themselves f„! placing formed rather • /J: ; t « 1 alteration meat and the Prss.-h/r Vu c ., v 1 th» liiitier v • - .'KIIMX iIEM4\, who had i tions the 'rules ...


... A special meeting the Portsmouth wtl s held r.t the Guildhall, High-street, on Tuesday afternoon. —Tho Mayor (R. E. Davwe, Esq.)_ there were present Aldermen Baker, Wells, Hella , Bore, Kent, Emanuel, Batchelor,Ridontt, H. lord, K. W. Ford, Nance, and G. E. Kent; Hancock,Wendover, Tuck, Nance, Kdlpartnck, duller, H. M. Emanuel, Allen, Murrell, BuekeH, Pink, . Cardner, Clarke, Sherman, Groves, ...


... i PORTSMOUTH, WEDNESDAY, FEB 10. i The tug of war is at band On Friday, on the motion of Mr. Hart writ was ordered to issued for tbe election representative for Chatham, in tbe room Admiral G. Elliot, woo has accepted the office of the stewardship of Crown Manor— m other words, has accepted the post Port-Admiral at Portsmouth. The nomination will take place to day, and the poll on Saturday ...


... Robbery and Violence by a Soldiee.—At the Lyndhurst Petty Sessions last week, Lawrence Farrell, a private in the 102 nd Regiment (Royal Madras Fusiliers), | stationed at Marchwood, and who has a badge a marks: man, was charged with stealing 401bs. of coal, the property ! of Her Majesty.—Thomas Bull, a watchman at the Magai zincs, and in the employ of the Control Department-, who appeared with ...


... NAVAL NOTES AND NF.WS. Pall Mall, May. the want of oorreclneas ihe lufor! m',Uoa by the Central News relative to the pro! .-,7 TViached Squadron have been confirmed, ! it authoritatively that ti.e ' situinron wi'.l via the Cape to Bombay, instead j 4 the Prince Wales on the voyage India ! lj*, the Suez Canal, thus supporting my view, a' ex tressed in my last letter. The (Jflagship | ••• ...


... ftltjwlj. PORTSMOUTH, WEDNESDAY, FEB 17. Though Mr. Stone, unhappily, has not been returned for Chatham, he has fought a remarkably good fight. He was defeated 215 ; but it must be remembered that Mr. at the previous election was placed in a minority of 700. Perhaps the most remarkable circumstance connected with the election of Saturday is the fact that while the Liberal vote was 482 in ...


... The fortnightly meeting the above Board was held Wednesday afternoon, at the Portsea Island Workhouse, Kingston,when the following members were present Mr. Whitcombe (ehnirtnan), Mr. Wcndover (vico-chair man). Messrs. .AMerman Mason, Arnold Bniv.sbnry, Harmswortb, Joll'ffe, Slade, W. Light, C. Tight, Killpartrick, Cunningham, Howell, and Gold THE master's RETURN _ follows Admitted during the ...


... Jamiisijii'? PORTSMOUTH, WEDNESDAY, MAY 12, The death of Admiral Sherard Osborne at the' present time, when the Arctic Expedition, of which he was one of the leading promoters, is just on the point of starting its adventurous journey into unknown latitudes, is deeply to be lamented. Personally the deceased officer was a great favourite with every one with whom he came in contact. Of a fearless ...


... infant tne late countess 01 Carnarvon was christened Thursday st the Chapel Royal of the Savoy, the Rev. Henry White, Chaplain to the Queen. The sponsors were the Marchioness of Ely (representing her Majesty), the Countess of Derby, and the Marquis of Salisbury. Lord Cam rvon, with his children, was present. ...


... Tho figure of merit for shooting ot_ the several divisions Marines has been published, showing their position with the regiments the army. ,' 13th on the list; the Royal Marine Artillery, 29kh, Flymouth Division, 34th ; and the Chatham Division, sotli. corporal and twenty marines are uader orders to proceed to the Mediterranean. Colonel Fellowes, second commandant, R.M.L.1., has been granted ...