Births, Deaths, Marriages and Obituaries

... IrAs OAfl5cfmlnts of Births, cated Macaiage Gn- cenments woith No Cerds attached, are charged dverthSGSalnts. MARRIAGES. toa-11ooas.-2lst ult., by license. at the parish arcb, Streatbam, by the Rev. Mr. Nicolls, ReotQr, shun Stephen Taylor, of Aceacia Cottage, Upper eoting, Surrey, and Swallow Street, Piccadilly, to mi Wilson, youngest daughter of Mr. James Moore, rseryman, Norwich Road, ...

Births, Deaths, Marriages and Obituaries

... DEATH OF THE REV. PATRICK ?? ?? We have just learned that this sai evei. ?? place on the 18th ult. Late though i- lnaV veneration for departed worth conpelr 5or tribute to his memory. Rarely is it given tJ n t have amongst them a purer spirit, anu r. ;Ov -- the grave, even of God's ministers Ire '2-ie prayers offeredthan those the inense i up to God's throne in the 11ai. ' . people, and the ...

Births. At# 2 ctl Ta

... me3s' Road, on the 1th inst, Mrs Al I;. C%5MERON ; a Son. At12 {viahuill Street, on the 13th inst., Mrs ALX IE toss a 9 daughter. At 15 Nicholas Street, on the 12th instant, Mrs WM. KELLIE; a son. At 13 Moray Place, on the 13th inst., Mrs W3s S3TEY'SOY, a son, At Linden, Partickhill, on the 12th inst., Ws ,.AMIEs THOMSON; a daughter. At Tribboeb Burn, parish of Stair, Ayrsbire, On the 7th inst ...

Births, Deaths, Marriages and Obituaries

... BIRTHIS, MARRIAGES, AND DIEATIHS. BIRTHS. Soan. E3rAlcE, Mrs. G. D., at Monklstown, co. Dublin, Sept. uS. CARs, Iies. David R., at Chepstow-villas, Bays- vater, Sept. 29. C141scIesTER, wifebof Major H., RA., at Gibraltar, Sept. 25. CuTrrnn, Mrs. W. H., at Collinghato-place, South Kensingtlon, Sept. So. Dtcos , wife of the Rev. R. H., at Eastchurch, Sept. u4. I-OREn, wife of Mr. T. E. O., W.S., ...

Births, Deaths, Marriages and Obituaries

... BIRTHS, MARRIAGES, AND DEATHS. BIRBT ES. BARREPT-Oct. 5, at 4, Newbridge Terrace, Sandy- Ilount, Co. Dublin, the wife of W illiam G. Barrett, Esq., -f a son. DXVItSON-Sept. 30. at Carlowv, the wife of Captain John Davison, 3rd Drag 'on Guards, of a son. FRAS.ER-Oct. 7, at 82, Nelson Street, Belfast, the v; e of James Fraser, of a daughter. JON ES-Oct. 2. at the Curragh, the wife of Capt. T Jr. ...

Births, Deaths, Marriages and Obituaries

... BIRTHS At 522 St Vincert Street, an the 26th inst., mIs| AVLAY BAIN; A s0o. At 217 New City Road, on the 26th inst., Mrs ADAM RUNCIE; a daughter. ( At 91 North Hanover Street, on the 25th inst.. hirs THOMAS HEBERT ; Lson. At 12 Ronald Street, on the 2Zth inst., Mrs ROBERT DAVIDSON; a daughter. At 349 Duke Strcet, on 26th inst, Mrs DAnX riDDELL; a daughter. At 66 Himilton Placo, Hillhead, on ...

Births, Deaths, Marriages and Obituaries

... ~. ?? 1 AsonosunensasiIt6 BtIw geatd 1Jfiaveaq a7- )ioauncemens ouit. arias affticlhed, ?? ?? Is Asteemecos. MARRIAGES. L HARTSHoRsNV-BrNG.-!-7th iost., at St. Mark's, Boxford, Bertram Flulre Hartehorne, of ?? and the Inner Temple, youkest son of the late Rev. Charles Hy . Hrtehorne, rector of Holdeuby, Northampton. shire, to Fredrica Armelia, latest surviving daughter of Rev. John Bsng, ...

Births, Deaths, Marriages and Obituaries

... ff THE LATE GALE AND FLOODS, I The !ldcods at Nottingham had subsided hv Tues- day, e- ?? over a part of -the -grass lands Inear. the' triver, which was still under water. SuVdsription ulists b ave beent opened for the suaerers by the floods. Perha ps the greatest distress was at the little villag of Wilforeand htt for the vicar , bRev. sfl Dbves ti? hld~is~ttreshw~oulddhave bu*en great~er. ...

Births, Deaths, Marriages and Obituaries

... )tTR to EARTH.-It has been nloarly shown. s theretb n. bu articles in the ,'Times and other leadtre 3iiunolsthaithe unitor l dead caon be properly carried out onlfy at the London Necropnie {'is~olun 061reteryl. Tue Oompprly in pro-! yarod to conduct itntenls without t to intorvention ot the ordi u idectnker at, any Ate.0 of btie proceoodlblso.A enplteyitltl or the innerat retorrm ...

Births, Deaths, Marriages and Obituaries

... BIRTHS, MARRIAGES, AND DEkilrsI BIXTllS. PHILPOT.-Oct. 7, at Barwol1111 1 ,t~Wl Fredk. Philpot, I.R. C.S., &C., The Emlios,1 daughter. AAlAGS ALVRRIAtGES. ?? '29, at the pot.]4- Office, Hull, MIr Edward Border, to Isij S Martinson, both of Goxhill. .s-Q: CRzaEESoAN-TURNE.-oCt. 5, at the P.r a cn-- Driffield, the Rev. John Cheesman, cuate e- Ehzaheths, eldest daughter of the late Wi liam *T- ...

Births, Deaths, Marriages and Obituaries

... THE ~'DEATH OF CC)dmIIXt&iEi 'We have Isen finssottrff'itli, the following communickm, tion, siddtsoseil by tile Saicietltry'- of the late Commodore tloovdenoogh to a friend, -wihichr'ornttsin'.soxnersery in.. teresting, details of thle hinsientablo incident whiclat re.. sulted in theo doath of thatt gallant oticer ir- 11L.' Peamrl, Sunday, 'August 15l, 1875. Ireorien atny lett r, to §lijoi ...

Births, Deaths, Marriages and Obituaries

... MARRIAGE OF VISCOUNT CASTLEREAGH ;AND LADY THERESA TALBOT. The roarriN o of Viscount Crastlreagh, the eldest eon of the Al\[iquis of Lonidondrerry, aend Lady, Theresa Tiahbot, the oldest daughter of thle Earil of Shreweirury, wats cele- brrrted ait Aiton Towears, err Satur-da~y. It was ait first in (curled ti st tiili widd in rig soild ho lwrivritc. oil account of the races t death o~ Lerly ...