... GOLD MZDALS 1 '.—Another Gold Medal has just been awarded by the Jurors of the Paris Exhibition. 1876, to GSOROK Boawicaaad SO«, for their wsll-itnown slakinir Powder. This is he THIRD GOJ,TJ MBDIL adjudged to that flrtn by the mcst .cientific chemmts oi the day, a? an acknowledgment of the I 8upeci'«ie\ Boawm PARIXO PtWDan o*er every other Baking Powder for rnlsing Breid without Yean, and ...

- cu NTY courtsof record.,

... cu NTY courtsof record., n,rttNQS OF THE COURTS f(lR OF FEBRUARY, 17C Circuit 2G. H('XA.TIO LLOYD, ESQ., f tgoi Monday, Februay ol^-hOid .angcJii ••• rlties;]ay, &rnarvin. ••• •*« Wednetday, ttql I.. Friday, ,,1 Polywel Tui-sday, „ 1 V'reJa4 Wediiesd-ty, 1 Thurday, „ 1 lint Jldo uibin on way •.nrwst ogolleu.\ iNi on d. „ tnbtih W81AGE. ORDERS. TELEGRAM W81AGE. 5I0NEY ORDERS. TELEGRAM 01m ...


... ST. GEORGE. CHRISTMAS TREATS.—The Lord-Lieutanant for Flint- shire (H. R. Hughes. Esq.,of Kinin: 1). and Lady Florenb'a. Hughes, with that generosity and good feeling for their poorer fellow-cre ituros, which are so characteristic of them, made ample provision for the Christ-mas dinners of their workpeople. Two prime fat oxen were divided amongst the workmen on the estate, and the poor ...


... SPECIAL COMMERCIAL TELEGRAMS. fTBOM OUB OOMKIBCIAL WtPORTXPA.1 Ths Stock Exchange Committee have appointed IWsday, the 6th January^ a special s«^+ling day in the four thousand Ten per Cent Preference Shares of the Newfoundland Company (limited), bo be officially noted. The prospectus of the Metropolitan and Brighton Railway is advertised to-day, but it con- fine no further information but what ...

[No title]

... BACCNr-Tt boiea o J Wiltshire cat to emvs. 62 7-ks. g-t-d p- JOHNSTON, MILES, CO., Provision and Produce Brokers, Csrdiff and pri finesten&fine States and Canadian. IVOi and FAMfl (Tobey and Booths), to arrive Wlkljt. K. COLLETT, Provision MercDaat, Cardiff, j 20MIUM CELEBRATED BACON, the new Wiotsr Cum, can BOW be obtained on apolication to ti-,e Ajr ...

[No title]

... LATEST ARRIVALS .I5J,-3SBNARTH ROADS. CARDIFF, Friday Night.—Vi&RIA, Baker, 57, light. COAM^OOD 8% Runciman, 700/ifeht. ARIEL, 112, bal- ALMA, St Ledger, 106, ballast. OCEAN BELL Williams, 188, ballast. SILVER EAGLE, Brown, 68' light. PBTBK JOSEPH, .Gournie, 135. liaht. VICTORIA Mitchell, 7 £ ^»aliast. GLSSSFABDOX, Steer, 128, ballast. Qumn, Aldridge, 30, ligfct. TOWEB, 72, cement. CAM- BBIA, ...


... co HN. WREXHAM, Thursday.—ThiJ/ollowing were the Quota- tious White wheat .new) 7s 6d to 7s 6d Red (iitto I uew).: Od to 7f 8d Barley (grind 6d to 46 9d Malting od to is l$d Od to 4s 9d Oats CHESTER, Friday.—C hristmas day falling on Saturday necessitated our m..ii:ct being held on the previous day (Friday), and in consequence the attendance was extremely small and very little business ...


... CATTLE. LONUON, Monday.—There was a very short scpplv of every thing. Ihc n:aiket was very bare useful quality and choice but inquired for the latter prices advanced, as also did choice mutton. In the la;ter market the lew pens were quickiv cleared at extreme rates. Veal as .ast pcik dull of sale. SALFOBD, Tuesday.— There was a smaller beasts this morning: trade ruled dull, uu-j onoes were ...

/ rM? 3E IWK. 3E2 ^ W& 3Lj 3E3 ■

... rM? 3E IWK. 3E2 W& 3Lj 3E3 ■ GREAT WESTERN AND SHREWSBURY RAILWAYS. — V:INI7XVS WEEK DAYS WEEK PAVS_ aniipm, TkTvk a.in.t a.m.; a.in. p.m., a.m. p.m. a.m.lP.m- p.ni.| p.m.) p.m.j p.m. p.m.. pjrn_| pjl LEAVE a.m. aim. a.m. a.m. p.m. a m, p.m. p.m. p.m. J^L- JL £ 1- P-Pj 0Xp1>y —•, 7~ 12 30 3 so •> 9 « M-KCHKM'KK ~S~30 6~30 Jf 12 4? 30 4 O 5 45 5. T;; j; 8° Z *i 2 43 5 3, « U 47 LIVEHl'OOL. ...

S*;:■- '• MELSTS

... LATEST NIARKETS.1, iu oTiji. PBODUCK. LOWTO*'PkObccu MAHKET, Pridsy.-Sagar market remains very quiet. Scarcely any inquiry for raw or refissd aortfe, and prices merely nominal. Coffee doll, ajd'veiy little basioegs doing. T«a—No public sales. IvceT^ominfi dull. Cotton market rather flat. Jute in moderate demand at late valnes. Tallow, new, about 52s 9d on the spot. LIVERPOOL PBODUCE MAWCET, ...


... THAQXFTRAY AND SAYCE, STOCK AND 9HABI BE OK BBS, 81 Wlr. BUTE DAILY STOCK AND *H*&K LIST. BAIL WAYS. ftfd. Prices. Stock Bristol and &aeter _il00 X43 146 I Great Kastern too- so 50f Ureat Waretjrn —100 » 1»0 180» iM London. Chatoan^ADdJbbnw .jtlieo 26i 26J Loudon aud North Westcra l«Sf 1«9 „ XitKand 100 Ub\ Uonmoottiaaire lUO lfit US; [■ „ Rhymney 100 Git bb} 60 Severn «Wve Railway and Cxbil ...