
... Rooms Drawii'-r and ov'ier recepaion rooms; large Assembiy-rooms, bar, par- • urs, rlttinj; and t^oKintr rcoa>s, tsp-rooms, kitchens, snu ••ullsrics, nunaeroas hed-chambers and drerSUi?-roonis, all of -hich are completely furnished in a stvle suitable to ...


... ponv harness (brass mounted). sundry garden tools, quantity of sacss, milk pans, cream, nutter scales and weights, kitchen tables, corn coffer, biadford and Co.'s patent mangle, clothes maids, Capital Dog Cart, with lu:u;r. and cushiony, romniete ...


... THIS DATE. No. I.-FOUT goomm HOUSE, f. M JUt Kitchen, Sittiag Rooto, Two Bedrooms. Ha 2.—FIVE ROOMED HOUSE for £ 7 08. 0 V V Sitting- Kitchen, Best Parlour, Three Bedrooms; 110. HOUSE for £ 84 lOg. Od. Kitchen, Hall Staiss, Two Parlours (ar Parlour sad ...


... (Peyton and Peyton's make). Cheapest house in North Wales for Hair, Woe), and Flock Mattresses; Feather, Wool, or FlIock Beds. Kitchen Tables, Cane-seated ard Windsor Chairs, American Rocking Chairs, Sec. &c. Looking Glasses in every variety. BEDROOM SUITE ...


... forty-eight specimens of them. Patrick Quigley, a farmer residing near Miltown Malbay. spanty ClAre,bas been fired at through the kitchen winflow, and severely wounded in the head, neck, and shonfefeta, by leaden pallets. He had recently been in treaty for some ...


... floors, ten commodious Bedrooms; on the Basement, Kitchen, Scullery. Cook's a^d other Pantries, Store or Wiae Cellar, Coal place, Lobbies of convenient dimensions, paved Back-yard, and entrance to the kitchen offices from the new street. The premises are ...


... drawers, drtssing c. ses. to let giafses, timepieces, towel horses, ormmmts, commcdes, kitchen t. bles, as fitlIngs, mett-rs, &c., together with the usual kitchen utemils alio all irLlI tire-proof safe. on view morning of sile. Sale to cotniiH ».t. ...


... cutlery and plat; d goads of atl descrlp ions, glass BUp^rj ds, house and taole-l nen in large quanti ie«, and of °r quality, kitchen and tcullerv utensils and general ste^ ^ces; mahogany, Arabian, f.,ur-post, and other hed- rass and iron ditto of all kinds ...


... DATE. No. L-FOUR ROOMED HOUSE, for 17s. Oil Kitchen, Sitting Room, Two Bedrooms. No. 2.—FIVE ROOMED HOUSE for £7 Cs. 0 Sitting Kitchen, Beat Parlour, Three Bedrooms No. S.—SIX ROOMED HOUSE for 984 10s. Od. Kitchen, Hall Stairs, Two Parlours (or Parlour and ...


... of March next, Within •asy distance of the General Offices of the Taff Veie Railway Company, a HOUSE for a small family kitchen on the grouDd floor indispensable. Particulars to Mr F. Marwood, Cardiff. 4793 TOO WAGGON PROPRIETORS. Wanted, a good SEC0ND- ...


... Bailwav Comoinv a HOUSE for a small family kitchen on the «T[>) ...


... drawers, dressing ivses. to let glafsesri iiiiep:eceo, towel horses, orlismemts, commodes, kitchen t»bles, gas titling^, metrrs, &c., together with the usual kitchen uten3ils also au ircn fire-proof safe. Goo is oil view morning of o tie. Sale to conrnenc) ...