... CUSTODY COURT-.YsTflDAY. (Before SAsrrm M'CAUSLANW, Esq., J.P.] VrIOLaNT ASSAULT. Thomas M'Kinley, Margaret Hilton, and Thomas Hilton were charged with violently ?? Hilton in a house in Green Street on the 31st ult. The prosecutor stated that the female prisoner was his wife, and one of the other prisoners Was his son. Between eight and nine o'clock on the even- ing of the day in question he ...


... HnaLBEGGoA, TuZSDAY.-An investigation was held in this town to-day, into the circumstances connected with what Appears to be a very daring attempt to shoot a respectable farmer, named Samuel Belton, who resides at Mountrath, near Rahue, County Westmeath. From the information of Mr. Belton, it would appear that on the previous evening he observed some cattle trespassing in his oat field. He ...


... DUBLIN LAW COURIHTS. I YESTERI)AY. [FROM OUR CORRESPONDESVh]. THE LORD JUSTICE OF APPEAL AND THE JUDICATURE ACT. Is giving judgment yesterday in a case, Joyce v. Blake, an appeal from the Judge of the Landed Estates Court, The LoRD JusTics of APPrE took occasion to allude to. the Irish Judicial Bill, a measure which i he said was introduced, no doubt, by a very able gentleman, but one who bad ...


... CUSTODY COURT-YEsSTEDAY. [Before Dr. BROWSE, U.N., J.P.; PH1LIPJOHNSTON, Esq., J.P., and EmAs I. Tsonsos, Esq., J.P.] EARLY AT THE DRINK. Samuel M'Cormick, a young lad, was charged by Sub.Constable Charles Maguire with having been drunk and disorderly. There was a further charge against the prisoner for using party expressions. Sub-Constable Maguire stated that shortly after eleven o'clock on ...


... DOWI?TAThlCE QUARTER SESSIO?S? [FRoM O UR CORSSPOYDEBlT.]J DoWNaPATR.iOK, Tnuzapay.-ThO business of the- quarter sessions for this district wvas resumed tihis morning, at ten o'clcck, before HOanRT JO~rST.ON, Eaq., Q.Ct., Chairma of the County DownB. IM1PORTAf TO SA1TX MNAGER Imnieduately after taking his seat on the bench, Hisi Wostsnr delivered the following judgment: .At the late revision ...


... DUBINX LAW COURTS. SATURDAY., [FROM OUR COnRESPONDLEN'S.l RtO L L C C O U R T. 51r. K y 'li V. TISMEY.I Mr. a ispecy (on behalf of the iefendant) applied f -r a Fspcial subpwena to compel the attendance of a 'A i tlness who had declined to attend on the ordinary R2tioe process examninrdon. It was a suit of the plaintiti; who residxes in Belfast, to set aside some deeds relating tX property of ...


... .THE,,BLAbKlURN TRyAGEDY. f T.. BL . . . N TR. . THE FULL COQFESSION OF FISH. , T dzhAN-Z j * 3llackburn, Thursday Night. ?? ?? into the ocalwamitanood Attendlhge the death of Emily Hollaudv whose mysterlous dlsaPP05rBDCO from her homeo oi the 28th of March last land the elrcumatahees attend. ?? the finding of portions of her body have cre- ated so much attettion throughout the, country wa ...


... I I F l ThW ribt gon. the Lord Mayor eat yesterddy to disose ol ithe onoutusiness. r Duke v, Johanton,-This was a summons for 15s. alleged. to be dqe for work and labour. - Wrd, Dulke, the plaintiff, Stated his case, He saidbe nwas a working cutler. Miss Johbnton,;. of tl Hood'e Hotel, Great Bruawewick-street, gave him teo dozen of knives to ' grind and buff. He did the workiand carried the ...


... FPOLICE INTELLIGENOE-YESTERDAY I. .1-A A ?? AX A ~ A, NoRTILisN DIVIStON, (Before Mr. C. J. O'DoneL) 4Ooierdy Assault.-A rtough etalwxrt-looking fellow named Edward Gallagher, was charged with having committed a violent abeault ?? Unfor- tunate woman named Bridget Whelan,of BulU-lanb. The complainantwho appeared weak in the ottreaie and seemed to have been terribly beaten, dposed that the ...


... I THE RXRVlrjiIANS. C Australia, arrive ' jeIifC fro Queosow d BWhU~ehIWsOn*1Zl),', 4Wel&Ahe no~~ the eso aff bw Ie days ago it tia wstmng the num*1W~ enece expired last, Jauri n o ?? Pr W~d~tW ~m Loll~MY ~6 did toda]14~iaj & , d I e 4iii w iv i gnti woe tstriking. 'f1i4ugh ;at or oulisifiug~illuat1tltoD of the firm hold' kdh the old Fe'ep4n d~icilies .eand lbt~' Ian~obtm h l Irish ii ...


... .HE FERBANE, MURDER. I (From our Reporter). Tullai aorc, Monday. At ten o'clock this morning, Ahe fifth day of Peter Claffey's trial for the murder of Micbael Rig- a ney, was entered on. - A juror (Ml. Healy) who was ill on Sunday Ox-. pressed himself able to proceed with his duties as i juror. Mr, S. N. Elrington, barrister-at-law, who was sworn' reporter at the last and March assizes, was ...


... POLICE INTELLIGENCE-SATURDAY. ZORTRERN DIVISTON. (Before Mr. C. J. O'Donol.) Street Obstructiona.-John Byrne, a greengrocer, Talbot-street, was summoned by Polioe-constable 138 C for exposing vegetables for sale outside his *hop. In reply to Air. Mlorgan Kavanagh, who, instructed by Mir. C. Kane, appeared for the de. fendant, the constable said that the defendant's shop had railings at each ...