... THE GRAND 'OPERATIC CONCERT AT CARDIFF. The annual concert for the benefit of the regimental band of our local volunteer artillery is always looked forward to as the most important musical event of thtr year, as it is known that the very bfst talent will be secured by Colonel Hill and his officers, regardless of, cost. Were it not for their enterprise, Cardiff would not enjoy the advantage of ...


... RAILWAY TRAFFIC RETURNS. FOR WEEK ENDING SEPT. 6. u 1S75, 1874. increase. Dec Brighton — 1 578 — Great Western of Canada 2 485 South Eastern.. „ 3 240 Anglo-American 1710 — Tag Vale. 9,280 6,331 949.. Penarth Harbour, &c. 2,149 1,158.. 91.. Rhymney 2,493 2,183.. 315.. Midland 113,994 114,727 4,877 North Eastern „ 1 787 Metropolitan '724 Metropolitan District.. — — 751 Lancashire & Yorkshire — ...


... FOR THE PAST WEEK. 1875. 1874. Increase. Dec. Taff Vale 8,981 9,67i „ — 741 Penarth Harbour, Ac. 1,957 2,ü75.. — 1.8 Rhymnev 1,829 2,334 — — Midland 114,*76 111,427 3,049 — I ancashire & Yorkshire — 1,646 Metropolitan — 746 North Eastern u — — — u 2,739 Caledonian — — 1,101. North British — 4,053 Chatham „ 1,009 — Northwestern — — '561 — Great Western 98,663 100,386 — 1,803 London & North ...


... PrNARTH v. THE WANDERERS.—On Saturday, match, played at Penarth, between the Penarth C.C, and the Wanderers, was won easily by the latter team, Penarth—IX Roberts, 0—3; J. Lovett, 0—1; S. Thomas', 2—3; Heap, 2-5 Fry, 1—1; Lawrie, 12—3; G. Williams, 4- 0 G. Jordan, 2—9 Crick, 0—0; Austin, 2—3; Dyre, 0 extras, 6—11; total, ol—39. Wan- derers—C. Riches, 0—20; J. Thomas, G-ll; A. J. James, •'>; L- ...


... Always good alike, is the standard of excellence of Hornioian's packet Tea, the same reliable article at toe samo fixed price, being sold in every city, town, and village. For local agents, see advertisement. 3TITS EpiTiEPTic FITS OR FALLING SICKNESS. A certain method'of cure has been discovered for this distressing complaint by a physician, who is desirous that all sufferers may benefit from ...


... Millious of pounds of unwholesome tea are vearly sold in England, but He public have srood quMitV, puritv, and real cheapness ararantced in Horniman's Packet fea. List of local agents in tlii-> pvper Beware OF PIRATICAL IMITATIONS OF ALLCO-JK'S POROUS PLASTER.—Owing t-> the W. uiierful salt these celebrated plasters have obtaii ed by their curative properties in lumbago, sciatica, rheumatism, ...

[No title]

... SOUTH WALES TIDE TABLE. CARDIFF. NEWPORT, SWANSEA. APRIL. Mornl Even Hght Morn Even Hght Morn E ven Hght 23 Friday 8 20 8 36'28 0; 8 28] 8 44;27 3, 7 27 7 43 21 0 24 Saturday.. 8 52 9 8,20 9 8 0 9 16:26 10' 8 0 8 10 2» 1 »;> Sunday 0 i1 9 39 25 5! 9 321 9 47;24 2 8 34 8 5119 1 26 Monday 9 55|l0 12 23 910 3lJ0 20 22 5| 9 9 9 28 17 8 27 Tuesday 10 31110 54 22 310 3911 2 20 7 9 50,10 16 16 5 28 ...

latest JRarktts. t

... latest JRarktts. CORN. LONDON CORN MARKET, Monday. -Market very dull. English and foreign wheat, slow sale at late values. American rather cheaper. Flour dull but unaltered. Barley very dull both for grinding and malting qualities, and prices droopiug. Fine oats unaltered, inferior thin descriptions Is lower on the week. Beans exhibit similar decline. Peas drooping owing to foreign arrivali-, ...

.y-Iltest jtoiuta.' ---I---

... y-Iltest jtoiuta. LONDON CORN MARK^?^ J inactive. Engiiah and n^ay- —Market dull and late values. Flour with«„fw^eat quiet trade at late ing barley dull at about fotm!86- Grinding and malt- in value. Maize dull, and nceR. Oats unchanged Beans and-peas remain steadvC|f •b.aTe,y maintained. Barley, 300. Foreign Wheat io^h wheat, 1,660; Oats, 59,400; MaIZE', 6,360; Flo,450: .Ba day, 8,210 ...


... SOUTH WALES TiDS TABLE. j CARDIFF. SWANSEA. NEVVl'uKl'. JUNE. Morn*Evan |Hght Morn Even'HghtjMoni Even'U^ht IS Friday ..] 6 2d| 6 dpi 8| 5 34 5 571!) 3; 6 Si' 6 57 ii~G 19 Saturday. 7 9723[20 1' (5 17 6 34,10 71 7 17 7 30 25 0 20 Sunday 7 46; 8 3/20 5j 6 53 7 10 19 9| 7 54 S 1125 4 21 Monday ..| 8 22 8 4126 51 7 29 7 4519 9| 8 SO! 8 49 25 4 22 Tuesday 8 59 9 19 20 3 8 7 8 2919 8-9 7 9 27 25 2 ...