... GENERAL N E w S. J11Y TELEO3RA.PH.] CONFESSION OF DITTIIE11. Private James Graham, of tlio Portsmouth Division of Boys! Mfarines, is in custody, oii lila own confession that lie m cr5 eedi a manm nimied Macpiherson, at lieper to Miijsi CGraliani, ussr Flitrnesa Brays, iRonfrewshire, in 1871. HEAVY DAMAGE-S FOR BREAC1 01? PROMISEL At, the Cork Assigns, yesterday, an action for breech of0 ...


... THE' DELIVERY OF FISH[ AT NEW STREET STATION. At the Birmingham County Cort, yesterday, hefore TIr. 1U. W. Cole, Q.C., jUdge, an aiction wai brought by Wax Smith Scott, wholesale fishmonger, of Bell Street, Birminglgant, to recover £5. from the Londlon and North- Western 1ailvway Company, for obstructing the removal of a coinsiglmolnt of fish from New Street NtotioII, and for deltaining him in ...


... I SOLIHULL TPETTY SESSIONS. SATIURDAY. iefore Aftr, Ti. if. CkaUeaJork d Mlt'. ?? S. loIJd. Jo.s, JTUALVcNG, FROPM A TRAcN 11111i.ST IFN Mti'lox,- Frederick idward Ililoy7oel House, Veston toal, Hun- ter's Lint le Birijinglrant, was chlarged with leaving a trnio whilst in lotionl, ait Small Heothj, o1n the 191thl iilt., con- triry to the tyu-itvis of tite (Hroeat Western Railway Cone- p)any. ...


... . ?? . f*1 flfl- ?? . ' )yonFM.-Tint ?? . IdWIUT OLL'S OR G P .WR t t o ?? %d te^ MIO..Jul~r t etcspraa ettaaI' ylt ' B. tk. et A iu.-iar' 1z S r1,8 S ; J1. &~ ,urM AV X VIIt.4klAE *C*'f~th ?? r.i:oni ~~Bcn5O(ID V. .TA A~ltiO ?? u3| o\ ?? -t gtsilutet ^z8Gta4&g ox NtlIl 1 li. CMtll PAD) ItetollII 11.em BS. ~lt.ihi55 w Tsrnatn' ?? At hkit Wst li IM~f , ItOU .tc~ *'iIL- roan * A ?? T?;U. ...


... COLONIAL MARKETS. SlliAß —The market dull, and aaies the spot are confined to 204 coki British Weet India, chiefly crystallized ueiaerara, 6d. 255. ; the rest, Jamaica, at 19s. te 19s. 61 iteflued—stove.l goods neglected; pieces remain good request, at prices. Coi pf.k.—'lbe parcels offered went off steadily at previous jric». Native Ceylon - good ordinary, 80s. 81; Mysore, cherry ariod, Ola. ...

Local Government Board have instructed their solicitors to under writ of mandamus agaicat fee Keighley board of ..

... passed over Luton, Beds, oa Wednesday evening. A wouian and infant were struck by lightning, and former is not expected to recover. The Bight Hoc. G. Ward Sunt, M.P., has resigned his post Chairman the Northampton Court Qaarter Station. Lard Lovat M his residence in Inverness-shire on Monday, in the 73td year of his age. 'He succeeded by his eldest son, ths Master of Lovat CUUOUCUIB. ...


... CUSTODY COUtTT-YESTanDAY. [Before DAVID TAYLOR, Pap., J.P.; J. C. O'Dox- . ,EL, Esq., P.M.; and EDWARD Oits, Eaq., ASSAULT. Jane Sullivan, a woman about thirty years of age, was fined 20s and costs, or fourteen days' im- I prisonment, for assaulting Sarah O'liaze in Union Street on Saturday evening. HUSBAND AN. WIFE. WVilliam Harkin, plasterer, was charged by Act- ?? Thomas Leith with ...


... I iLAW INTE-LLIGENCEI 1 1 - 11-1r 1 - - h- ROLLS OI-JRT. Dillon v. Wroodlock an - ' O'folinei.- Mr. Mac- donQgh, Q.C., with whom was Mr. t'etherstdnH., moved on th6 part of the plaintiff no- tice, for an order that the defendants should pro- ducelon oath and permit inspection of byplaintiffand his solicitor certain portions of books of account, and Iall letters, telegramls, ...


... | R. -BUTT AN5 TIEfl' PQLITIOAL PRI- : I- . . (From a correspondent.) K ?? '~~oudon, Saturday. it enclose you A ?? MqpOO qf the coi~cluding par. ld Wiof Mr. 3kttV~ #eeo~h on the jaubject.of the po~h it Voidcal eoerq,40 *hdeh he wouxnd up the diseussiors ,ly ~~h~h prign 'In~ ?? of. 4n ad~eas &c them CronV geti±th perio syduring which by .the laws .o*,forgui 'covntries #rl- ly, ~ouersloouldfbe. ...


... l POLICE INTELLUIGENCE-YESTERDAY., AOR~EN DlV5oN. (Before Mr. J. W. O'DonuelL 1, Ro at a rm miL- nour meti, named Lyons, Cunningham, RIlan, and Eilbride, were charged with having caused a riot at Bummer hill on Monday, and assaulted two men named Cafrey and j gaydeo. M~r. Hastings, who appeaxed for the pri. eoneral stated that, Ryan and Kilbrife bad been themn. ,Evlves tbe object of an outrage ...


... AS~~SAI L,-NELLIGENC1, (From our Ravorters.). ,. M1EATHi Today te. .; . Trim, Tuesday. To-ray the. busine.s of- the asaizes, was resumed by Mr. Baron Deasy. and Nr. SJustice Barry. AIM. Baron Deasy tresided in the' c'iiniual'co'irt; and pweeeded Wii the triulofprisonors. Tile LOrown eouasel prosecuted ' in h: tb ,ae ;! Alleged Attecinat to Upsce a Y'1'in.-JameTs Cooney, a railway porter, 'was ...


... POLICE INTELLIGENCE-YESTERDAY. I~~ ~~ _ _ I NORTHERs DIVISION. (Before Mr. C. J. O'Douel.l Stealinq a Herse and Car.-A labourer, named JTames Williamson, residing in Kevin.street, 'was put forward in custody, charged with having stolen a horse and hack car, value &60, the property of Pa- trick Porteous, of Camden-street. It appeared from the evidence of Porteous, that he drove two gentle- men ...