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Advertisements & Notices

... SMITH, ELDER & Co.'s NEW BOOKS. J ?? iNAINSANCE IN ITAIN Ar? it iS' ?? l? lx I. aN Xi 1119 il I ?? Iii lily ?? e. ?? kill, I gr ill 04 of fit i, '1 1' a i4lti 'ti iiit'tii iliii'''i 'iii N5:i,,l iii 1ii'? N loch lily 1,I'?I.i ?liy 'p Rl1I1i1ilS ? ?? N LW T'iil'.M. 1.0 i.;Y, - I\.IlIcliI ii194 a 11.1 cri1itftoei Raop ci I it ci: SMill., Li cii ?? I9,W ?? 9 phoc. S by th1? lala Rcv. W. I I. ] ...

Advertisements & Notices

... SAITsB~Y AUCTIONT. . orrw.iod'lno.- npial IU~so1:1d IlcadogNr 'With atbii nthe orirol by ~l~toil ox tile Adesotor of Air. JIL 331h E1;dzR4s ccenase. vv kWOR''iln, ABiiO'iT, and RUSHWVOITHI haer ?? to SELL by AUCTIOq. at the Dlaee xj.,stjft~lOWV uuno , at lior 1, in ode Lot, th,0 ?? LEASE. UuU llId,,SM)I \an~d SlIul', iititno No, 11, Now Oavendisih- urcer po x 150),.ao. comintunlcitiiigwith ...

Advertisements & Notices

... 'N 'd N I' (N 4 H ?? H\l' Hi IH)\?H LI tI I. H \HHI H Hi I 1,1 ii HI I nil ?? iii I H. ?? (H IHIHI .1 H H ill I Il? \L N' I, H, HHI IQ Nih r iHHn? it 'H *fNL? H, C I H. H' H Hf . HI 'H N f LNH liii HI * H ?? ill ?? H' I HI, Hi -: H H HI H.HHIIH * NH Ii I H Iii'. ho N it .1 I N lii Ill . H LII HI H' ii HI Li H ,?n I H H I, I H,,, ?? * A0H,\NI I I II IAI.\ 0f di' SNIHINi IHiHHH Ii \H I I NIl 'I ...

Advertisements & Notices

... jlotitt tor ~.bbazzitrZ. Adertisemtlts for the PALL MALL GAZETTE shsnd be sent to the Office before Haif-ast Ten oeckck on the day ofjaublication. Annsa.e7tieints of Births, larriages, and Deaths are imserted in the PALL MALL GAZETTE at a charge of Five Shillings. They may be sent thjrough an Adveraising Agent, Newsagent, or Litbrarian; or, fro&erly authenticated, to the ogee of the PALL MALL ...

Advertisements & Notices

... AD VER TISEMENTS. BENNETT'S WATCHES, CHxAPSIDE. WATCHES and CLOCKS of the Newest Designs. WATCH MANUFACTORY, 65 & 64, CHEAPSIDE. THE TURF ULSTER (for both Ladies and Gentlemen), designed by B. Benjamin, Ulster House, 38, Conduit-street, W. ROWLANDS' EUKONIA is a new and fragrant powder for the face and ?? by Chemists, 3s. per box. C O A L.-COCKERELL'S COALS.-Best Wallsend, 2gs.; Best Inland, ...

Advertisements & Notices

... SALES BY AUCTIONJ motuowiint,, tll 01 bu~thn:b Wires!i. 1,0l till0 ji;ss1N. DEBEINHAM, TEWSON, rnit r.FA0RM R t iutw3u¶ oEL tth ii .o ' WiiAY, 11ld cow' Il Ut 1itt Two LuztI, the ~U~~ Fl VIUL)EEUINI I. IlUl141''Y, kniovi ut tdlwi, ~I o ?? t .1 ULTxbrdiio 0 Th house~ is 11tiiromIva by IL? 4itri wilt. 1110 wi,.. tlit' rotlodI .4011 I) onI,%' I- 11a I 01 11 1'1! It Iittd .il, 1 . 114 IO 11 i. ...

