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... 43oi-ce ti 3Vblcrtlser. A41'erli/ismscil for tsrc POT. Iis- (1 OZeTTR ?? ?? /,s t'o Me e J ce bfore I cilf past Tz I1,' Isk olt0 ties dyi offis ?? ar arrr ,ss'rS .l i-s 7/so Posj. .5Is-s.L ?? at a sr-/t C's' 'f 7'i: Slid/ns. Pl'oy sosy be set0t ?? ?? ¢ I ass -1 s'rtsiss;ry Atenlt, VezusO -cle, orI .i~rssas; 7or, trs/oyl. au!.Iessticatd', to t4e !isce of1 M/e I oil. AMMALL G AZ5 r rrE. 'iso PAL ...

Advertisements & Notices

... SMITH, ELDER & CO.'s NEW BOOKS. UCNiER 'I'IE SANC`I'ON OF HER MAJESlY ?? QUEEN. THEI. IIRS'l T V)lUME OF l'TlE LIFll7E lO IHIS ROYAL. HIG HN;N1 SS 'TIHlE PRINCIE CONSORI'. T ?? Tilliot i MI c ! n1 N. Illutstrated with ?? ornd VreC.. ''hird Edition DiIloy 8vo, 18$. London: Smrt rlu, ELiDEN & CO., 15, Wittrinol-place. NIEW SORY 1V Y l'R(9KMANN-CHA'RIAN. B RIGAI)PIR IREDI)RIC. ThleC Story D tfa,, ...


... SVIA RE I IST- TIlS DA Y. ?? Steam' and Sharus not quotud in this List wil he linudmi n the Mloney ArtidoQ jjge . ORDINARY SHLARLS AND STOCKS. Raih-)-S. looill- Price Blusiness (lone Risilw..ys. ~)t iccdily. to-daytoip.m. i, jLtO 'tic I.CLt~r 115I3 IL C' I' - ?? 5,2 k.LtI-ltl,~ QL~ 4 u(I3 442 IN ?? u5 7 a Noitlecli ?? 1.42 of ?? I. jl~ilid II It'o IjO ...


... DJES1ERTIONS FROJI TIIU ARMY. . . A ~ ~1 F TIr report of the Inspector-Gencral of Recruiting for the year 137.4, w^hich has just beln piiblised, is in many rcspects satisfactory ; but it discloses S,()IC s'..-iliosg fa:cts wlhich go far to ncutralize the enicouraging effect of its other infurmation. We refer to the statistics of desertion from the army ?? by the 1npei'or-(Gcuel-al at ?? 5 of ...

Advertisements & Notices

... V, II I~l: K 1r ?? I.\i I ?? ! , \ .II ?? ipt lN I l ' 1' i .f ?? piVI ?? I vI Iti N T ) S TOCK G I : i t ?? X\ (thc(' t - ). Gl'n ff , fzr.l Izlr , ,, t. it t l . tI. f ii (,N I htbltt ' \ ' I I 1. N I f' li -ii ?? 1' ?? ' ?? ii i, lit\ ititi' I LIt u OSidull if\11; Ni i 0 ,, .U tt ci I. o w i re ,. the lrlmi- d , Illl, ?? J 1;, , 'it ai t ItuLitl t lc. 1 I ootI tit : I - -l t to I, Xe fl ...

Advertisements & Notices

... Ch.APMAN AND HALL'S PUBLICATIONS. MAJOR WHYTE-MELVILLE. 'ATER;ELTO : a Story of Exmoor. Is IX .(i. 1. WrTIS-MOVIELN IL .E. With 12 .ltrstions;bY 'olone1 H. Hope C'realocke, C.B. ,, vol . deinmy Son, [ Third Ed~ition i *the Press. CHAPMAN and HALL, 193, Piccadilly. A MANUAL OF VETERINARY A SA\NITARY SCIENCE AND POLICE. Pr (, FLEMsIlNG, ?? Aluthor of dr0 S;( Wih 33llustr~ahtoieoinsos ...

Advertisements & Notices

... MZZ3 ?? TO NEW ZAAD Z'O Married and Single Agrioutura1 Laohouers, Alecto 0INGQLE PEMALE DOMESTIC SERVANTS5 WsCo Hoks, Eosesnae, Nurses General Smrants, Da.itymaide, go I5ar terms and eendltlou.s, apply peerrmally. to the qn-irrafr1stw Ze&aland .7.Wetaeur-eh eembrer. London S.W. ZZ1ZRAON To ADELAIDE, SOUTH .AUSTRALIA. The government of the above Colony Sranl ASSISTED PASSAGES Emigra o hepamnts ...


... SHARE LIST-THIS DA Y .xThe Principal Stocoes and Shares not quoted in this List will be found in the Money Article page 9. ORDINARY SHARES AND STOCKS. P (11. Railways. Closing Prices Bsnss done Sb. Pd. Railways, ~~yesterday. odaytaop.m. Sto00 Bristol and Exeter. 113 103 Stto Caledoolai . . tou ooo% looy% % 20 all Cornwall . . 4% 5%2 on all ast London 6%~, 6y% St too Glasgow and South Western ...


... AFFAIR{S IN LOUISIANA. NEW YORK, Jac. 29. THE condition of the Louisiana question changes so fast from day to day that it is almost impossible to keep the run of it. There is only one thing certain about it, and that is the very thing which appears on the- surface least certain-that the Kellogg Government cannot long be kept in power, even by bayonets. The certainty of this conviction in most ...

Advertisements & Notices

... THIREE, GOOD NOVELS. ASK ?? them at the LIBRARIES. J ILTED ! A Novel. InI 3 VOsI. ?? JISo, 315. 6d. Ronce i is possible to endorse the 7 advice 'Ask for the nxew novel Jilted, at ma t D;Te author, whoever he may be, h dec idedly made a hit. we oseg Post, Feb. 9, .L A R I C E A D A I R. C Mrs. RANDOLPH'S NEW NOVEL. ASK FOR CLARICE ADAIR. 3 vols, crown Svo, 315. od, OUT OF THE WORLD. By ...

Advertisements & Notices

... EASItN'S HOSPITAL SOCIETY (late Drrndh7ngkt), Greenwich. eANNUAL COURT of the GOVERNORS ?? will be held in the BOARD ROOM cfthe - S ~O Cocc U tIAolssiOr, No. n4, Bow-lane, eat .;laetr London, EC., TO-MlORROW (Wed- (alsi e perpose of ELECTING a PRESI- e' VICE.PRESIDENTS, TREASURER, Fe AUDlCIES, and a COMMITTEE of DOACu EIENT for the year ensuing, receiving ith Ieport, and for the transaction of ...

Advertisements & Notices

... CHAPMAN AND HALL'S PUBLICATIONS. NIE ?? OR IIX1 ?? fl~lE. *11.1 ) a Slorv of E'xm1oor. 6, W Nll ~-xll.Xitl I,2 i. Iv tl. It. ?? Crealocke, C.l. 17.11 1S iti/wt i,, tie Press. ( I N and II ci 1(,, 1'ic.1.ily. UAN PAl. 01 VETERINARY .,I I;N\ SC II N(l 1 A*.ANI) P(OLI. Itii', EfS., Author of Ot.&C. 2 VOIe. * h c 111- troio-ll Is [izs daoy'. tIc,-.N atn1d HAI.I., I13, Piccadilly. [i.- ALJ ?? or, ...