Advertisements & Notices

... Bi:, l'LAtUF~, OR I'dlURE-S, 0 ISONJ).& M 'CULLOCH desire Miatateen 7eo9 3cwpadts proposiang to ST'E ?? T hltS to tlas Large [t5ESTOREKS ereted tb3rthe for the7 ealrrose., vat C -s noo SAUtl~t~ L~ ?? BEN RBEFREW ST., n !. : ti'tGESORGE'S ROAD, nzE ars eicoare' a Stored in seoarate aad distinct s -Co7,7tr ye emts oi Vsrioess sZe, r oiseew2 asxetlsteHLL Stravr. Grt.soow. 4tiE*aOcnrRStLgL STREET. ...

Advertisements & Notices

... ADVE -1ISE1h ENT INDX llnnefl'ori~D& lathe order ofthe Advertisementi ttosday _ Fu1BT rAGRe. WILUC.bP.OSLt - fl~il-O. kl-~.oi. Le. ¶lLot. *ft >v'lir- I btineee 'leo 8elle or et. -- (Groond to Feu.Lot. oSlie. P fect s. kl-uel-tlehlor tirtl. a ItecolIP. Gorernekc0S. . blul.'l, I.. va Bxe U'ENiTH 2&Ai. biillht i 8livSoted. loohib. pwfo l.ooai j*.eggiucultB. Public Noticea. i .. hwib~~R~~ ...

Advertisements & Notices

... REGISTRATION OF VOTEIS. COUNTY OF ANGLE sEY. ~TOTICE IS HEREP1 FY GIVEN, that THOMAS JONES, Esquire, Barrister-at-Law, INhaving ?? t-o Revise ?? of Voters for the County ofAnglesey, wilihold Courts for thatp~urpose athe underirneutiolnledtilmtesrend places;andtieuvoeisr s ouf ?? are requiredtoatteni ?? hoden for Revising the Listsirelating to their Parish, todeliver to the said Barrister the ...

Advertisements & Notices

... &IR EA T ~SA L EO OF DRAPIERY STOCK. aiE ongr continued depression in the~ vai ollon X ufactuving Distriota has enabled S. DAYEY AND CO., T ~oero at very large disoounts, for immediate cuh' To &Nu~e 90som most USEFUL JOB LOTS OF DRESS MATERIALS, PRINTS, HOUSEHOLD LINENS, GENERAL DRAPERY AND FANCY GOODS9 WHICH, TOGETHER WITH THEIR OWN VALUABLE AND VARIED STOCK, ?? be offered for PobliO SALE at ...

Advertisements & Notices

... Safe and Convenient Investment for Money HE OXFORD BUILDING and INVESf T MENT COMPANY (Limited), are now prepared to issue more Bonds. Persons wisliing to invest their money can apply to the Secretary, Mr. JOHN GALPIN, 15, New Inn Hall-street, Oxford. Any amount, from £6 upwards, can be lent. rhe loan can be withdrawn on three months' notice, or 9s may be otherwise agreed with the lender. The ...

Advertisements & Notices

... R AMSU ATE, MARGATE, BROADSTAIRS, IJ HERiNE BAY, by LONDON, CHATHAM, and DOVER RAILWAY. Shortest and most Direct Route. CHEAP FAST TRAINS on WEEK DAYS. a.m. P.m. VICTORIA ?? p.. ?? 1048 HOLBORY^\:IADUCT ?? ..IP. 11, 38 313 LUDGATE.1lLL .. . 10 48 o 13 Single. Fares by Cheap Fast Trains: Return.* IReturns Tickets are available by Cheap Fast Trains on same or fol- lowing day ; thoss issued on ...

Published: Sunday 17 October 1875
Newspaper: The Era
County: London, England
Type: Advertisement | Words: 5769 | Page: Page 2 | Tags: Advertisements & Notices 

Advertisements & Notices

... AUCTIONS : SALES BY AUCTION BY MICHAEL.CROOKE, 10 LOWER ORMOND-QUAY. THIS DAY (Fridsy). L ALES B AUCT I O N, -Br MICHAEL CROOKE, AUCTIONEER AND VALUATOR, To take place On THIS DAY (Friday) let October, 1875, At half-past 12 ooc, Inhis Publi Salerooms 10 LOWER ORMOND.QUAY, As followa, viz.,. i'rofit Rent, £187 Ss 6d-Prolit Rent of £187 3e 6d 'rslsng out of-undivided molety of Lands of Asbiown ...

Advertisements & Notices

... MI SCFJAJAN.EOU'S. i'gI iA , 6 n~l L&T-Cg JOIN GCVAY. .j. Al sdwting held st IMoR'ISSstV, I10flL, flswson-sleeet, o3 ?? Y. , the 7th day c'f IJ± telsr 18; 5, jt 5 lQ_ by the Lotd Mayor Elset, ...

Advertisements & Notices

... LOST AND FOUND. LOST. IVE SHILLINGS REWARD-Dropped, in Gloucester- FUreet, opposite No 116, a COAT POCKET, contain. iag lvs 2d. If finder brings same to 10 South Cumberland. Street he will receive the above reward. o20,38 4'O VND. FOUND straying on tbetownland of oleick paishof Clonard. after late fair of Bal- inaslce beth branded alike with the letters T M on right btle, letter H on left jaw, ...

Advertisements & Notices

... G-j RAIN SACKS, SHEEP NETS, TWINES and N_ ROCPES, MATS and MATTING, MATTRESSES and FEATHElR BEDDING, and BASKET WORK of ovory descrip- tion, inal'rfaetrered from Best JMaterials, and sold at Lowest Prices, iisac he had from THE ASYLUM FOR THE BLIND. 50, 11UNTLY STREET, A3E3nEEN. WI!. MESTON, Manager. AMERICAN LINE. UDIXTID STATES MAIL STEAMIERS. 'ti.±T.IIVEYPOOL TO PHILADEL- L P1I-IA overy ...

Advertisements & Notices

... ?? S I COCKLE'S ANT IBtILIO US P I LL S Owing to recent announcements bearing a simila r name, Mr. Cockle thinits it necessary to state that the above is the- ONLY PREPARATION Ike Places before the public. 18, New Ormnondi street, W.C. 0OCKLE'S AX'TIBILIOUS PILLS. Tese Pills consist of a careful and peculiar Admixture of the best an~d mildest vegetable aperients with the pure extract of the ...

Advertisements & Notices

... - lRAt~lSI,-;z~l7,iP AiJR 9>-11fSiAES.r 1JAN13 OR TRElADLE iS~Ul:WIG ,rACHIfNEiS. PIM~CE FRO[ M LI). h. FIVE PER, CENT. DISCOUNX FOR CASH. 1eoware of maciU odiitri at Orlowr tlee; i the abovc, ns old1 andll necon'l-biat:d 1o:wlilwi n re SI:::'ittiC.I ,-jitpaTinitetl alirt oftero'ld by ti:tlet! ;; i ?? 'In teevcnt di otto.n, ipur-clase at Onie of tho Conilipnys; Diranlvi ?? or of Agceto holding ...