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Births, Deaths, Marriages and Obituaries

... Wifrtfjz, P5rringess, ant ~tiitbo BIETHS. - 4Jsswnf-T.-On the 25th inet. at rulwood Toer TrfanI, thowi oa Mr. P. JAineworthb ofna . % 'Od Goamos.-At Stellenbosob. on the 2 Oth inst, t dt'agisst, Smscr Gordoo, Of a son. - 4iWO of X'ro. SeloVaIILD.-On the 22nd inst., at Comno - Ike do of Joseph Schofield, of a son. AMMOO, Rothdole, MABRIAGE' 3J)AM-ldASON.-On the 25th in AA Rev. U. C. Smith' M. . ...

Births, Deaths, Marriages and Obituaries

... MARRIAGES. ' On the 28th nit., at the Cathedral, Manchester, by the *, Rev. David Ellison, coasin of the bride, John, only son of Dr. Roberton, of Brighton-place, Mauchester, to Sarah Hannah, eldest daughter of John lsitbhen, Esq., of ant Ormasgill, Burrow-in-Furness. ver On the 29th ult., at Adelaide-street Chapel, Blikpool, 4 by the Rev. J. Wayman, assisted by the Rev. V. Lamb, rea George ...

Births, Deaths, Marriages and Obituaries

... . MARRIAGES. On the 20th inst., at the Parish Churoh, Preston, Mt. John. Bond, of Fleetwood, solicitori to Mrs. Elizabeth Lan- caster, second daughter of the late Mr. Paul Kilehaw, of Nebreck,. CoCkerhaiM. On the 13th inst., at the Particular Baptist Chapel; Vaumball-road, Preston, by the Rev. A. Smlth, of Chelten- ham, Mr. Robert Peel Garlick to- Mas Mary Ann Woods, both of. Preston. On the ...

Births, Deaths, Marriages and Obituaries

... DEATH OF PROFESSOR NEWTH. The announcement of the death of the Rev. Professor Newth will be received with a shock of surprise and regret in the homes of many of our readers. The suddenness of the event hba added to the distress of the wide circle of friends, professional and personal, whom Profesior Newth had made during his conneotion of nearly 20 yersr with the Lancashire Independent College ...

Births, Deaths, Marriages and Obituaries

... 3(t~bz, sarringet, tmb Bathst, BIRTHS. Bunirn.-Oo the Brd int, st 43, Peel-street, Eceles, the ?? eot ;so. Coleridge Bubior, of a daughter. 11Am.T o .-Oa thes4th a t., at Clarendon Rad, Sale, the wile of Androw Hamilton, of a daughter. Javous.-On the Gth; at Withington, the wife ofi e£ i;n Stanley J14ous, of a So!. ?? the 7th inst, at Ladybarn Crescent, Fallow. 9eld, Mrs. Gustav Lemptert, of a ...

Births, Deaths, Marriages and Obituaries

... MARRIAGES. Ap] On the 2nd inst., at the Parish Church, Preston, Mr. (w William Harrison to Miss Margaret Fullington; Ml'. fat William John Wilkins to Miss Ellen Mackley; Mr. Robt. b Wallbank to Miss Ellen Gerrard. On the 3rd inst., at the Parish Church, Preston, Mr. ma Edmund Swann to Miss Caroline Wilkinson. on On the 4th inst., at the Parish Church, Preston, Mr. me Isaac Gillbanks to Mrs. ...

Births, Deaths, Marriages and Obituaries

... BIBTHS. tewief .P. Blakeley, of a daughter. Brx&vo.-On the 18th binst. at 2111 Plymouth Grove, the wife 17,ofthe Rev. W. Finlsycon, ~of a. son. *)AUra.-On thol12th Ooto'ner,at Stnligh. Aigburth R'a j Liverp50l. the wife of ),.A.Galatti, of a dughter. oa ?? the 11th inst., the wife of John Hll, Th Ganmge,: gal e. of a daughter. JONqzs.- OD the Sth jnst. *at Walmereley RotC. Bury, the wife VI ...

Births, Deaths, Marriages and Obituaries

... _ Bit flatfge, Rub 3amt1*c BIRTHS. W. 8. Ashton, of a daug hter de , Dte t i dl Buog.-.on the 28th nit., St Perk View. Bolto. the wife at Jobs Butler. of a son. DAwsoc-JtOn the 2 5th alt.. at 8S. Ae,,and0 ROsA, Mom Sidle, tho Wife Of John Daweon, of a daughter, ?? ffunudJ., Sept. 26th, at Higher Broughtsem Mary linice, Wife or James Fielding, of a, aon. V1GRL.- On the 26th nat., at Clonaa'lLa ...

Births, Deaths, Marriages and Obituaries

... TBS -LATE MR. CH&ARLESIWAL EEL . 'Quir readrs will hear with feu a te if the death of Mr. Walkr .the veteran city a;id 0ooiatyr magistrate, a gentleman wio was 'when in. the prime of life an ardent upporter of Manes~ter Liberalism, and who has -en- joyed, tio the end of his days, the warm rogard of -his fellow.citizeus without disti~notion of part~y. He inherited much of the publio esteem ...

Births, Deaths, Marriages and Obituaries

... BIRTH. On the 25th inst., at Singleton Cottage, Singleton, the I wife of William Pitt Miller of a son. On the .26th Inst., at Lauderdale-street, wife of Mr. C. A W. Newman, of a son. a On the 26th inst., at Lilybank, Leyland, near Preston, a the wife of David Grant, Req., of a son. a MARRIAGES. a At Fern Les, Mffat, N. B., on the 26th inst., by the U Rev. Robert Wright, Dalbeattie, cousin of ...

Births, Deaths, Marriages and Obituaries

... Aswrreou.-On tbe 20tbYinqt. at The Crtscenlt, IlgerbOn R~oad. I'all..vrflai, the wife Of deorge, R. Aslitois of a eon.4 1)vx~s O _17th Oat., at Vanbrugh Fields, W1'ackhexth, Rent, the Wild of Fred. E3. DoclrIham. 0.13., of at Son.L 'MC.rnuow.-On the 18th inst,, ant Nordiffe, Broughton Park, the wife of J. 13. blo. K~rrow, ed a daughter, 'W311TrnSiM)-On the17thbinst.,tbe wile oT.Xay Whtehsad,3 ...

Births, Deaths, Marriages and Obituaries

... . DEATH OF MR. PHILIP THOMSON. We regret to announce the death of Mr. Philip Thomson, so many years associated with the develop- ment of banking in Manchester, and formerly connected ali with the newspaper press in this city. Mr. Thomson, who was born at Oatridge, near Lin- l.ibhgow, in lS06, oame to Manchoster in 1824. He joined the latei Mr. Archibald Prentice in business, and was concerned ...