... p THIE GREAT AMERICAN EXHIBITION. (AFom a C02-responclent). PHILADELPHIA, 18th March, BY this time the civilised world is convinced of the fact, 6 that this national undertaking will terminate in a most successful manner. I have just returned from Fairmount Park, which isfourcmiles outin the western limitsof this city. It is the largest park in the world except Windsor, contain- ing 2,740 ...


... IUTERATUBE, SCIENCE, AND ART. - r . - . -. A . . Ad- - ---L -. -X 9 . .p We learn that Mr Hain Friswell, the author of The f Gentle Life,1 and many other popular works, is lyig I d angerusyil'from congestion of tho brain. Hias 'Inumerous friends will regret to hear that he is totally ir incilpacitated at present from. all literary woric.,, pr'e so MsLinn Linton is writing another novel.- ts ...


... t; e- The saying that when things are at their worst they sometimes mend is, we have reason to hope, in a infair way to be verified in the matter of music. We XIhave more than once had occasion to lame t the falling es oe in orchestral music in Aberdeen, if it could ever 2 really be said to exist among us. Such as it was at one ;y time it was not unworthy of credit, but from spine cause or ...


... 1-musia - ? i. PiWAL PAT4; , Ai sfi t d Sa attrday aonicert gf the newseries, t Do~bU qoddqrd ?? anA si~tUwtII au,- G e s repepti4 on her entry; and a af*r hMr, i tlmant performance. of Mondelasohm's rt pigiofatte is concerto (ii mi$pri, whigh she pi pjeh tlto poa1 8 powers so othe before diomeanted oii in rference to hbr r, p ItiCO 65 tie same work at these concerts, at thee. n ?? pa s pci a ...


... ? AI A 7 -7-7-F-C ON - ? ? t I . .. . I .? , , ?l at I . I I I . . . : ?? I Thetitle Letters of Eli ?? i R.o B. H. ornle, given to thetwvoetavO volumes o published under the editorsbi of Mr. Townshend -I 'Mayter (lTentley dud Son), ii skely' to aewiaken ex- peotations amuong the admirors of that distin i guished poetess wvhich are in 501Db degree doomed I to di~sapp'oiiintmentt The letters ...


... UIILUBTRArhD BOOKS. The accomnivshed authoress o .Untroddeq Peaks and.' Unfrequented ValeYs, has ehosen Ifo her latest ?? a countey which is certainly neither iuntroddtn nor unfrequented. Readers Way learn with something like alarm that the title of her 'no r.cord. of' travel (Longmaus)is A Thousand Miles up the Nile. The mysterrywhich of old ?? the abin Moountains and the' 'eaE odsii has ...


... TOTO OHEZ TATA. A. oxItOIEUU VEDYMtBf DU DAILY NAEW5. |MoNSIBUlt, - La 14 novembro dernicr nod2C avons, MI. Emdnlu et moi, prsenttti itia'xaen de la OWL , auglaisne a pieco de I o cihez :Lla. IL Pigott nee A dUclar6 qu'il no pnnrettrait, sous sucani prtextit A iit prdseutatioi de cutte conedie. bousnous uos55onied-t sais protester a ladscisioO ?? qUO roaiS inun ut quo je voudiais pouvoir ...


... THlE I)RAMA IN PARIS. I Ono. of our Paris Correspondents writes: Ant nlusluil event ha;S talell p1lac at the Thftitio l'ranenis, tlbe produlctioll of twvo neiv pio'os on the same niiht. Tfho first is it collody in '1lo act, entitled lu (0iolie c Jc e les 1ourm7is, ald it is written b~y MI. Leogoave, the illus- trious orator and acalelnlicitil, in collabora- tion rvith Mr. Elug'ntIo Labicho, ...


... I CURRENT LITERATURE' 1 ?? !ober't Dune Osborn'b TIsmn under the Ambs Qiongmans, Green, oand Co.), although eo plate ital f is the first of threevolumesintended t~ enbre as eomplete history of the Muham- iaddn faith. In the 'first instalment of a work on which M~ajor Osborn has beenh employed for the last Seven years. the ris~e and jro'gress of! Islamx is traced from the Prophet himself to ...


... DRA2MA. JdTY. While half the tlieatres 'in London are still Closed and niost managers are only beginning to think about pieces for the appronohing season, the management of the Gaiety have asoused almost as suddenly as the inmates of Mr. Teunyson's Sleeping Palace, and, Without so much as an intermediate yawn, arxe bustling and awake, as if Boxing Night or Easter Monday had come round again. ...


... r ' I d t~sfk ' m9 ' Alp. ,: i , ?? 1 ?? ~i~ami 4M*,b&eVe forbseei, 6AS w ~do no W4ef 6* vre o*A ac ltratur abaicquhepqefvrt tl4. baiee tol wer1e *#Opp ItINt repb~I Mm ~bii4 6f x&igtlioii soike1y to' ,6o0iii .iiib~Sttesas ' ~entsaha~3,ds~ate dif. ?? Wi3Sv Mp;'h, Yai~avA. tk ' Of -:r77 tr~i~ not toa b TtrW9 iantsnffiea isn~~~bh~ M.ioeto luc aseim ikw ~46v~4live. an ata~ yo iii~~h ...


... I .! ? ! _VM4, 4 - , I I RlOYAL ITALIA OP1.UL ' Sisetablishment opened for the season last *Igbtk when the opera seleoted for the ocoadion was Woainm'a Guylsdo Toll. As Mr. qye's, prospectus of arrangementa for the now season hop alrqady bpeo 4um- Inaeed by usF we have nowo only to do vwith last night's oarforroenoo, whioh wasx i~ontical, in the cast, with that f last season. M~dfle. Biunebi, ...