... I ANTICIPATIONS Jludgin~g by the great nlumber oif 10~ ari'ivetl at Ascot, large fie]ldsma b I I have very little chiange, to make'i ii dttic;ted given in yesteiulay's AMercusq. In t~i `3`'cvji as Duke of Parma is likely to pr~o, j2o -Sta~ke& I shiall sttbstitut~e SCAMP'S ItJUMC,. s Obitee,1 CIIANCELLOII to furnish the whll, that o1 stated, C'onseil should get a MIl- e, befye Wales's Plate, ...


... Iptopoil tTflltP . SAT-rS POPVIJ M8 UPEM . 8UMMABY. DOMESTIC. The Duke of Abercorn has resigned the lord-lieutenancy -of Ireland, and is suc- ceeded by the Dake of Marlborough. The Social Science Congress got through a good deal of work on Saturday, although the afternoon was partly devoted to excursions. In the health section, a paper by Dr. Lowndes on infanticide, was con- sidered so ...


... , .1. 11 - 1. , 1-1 1, c ?? wrwi i,. ?? ?? -- - i.? ?1. - 3 =IIG VT -LONDON.-4 4 ?? Ma,0 .1WATmILQO CtlP. .ln. ' ?? tto 2 nst 3Hutbtinsqsn'pio= *q Ct) . . 40 tp 1 ?? ?? . 'e no tio1. . , §8 i t _ Lk *e~~~lito~taR§= ta ...


... i a k,'INT ALIGE bridg ?? Lard inecin without a don I6~tC favoulite for monej 1 1060 to 150 being eregmo~hehkt wB hile Th Gj who nominal yetood& a:I the sa ?? showefi~~ unbdn onceeaan, longe fo-t b 6fjoee pblocmt o unitness at IOMw1Y* Viiaca~rd at03 tolt, tkeninthe rlgh btqure',andolde~ andooicamatanoea whiuleb'o4l 'b 0 ruan. yzoxa-~aiuneasswifll 1p -bOM,. 100 to 15 agst Lord ...


... I Trg UNIZrYfl8tT .oATA COAD4IGE ¶I.TALL EIGHlS Thinsrvea, a kind of middle gark Plate to the2 contest at Easter, took place ovcr the eustoipary come a- miles beyond Ely, yesterday afternoon. Theao raea wea e few fixed for next Saturday, bat, owing to examinationsand ot evils intervenimn, it was found necesssry to row it a weu earlier than- bad becn prevlously arranged- The obje of the Trial ...


... BOy.Al, MILITARY ACADENY STORT47. In tele presence of a large assemblage the cadets at thle R ill military Acatdvemy Wouowicil, Cl;gCed in their aInnliUmI ?? 8ports p testerda. ?? euclisuro before the Acateoy b,.tbeell e r l'tly enlarged siace last year, and thelo wvas ?? apace Itihe various events, With eiaplo accomimodation for the nce uLi)re, 1 i pootivu ot wlhoi occupiot a couvenieut stand ...


... I SPOTINQ INTELTIGFNOP -I ~1WPINOf ?? LIONDOMPFlmky, twi) 2gly, AI0d &v0oid of 'oll eldfollow~s 01WVI( AffD P4fUMMA2II, If t I awt eefii (ti 1)to I Li Jet n ?? it) lU to I 11ex1MIOYi tsind go oI I ft o ke(Ott, Ai tOH) ko 1 'ifle to A(I 1W toI 'Vit Ati, AM 4 an toxavjtA) IiQ lbotoa I 41a 0 ite Tem 0itoIt( toIoA ifcxei (Aoff) O 11 to 2 ogat Ie rb(ff 0 o, lI Age R dret Tom. (t to I it)t I A-en oL ...


... SPORTING INTHlLIQ ENG DJ(MTING UT LONDON.-FmrD&1 Pirecedig Ithe London. marklet were on a Xmikkalmalk anai col torn coumt, 1'rcecs olneed so undor: ASOCOT STlAMM& 6 to I agt CondiI ( IXU to 10 to I apet Chancollor (Ii) it & ` II t10to I lsrrletiuaws(o) Ill) to 12 - Laecec of 11 to I - 1entgliier i toI1- keea.( 201to-I0I 10 to I - olso t I2oyA.L R1UNT cup. 101 to Iapgt Beoussele (t 0) 25 Oto I. ...


... I OXFORD ANIL CAMBRIDGE CHESSI I MATCH. I Chess has within a few years Improved so . rapidly in popularity that tournaments, national, international, and nrovincial, and matches be- tween individuals, clubs, and Universities have grown toofrequent to excite any extraordinary interest. Nevertheless, the institution of an annual ohems contest between the great Univer- sities, whose more ...


... SPORTING INTrELLIGENO1 I LIVERPOOL NOTES. C TO TflE ?? OF THE DAILT N2W9. Sm,-Tbe sport at Aintree this afternoon was hardly up to the form expected, and thea best field came forth for the Molyneax Cup, which. showed the Irish t32 More Queen of the Bees to be in bter Doncacter form. ~ Dee and Blue Iliband ran a dead heat for the Mtersey Stakes, and the most notable of thoesi behind the pair ~ ...


... A- SPO~RTNG?INTEUIGENt I l, l. A - -P I TENEWMAR~xE JULY 'EETIIG. TO TIM 11DITOl OFHU 31 rAnT irZY& SM,-When. Mr. Gee's sale was over the pro. gramme of eleven raees to be deolded babluit the D~itoh looked appealling enough, but these, goptonately, were3 reduced to eight by forfeits and a Walk-iiver, and'thie owners of Kitty Sprightly and Regialenutoctcoer ki~dly agreing to divide, the dead ...


... 1 SPOIRTING' INTELIGENOF VIE1 GOODWOOD MEETING. to K DIT~n OF TIM 2IAnhT Mews. Bnt,-Th6 ususaCup, day's fare was served up, I this stfternoon, a long straggling csrd being'issued, I whilst; walk-overis sand sweepstales -reduced tor matches were the rule. Dovedale and Mousque- 's tair wer goo er4~ug forthetwo han4'oi~pe,a and he lbs pealt faledto top :Shillelagh in I the Moceombe gmat s ...