Births, Deaths, Marriages and Obituaries

... mol -- -- Mal NVEDeLNFSDAY, October 27, 1875. Bell _______________ ~~~~in t mos - N in f~~~nace on 25th cur~t., thle wife of JAMES B~ISSEiT rtav 'N cihicrn Assuratnc Offlice, of as 'i' 'Ma N ii~vs-treet, Aberdleen, oin the 21st i st., tl aft itM Xi (iiof a daughltE~r. t I -IA,.iSreet, oni thle 24thi inst., the wife of J. C. PEAR- b ad ! .N3. I1 and 0. Co., of it daughlter. reoc N: 'l~tria ...

Births, Deaths, Marriages and Obituaries

... BIRTHS At 522 St Vincert Street, an the 26th inst., mIs| AVLAY BAIN; A s0o. At 217 New City Road, on the 26th inst., Mrs ADAM RUNCIE; a daughter. ( At 91 North Hanover Street, on the 25th inst.. hirs THOMAS HEBERT ; Lson. At 12 Ronald Street, on the 2Zth inst., Mrs ROBERT DAVIDSON; a daughter. At 349 Duke Strcet, on 26th inst, Mrs DAnX riDDELL; a daughter. At 66 Himilton Placo, Hillhead, on ...

Births, Deaths, Marriages and Obituaries

... )tTR to EARTH.-It has been nloarly shown. s theretb n. bu articles in the ,'Times and other leadtre 3iiunolsthaithe unitor l dead caon be properly carried out onlfy at the London Necropnie {'is~olun 061reteryl. Tue Oompprly in pro-! yarod to conduct itntenls without t to intorvention ot the ordi u idectnker at, any Ate.0 of btie proceoodlblso.A enplteyitltl or the innerat retorrm ...

Births, Deaths, Marriages and Obituaries

... T1VLATE SIR' JOHN QRAY. *e ?? received the following subscriptions t- I \ ThbompoLn Esa. 85 Lower Gardf.- £ ..X5 5 0 .tli Gibson, Esq., M.P., 23 Fitz. F.i6ljt.nSshtuaI'O -. 3 3 0 ,es Whelan, Esq-, 3 Merrion-square, ,M, Eoq.,North Earl-street ?? 1 0 0 F Dub, AMontrose, Cabra ?? 2 0 0 ' t plrcell, Esq., 16 Longwood. I 0 0 ,Ile ifllowving letters accompanied some of the , 0Ve :- TO M r. DABRC, ...

Death of Snt Wheatstone.—The death is Announced of Sir Charles Wheatitone, which took place I in Paris 011 ..

... Charles, who was the 'scientific j inventor of the electric telegraph, and professor of experi- mental philosophy in Kick's College, was born Glouees- j in 1802. Nearly years ago devoted his attention to the adaptation of electricity to a practical system i telegraphing?, and with the realisation of that object his name will be inseparably associated. In 1808 he receive 1 the onour of ...

Births, Deaths, Marriages and Obituaries

... BIRTHS, MARRIAGES, AND DEATHS. B I RT HS. DOONAN-Oct. 21, at Richmond Street, Longford, the wife of the, Rev. W. C. DQonan, of a daughter. NENVETT-Oct 23, at Ligoniel, Belfast, the wife of Robert H. Nevwett, physician and surgeon, of a son, SCOTT-Oct. 22, at 8, BIlgin Terrace, Belfast, the wife of the Rev. Cherles Scott, of a daughter. hi A R 1 I A G E 5,. EAiLESON-SLOAN-OcL 25. atSt. Anne's ...

Births, Deaths, Marriages and Obituaries

... 'HS. MA.RRIAGBES, AND DEATHS. B 1RTH S., LLOYD -Oct. 21, st G1, Park Ax'enne, Sandymount, u. 0gb>:.n the Nvife of Arti' ar Lloyd, Esq., pro- pridTul of Que ru's Thetatre, of a dlaugh:er. L YONS-0 r. 17, at RedJLill, Surrey, the wife of RB C. s. Lyons, ETh,.. late 43r 1 Light- Ifmantry, of a sOn. , 't:'E .t. 2., at M rket Strlcet, Downpatricl, the .f Alh sanutr Moore, O! a son. PIUHARDSON-Oct. ...

Births, Deaths, Marriages and Obituaries

... DEATH 0P THE DEAN Or CMOCEZS-TB. I II W - - _ E. 1 t ;A .n ?? .. . II--Az - I I 'l'be ov. r. I Valter Jrarqubsr ltooc, iieli1i or Chilies. ter, died on Wednesday, in his seventy-sevelit b year. He was educated at Winchester Sehool, and at Christ ChJurch, Oxford, where he graduateul in 1821. lo vwas vicar cf Trinity Chulrch, Com-entry, from 1829 to 1S37, whon he wees appointed vicar of ...

Births, Deaths, Marriages and Obituaries

... BJ1TILMA, MARRIAGES, AND DEATHS. ?? .. ?? e ?? eil r srs ?? be. autghsj- Wddby the signature aend address Of the sencUr, without ieuk they cawn in in case bi ilwartad. ?? EY-Oct. 23, the wife of Yeremlah Coffey, Statiob mi-tir Great Southern artd Vestern Rajiway, Bally. h rorht: of a daughter-. 4ox-Otct..°23 at Eortfileld, Dunmurry, the Wife of Geo. ji~no of a sOU. pownzS-r. I2. at Clashinote ...

Births, Deaths, Marriages and Obituaries

... BIRTHS, MARRIAGES, AND DEATHS. BIRTHS. BANTER, Mrs. So0Ns. WILLIS, wife of Major-General Gcorgp, GB., a BAT , r.Alexander B,, at Penn-road-villas, Ches ham-street, Oct. 24~. NT., Oct. 25. WoMre dlh ?? etnte BAYLEY' Mrs. Francis, at Poiat do Galls, Ceylon, Paris 0cdin. Ado h t u h .pebe Sept. ro. Paris, tTtOR25 BreMrs. Charlec, at Mlilner-terrace, S.W., AuLAno, Mrs. Percy 1-6., IL The Retreat, ...

Births, Deaths, Marriages and Obituaries

... At 184 Coweaddetis Street, on the 25th inst., Mrs WILLIAM HUNTER; a son, I At 14 Rose Street, South Side, Glasgow, on the )4th inst., Mrs T. S. PHILIP; a daughter. At 3 Pitt Street, on the 24th inst,, the wife of Mr ROBERT WINTHROPE; a son. At 103 Canning Street, on the 24th inst., Mrs EDWARD G. DICSON ; a daughter. At 252 Cumberland Street, South Side, Glas- gow, on 25th inst., Mrs DAVID LANG ...