Advertisements & Notices

... -J 7;AvNA:N begs to direct attention ~~1 ~ ?? B~~UST CAR~DS. . -~ VOItC1 . U. - ?? I-P.DGE oYfALLAN ?? ESTABLISIMENT, E Pgs !,ARK, uG}-_ RLFY HYDROPATHIC c c)^i - ' .1 , , M r .MH? 0 -mtLoS - .pi r ..efer~rauceota. 1#Jana5lobstreeUt , .. . l_t or TeI &&W . Ga- - - W I f ?? EL C T!.;v'NABRUAlO(PM R :.DUES Leviibl~e 7t ?? 1'IR fo B~ ?? 41,,tk ~ bind ?? togo -P11'Ilues 01gSS c8, apply to ...

Advertisements & Notices

... Four C onsecutve isertiows for the Price . of 17hrmee,1 CHEAP ADVERTISING. 5 Dvz lmllsam of te fowl ?? ?? in the GLLSGOW Rl,.A 14in h WILyr H=naID ?a thelow Pid ate g uotei oundreath:- Wben I Los ; - Shopa. Lo s, &A For thof ll Poas . Shopsi RltuatonswanxteLo, h~ ?? 18 WORDS WIStta 61. - 27 Isec , l S for Beei A - 36 i n ?? Cut Ek ~ 4 b:EE5tJ AdAY titoin tq of the classesnae e?&UpM efr ...

Advertisements & Notices

... marent injury. Bo OWIOs BAKING POWDEIR HA3 BEXNEAWDR rwo GOLD TALS OB ITS SUPERTORITY 1e 8 sIS FC OTRIIES. Makes BreAd, Pastry, Puddings, .; lit nad wboel eome. S0kf In ld and 2. Packetsq ai Yd is. Pateult Boxno. Uidoa QWANSEA.-Wanted to Rent, a House, containing S six or eight rooms, between the Music-hall An Scotch Chnrch.-Addre5, with lull particulars, to John B. DAWO, House Agent, 7, De la ...


... MAYRITANA AT ISLINGTON. MONSIEUR PROUDHON used to maintain that the Revolution was always to be found somewhere or other, not merely in idea but in substance and form. If you chased it out of France, it reappeared in Germany. Expelled from Germany, it showed itself in Italy or Spain. Ejected from Europe, it turned up mysteriously in China or among the South-American Republics. But it ...

Advertisements & Notices

... ?? ~Ryertc Watonfor a ,Mee~kly Ne~rrsjtacor. Mntsh 'I iea esi ! O~t sfites lafito.,5 ash t vi ot1 bar to s riae-i fr ?? acons qiil~ti~5 tating I'efermctee sodsa~tyeiiettd.toMr. Souithey. JEa0ro Office, litertltvre. ec6651 ?? Vi? MR tia ie pehflicitploodin Solloiting Orders for ones ort C.. Wolesae an Itetlit lrsrneigers, Pslittypo 1 a stelady tearriiid o. (finck at figalros, to naoiqt ?? ...

Advertisements & Notices

... MISC LLEOUS. I. EDMIeSON AND Co. Call attention to their lange Stock of mOrmolu, Bronze, and 0rystal, , ;; ?? R ro LIGIITS B ?? l~TItIG5 -~j Lt IGHTS, CORONAS. 3. J. slt ando Cf o. ?? ii rety IFa- aosoi'tiderit Of CIAS COORING and HEATING STOVES Whte~tle tty economiad fetel, and l~e~ fstiatid failot 4! - tive both for Cooksing and HBeai'ung pucpcese. J. EDMUiNDSON AuD CO., Are Sole Agents for ...

Advertisements & Notices

... BUSINESS ADDRESSES. r0 0 D R O FF E'S T Y (Lote BoaErT CHADWICK). WATCHESE, CLOCKS, BRONZES, hLEOTRO-PLATE, o GOLD AND GEM JEWELLERY. 89, HIGH-STREET, STOCKTON-ON-TEES. WATCEES. CLOCKS. Dinlig and Drawing-room, 9 Gold and Silver Lever, Hall, Library, Office, Kit. Horizontal, Vertis l, Do 'hen, from tas 6d to £25, all plex, Keyless, itepeater, Warranted. Centre Seconds, XI 7a Cd to Silver and ...

Advertisements & Notices

... THfE PUBLISHERS' COLUMN. 1ICHAEM BENTLEY and SON'S NEW WOR5KS: rjh OLLECTED WVORKS of lTHOhIAS LOV`fl OI. R CtI, NWith proflaos by Losro 31tLOuLnolo, atid E ~die 7I~IEIOMA CE f tu E U~iflSTAGE. B3y JL37.'s' 5soss ?? ?? oths~ o th. thuif of 11ii ;oestty 8No,aI T IVES of the Q13 N~ ot 1E11GLAND of thle 11. IIUSt of ll.NNERt. fly Dr. l~oiu~x. Ft.&I., Autdttirof fable'It, raite and Sesitw ihi, ...

Advertisements & Notices

... SHIPPING AND EMIGRATION. L L A N L I N E. SiORTEST COPAN PASSAGE ; TO AMERICA. COMPOSED OF TWENTY FIRST-3LASS ROYAL t MAIL STEAMERS. S&ILING DkYS-from LIVER. POOL, every TUESDAY and THURSDAY to lANADA, and every ALTEISNATE TUESDAY to EALIFP.X c and BALTIMORE, forwarding Paaeenecrs on easy terms to all parts of CAiAbA and the UNITED STATES. Surgeon and Stewardosses provided free for all -lOoros ...

Advertisements & Notices

... SPECIAL SALE - O v IANUFACTURED GOODS., JAMAICA GTRUtlT, ?? _rEUL _- -, EVERAL IMORTA.T IPUROHA= Ttoud on uanodly VW l~d~o UM ft S&ImW& noao MOOf UQo IAug Qwdigta and h _, . , _ , ,42., _ ?? ?? 1,C, ?? R n O T A,'C :-P .Z :ha -hf ;uo m vi o ms t=, ,i ,~yn ,s ,o~ - . -a., > BUILDING OF NEW OVIAL IIES ?? EXTENSIVE ALTERATIONS IN P IS THOyAS CHALMERS -&A ' - g ISY TBON@:. - : . . > ?? .- . - It ...

Advertisements & Notices

... 3 AR AGRAPE A1)VETISF5OILYATS. . Et. WALLI.Acc. Frgeon Dentist. extmts. Teeth ?? e gain, at 22 Dunfas St. Set Door above N! .B. iailway Statoon. tEprS'S CocoA.-GRATESUL AND CoMXonRTIoO.-The 8 greeable character of this preparation has rendered it a. general favourite. Blade simply with boiliug water or milk. I Each packet is labelled JAuss Epps & Co., lum ceopatme , Chemists. ...