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... msalutained. Than follovs a paepr called The False Move on Egypt by Mr. lepworth Dion, which is fi aure to be videly read. He speaks of the purchase scan intrusive policy, such an Bngland would have oppesed in V any other nation. Mr. rand Mrs Cowden Clrrke ...


... nothieg, nst even cacageisioig her Parent. o1 she remained for days, till they began to give up alt hops, that ab would ever speak again. Beth public and private friends vried with each other as to who could chow her the most sympathetic tiudness. It seemed ...


... the inventien of tbe 'teaui Wlast, She explains that her father' was ao'zed with paralysis in 1663, and never recovered to speak for hbmeilf, and thea for this reasion it bis been left to her to asiert his claim to the invention. - The,=mtroversy 'was ...


... Ird's new history of English Dramatic Literature to the deeth of Queen Anre is notiood at length by Mri Bodham Donne, who speaks mo8t favourably of the work as a dramatic Encyclpmdia that deals with the' subject in an agreeable, icstructiveI atnd stieceegftl ...


... of silent winter Bve from itb sheath below Shoots up a small, green blade, brown earth tolsplinter. Tongues cannot always speak; O God! in this loud world of noise and clatter, Save us thie once-a week, To let thc sown seed grow, not always scatter. B ...


... POETRY. 13E CAREFUL WHAT YOU SAY. In speaking of a person's faults, rray don't, forget your own; Bernemlohr those with homes of glass Should seldom throw a stone; If we have nothing else to do But talk of those who sin, 'Tiobetter we commence at home ...


... twisting and turning about like an eel, there is something so much more dignified in revolving On your owvn alxis, rso to speak. Turn your handle slowly', and you can be as impreosive as you like. Hero his lordship *eited the action to the word, and ...


... bright coloured lightaillka, silk alpscas1 or foulardse. Of he the thinner materials, such as batniates and toilce, we shall speak hel it greater lee th next month ; for the present it suffices to say that they wi be universally worn, and made into very ...


... J. Scott; 3, W. R. 1 :ee Cipplestone. er French-i, T. H. Nicholls. Di Hamburg~b, Gold pencilled-i, Nicholas Barter; 2, W. Speak- Tr LO man: , George Parkham. Silver penciled-1, Nicholas barter ;J. 3 2, Ii. Picklee; 3. Nicholas Biarter. Gall spangled-i ...


... be the beat boxer of the !whole 50, and can give '9anY ono.of them a tariatian tbrashing. One ChoctAw Indir n is aid to speak French like a Parisian, and will keep t d a cafe with 1 Ici on ?? Francaies inscribed over it. A tb f gigantic Westerner ...


... tes rstriking than the sight of the king, seed end nearly blind, the bending over the couch on which the princess lies, end speaking thc to her of salvation through Christ as a matter far mere interest- bui ing than the magnificent Pampa of royalty. As'she ...


... rumour that coloured pattern mioulins, out of Ifvour so long, will make theirreappsarsnce-; but of these it is yet too early to speak with decison 8elf- coloured silk grenadines will also be much worn; net only for trimmings for silk dresses of the Saame colour ...