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Births, Deaths, Marriages and Obituaries

... BIRTHIS, MARRIAGES, AND DIEATIHS. BIRTHS. Soan. E3rAlcE, Mrs. G. D., at Monklstown, co. Dublin, Sept. uS. CARs, Iies. David R., at Chepstow-villas, Bays- vater, Sept. 29. C141scIesTER, wifebof Major H., RA., at Gibraltar, Sept. 25. CuTrrnn, Mrs. W. H., at Collinghato-place, South Kensingtlon, Sept. So. Dtcos , wife of the Rev. R. H., at Eastchurch, Sept. u4. I-OREn, wife of Mr. T. E. O., W.S., ...

Births, Deaths, Marriages and Obituaries

... ff THE LATE GALE AND FLOODS, I The !ldcods at Nottingham had subsided hv Tues- day, e- ?? over a part of -the -grass lands Inear. the' triver, which was still under water. SuVdsription ulists b ave beent opened for the suaerers by the floods. Perha ps the greatest distress was at the little villag of Wilforeand htt for the vicar , bRev. sfl Dbves ti? hld~is~ttreshw~oulddhave bu*en great~er. ...

Births, Deaths, Marriages and Obituaries

... )tTR to EARTH.-It has been nloarly shown. s theretb n. bu articles in the ,'Times and other leadtre 3iiunolsthaithe unitor l dead caon be properly carried out onlfy at the London Necropnie {'is~olun 061reteryl. Tue Oompprly in pro-! yarod to conduct itntenls without t to intorvention ot the ordi u idectnker at, any Ate.0 of btie proceoodlblso.A enplteyitltl or the innerat retorrm ...

Births, Deaths, Marriages and Obituaries

... BIRTHS, MARRIAGES, AND DEATHS. BIRTHS. BANTER, Mrs. So0Ns. WILLIS, wife of Major-General Gcorgp, GB., a BAT , r.Alexander B,, at Penn-road-villas, Ches ham-street, Oct. 24~. NT., Oct. 25. WoMre dlh ?? etnte BAYLEY' Mrs. Francis, at Poiat do Galls, Ceylon, Paris 0cdin. Ado h t u h .pebe Sept. ro. Paris, tTtOR25 BreMrs. Charlec, at Mlilner-terrace, S.W., AuLAno, Mrs. Percy 1-6., IL The Retreat, ...

Births, Deaths, Marriages and Obituaries

... Death of a Celebrated American Actress. Miss Charlotte Crampton, one of the greatest and most gifted actresses that ever trod the American stage, died in St. Joseph's Infirmary, Louisville, Ky., October 5th, at the age of fifty-five years. She made her last appearance on the stage at Mccauley's Theatre in that city September 20th, acting the Queen in Hamlet, and a day or two there after she ...

Births, Deaths, Marriages and Obituaries

... BIRTHS, MAARIA4GES, AND DEATHI-S. BIRTHS. SONSit TIL'Nr, hrs. J., at High-street, Ciarmin ArAMaS, Mrs. Sicney P., at Diptford, South Devon, Oct. 1i. Oct. IS W\Ai.TLACi, wife of the Rev. James, at the Grammar BAL I;srt ins. Willianm, at Saltmarshe Castle, School, Loughborooigh, Oct. o.. e erdfordls6re. Oct. o;. DAuGnttrLtcS. Li TiLEI, Mife of hr. Ts M., S urgeon, at Guildford, CLoAY, wife of ...

Births, Deaths, Marriages and Obituaries

... DEATH 0P THE DEAN Or CMOCEZS-TB. I II W - - _ E. 1 t ;A .n ?? .. . II--Az - I I 'l'be ov. r. I Valter Jrarqubsr ltooc, iieli1i or Chilies. ter, died on Wednesday, in his seventy-sevelit b year. He was educated at Winchester Sehool, and at Christ ChJurch, Oxford, where he graduateul in 1821. lo vwas vicar cf Trinity Chulrch, Com-entry, from 1829 to 1S37, whon he wees appointed vicar of ...

Births, Deaths, Marriages and Obituaries

... I - - THE LATE HEAVY (A1ES. - I 'harbour. Her perilous position having been ob- served fron the shore3 the Abrahais Thomas life- boat, belonging to the National ins tltion. vsas in- stantly launched through the breavers, and saved ,the crew of four menm About one oclock the, same morning the screw steamer Altona, Irom 'Hambubg- for Sunderland, ran on the rocks off the last nasied port. The ...

Births, Deaths, Marriages and Obituaries

... AUGJA .-Sevtembee 20, at £ton-rf, SLifg, te tt Of It. R. A , of a daughter. 4I8S.-S ' tc aber20. at Clwrd-hous& Sen-h6ll Suxe, Ais * ln f t , of A IoU. WADIN ,-Septombt 29, at HoUyhoui%, 3EMfoid, the Wifts of Ca Beadiu, of a daughter. DURNE'lTL-Septewber 80, at CI~oydon, 8uiier, the wife of, 0.1 RlBurnett, of & son. DA'WVSON,-So6ote;bWSO at AIeMndra-roid, AlexanDa-park,' )faueeheoter, tile ...

Births, Deaths, Marriages and Obituaries

... BIRTHS, MARRIAGES, AND DEATl71. BIRTHS. SONS. PICKERING, Mrs. George A., at Asylami-road BASSETT, Wife of Dr., at Hockley-hill, Birming- Peckbam, Oct. 7. ionm, Oct. 7 STuls, wife of Dr., Staff Surgeon-Major, Malta, BoULTON, the wife of M. P. W., at Tew Park, is Lonsdale-square, Oct. 2. Oxfordshire, Oct. 6. STUARr, Mrs. J. E., at Fairview, Haorpstead, Bvtpells, wife of the Rev. F. H., at ...

Births, Deaths, Marriages and Obituaries

... BIRTH,rs t.Jh'Wod On the 28th ult., at go, Halaniton Terrace, St. John's Wood, the wife of Mr. JOHN IAA. of a dehter II the wit On the 25th ,Lt. oM 57, NVejI~sStreet, Cmewltewr of Mr. JoHN WM. BROOKE of a son. B)EATHII doln od On the 7th inst., at Sq, Charlotte Strent, Caledonian Road, MIr. R. . HANWELL, aged 44. ...

Births, Deaths, Marriages and Obituaries

... A gentleman of eccesitr oharater L w,,ltes a . :orreWpdlhdent) just died' at Don 'l5 Isle ot a His* ~ .nae i:E~ o-rro Henri lBaume. ji Pgsi lbhjb birth§ buq,*,#.hthue~hat ?? i b amo to L4uop944 u h Ya 8>.r 1826, and odommend lb -carcer tho o extraordinary that he -was frequently broug t intb plid' notico. At one tildse' ie was a ; readher ,hoelaig pgCnti3Y ideas oii theologica qutsetions. ...