Advertisements & Notices

... 'nY. L1TX,~LIt OPErA%, COVENT GARDEN- jtE SEASON TALIAX OPEr II ?? *ATURVA. July 17t. ~~URE~1A IO1 1A-TILS VEI-NG (Saturay),S ?? Ilaca Alioaira ?? (~~,r~erta .t * ~s: ener TAlallaicG Iir~talr~lo* -ip t'utrt.i ?? .!a ?? G wmrrrao.Siaa atair I)ON G10VANN1-O-01 'IMoNDAY nest, Juno 21s, U.Vu'arra Uteri, Da'rr ~ ~ Nrrt ANtIarrirne t li'r~idtu Loi An atl. ?? ?? Irairl Cina vian.l Do)a'riir I, (a ri ...

Advertisements & Notices

... ?? L rA Z, 0 MO ~W3and AIVUIQL 9rEWIS and AX.ENd b - . r tLK-LEWJS antd ALLEN-BY. Spaoialyceiebrutod CI-IKB.-LEWIS and AiLENBY do not keop upuiious UjM lwd hiy-weidhtk4 8ilM co t adUpe2-. ?? s5 bw rtwo. 10LE&-LEWIS and A4LM1Y confidegtly recomn- ?? ttin. own i,'ldiI ?? of s&ilW for purity, drnbitty, ua' -ngato tOiv. ILKSPlaia Silks in all tho nowV chadc'., and of all thin, now uytok' and ...

Advertisements & Notices

... T£1 SnTRIEVALTY.-Tho Liveryinen of tho City Companies have beon convened by a precolt of the Lord Nayor to meet on Tihursday noat, being Msduiiiticr Dlay, for tho purpose of elcticn two of their number to fill the oflice of hheriffs of london and Middlesex for the next civic year. The only Alderman eligible for election is Mr. Henry Edimund Knight, atd,in all probability, he will ba ...

Advertisements & Notices

... Aotise io attfsrz IJ .Advertisements for the PALL MALL GAZnTTH ?? bc Jsent to the Qf iie before Hatf-itast TeN o'gcic on i/i, day of isitlicatzion. Innosrenceents of .Birtrts, Al ariages, and DeathsI 4CC insete~d inthedi PALL MALL GAZETTE ait a! dan-ze ef Five Shillinzgs. They msay be sent Jhroiegk an Aidvertising. .Agent f Niosaget, orrl Librartian; or, 1'ro~etiy anthreazticated, to tze. cd ...

Advertisements & Notices

... lHB BEYROUTL' WATEif WO RKS CO ?? IL;I; S oedf).-IhS of PERfUtt . ?? Dill;D S.I 110 lb X-g!u to lr: PaId OD ;;j! icai;UmL W. ?? Andtowv, Esq., Chairsialn lof th Scirdee l'en'ttb. rnD 1. ?? U1nt 0onthll. Esq., irert(r (f tbe Grinmd JTenc1 Arul Of t i Eiwa.r Lkistou. i auteon, IBZ t T. B.HoItoo, LEsq, I jlhI, twole tlaIrihI.- aniti Br[GA ?? t C W.kS% C , iI- Iiirtor of the OdCeva Water iOrkS ...

Advertisements & Notices

... 22CAMS5I5g5 AT ONEP FARES 0 the WEST Or ENGWAD EXETERLRAOtEen NORTH el DEVON for 571)111 9r sixTEEN DAYS, by7 the SUTH-'WESTIIRN RAILWAY. ea ATURDAY until further ndile PCA W&MA-11I lev he WAThiRLOO.S3RID80E SdTATION ?? .4L0 IclONWoyRAIugejWokmeFanor Sxa Dands.ALntk.TERATOtN ACUWE! of ENGWLYA UTNDt EXCURSION2.HA E 8naCCfiLERATION o bWEOUHitora. XUBO SknWATEROO sation at223JOIft. evey Itudy ...