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Belfast News-Letter

Advertisements & Notices

... SERVANTS' REGISTRIES D;18 MtOPISN (SSUCCESSOR TO MRS. ft lREYN(tIUS) lequires at once, for the Januarv Term, -cnC lirstecsss Thorough Ser- . '-th J'ro'.43tnts aid Roman Catholics; ce s i Nurses, Coeks, House and P'arhur vlnils. i..tclzeLfulai.&c. Sonletirst-classButlem, FkNotnen, aud Coa0chmen on the books. .?1, College Street. 15S44 MISS JOHNSSTON'S REGISTRY OFFICE, 9, 'OLLEGE STREET. ...

Advertisements & Notices

... jUVVENILE CLOTHtl~i' NEW SnYLESOR TH PRE8aST WIM- THE ULSTEBRmTA A NMw Overcoat for Little Boys Ready-made' or to order ifl New materal&. SOFT, PLIABLE, AND WARM. £11 B,, ULv18V & 'T hRSTAM OVERCOATS FOR YOUTHS. NOW ffo~nerptn Friehes speoially mule fortbese -Garments P'rents ar requested to send for oui New Mlus- trated Cat&Wogue of Boys' ad Youths' Clothing. JOHN 0. M'GEE : CO., HIGH; ...

Advertisements & Notices

... SALES BY AUCTION. LISBURN. VALUABLE FREEHOLD- PROPERTY FoR SALE BY AUCTION. To bh Sold by AUCTION, On the PRE[ISES, MARKET STREET, LISBURN, on MONDAY, Srl January; 1876, at Twelve o'clock, AL% THAT VALUABLE FREEHOLD PRO- APERTY, lately in the occupationl of the Wesleyan Methodist Congregation, situate in Market Street, Lishurn; held for ever, rent free This Property is situate in one of the ...

Advertisements & Notices

... JUVENILE CLOTHING. ,NEWT STYLES FOR THE PRESENT SEASON THE ULSTERETTE, A N'v Overoost for ittle Boys. Ready-made or to order ia New Materia SOFT, PLIABLE, AND WAPRL rsij ;;ULS.VER & DEERST.UK1ER' Ii OVERCOATS FOR YOUTHS. New Homespun Frieses speialUy made for thee Garmenti. Parents re requeeted to send for our New Ili a. trated Catalogue of Boys' mad Youths' Clothing. JOHN 0. M'GEE & CO., ...

Advertisements & Notices

... SALES BY AUCTION. SALE THIS DAY. LI SB U RUN. VALUABLE FREEHOLD PROPERTY FOR SALE BY AUCTION. To bo Sold by AUCTION, on the PREMISES, MARKET STREET, LISBURN, on MONDAY, 3rd Jw.tuary, 1876, at Twelve o'clock, A LL THAT VALUABLE FREEHOLD P'RO- A]L PEIITY, lately in the occupation of the Wesleyan Methodist Congregation, situate in Marlet Street, Lishurn; held for ever, rent free. This Property is ...

Advertisements & Notices

... WALTHAM WATCHES FOR SALE BY D. S. HENDERSON, ,qOi3.g AORC FOR TIHE NORTH OF IMAND, , HIGH STREET, BELFAST. 10104 ;,j~y~s A RA CAS CO0CO0A. f A roost delicios aRd valuable article. - . Carac Cocoa of such choice quality.- Food, Water, and Air, dited by Dr. Hassal, nyutS EIXTRACT OF COCOA. fX af g;reat vaue to invalids who wish to avoid Wh'ch reaiiy consists of Cocoa Nibs deprived s, ir' ...

Advertisements & Notices

... SERVANTS' REGISTRIES. r XIZ S. M A C OU tlN REQUIRES FOR TILE o .AI vrhruarv ternm aU classes of respectasble 5 S, rv;oiite. 1srtical;rly Cooks, Nurses, House and l'.arb'ur Maids. anT T1horouh 'Servants. On the bI arc SoII Professed Cooks, a French Nurse, I . i ior iin!l Sin-le Ilusemaids, and some excellent ; ro-mn s, Coachinen, and young Butlerr. GeCnersl Servants' Registry Office, 11, May ...

Advertisements & Notices

... ` iALES BY AUCTION. - 'rrr Ta-rr~i rz! SA.LE OF DAMAIAXGED SUGAR BY AUCTION (Oa a-znunt of whom itnmy coacern). T'9)r0 l S~ULD) BY AUCTION, AT TlEI T mr1z S t, o TESIIAn, Ite aaat.. ;v levten ocbe:ck,! 20 8AGiS of SUGAR, ec Amelia, from Dunkirk, (1 amaged by sea water. Terene -Cash. Purchascrs to pay 5 per cent. Auctiou Fees. 194 - UGH HAMILTON, Auctioneer. IN RE TRUST ESTATE. PRELIMINARY ...

Advertisements & Notices

... l:E(IN TFIDE IN' DONlOGALL PLACE. je,,;::3R.S, .INDSA Y, Be )TJI-EIM, hi c'; rrprc'fai/y to ;,1';nu:'e bhot t,. ;r V .,i1,'Jrf q (r ,iva;.:g Ilvise DIjq rt. :t> * t'P 6(' C oiidticIfd, ut dlt 7 f atr Mlr ,,!,;?' .cr U7P*.' oJ Q r/art J LAZES ; I. ; CO., Nho. 1.', DONEGrA L L - I cre oil C'ori-c spond cnc cdi he rk ad reesed. Juv~!Wsln. 8, 1s76. 227 BFLFAST PRILEAR7ONIC SOCIETY I rhich qre ...

Advertisements & Notices

... TIIE LADIES' EMPORIUM, 38, HIGH STREET, BELFAST. The Leading Novelties for the Seson are to be seen in great variety in my Shop and Showrooms. Ladies' and Children's Dress Materials in the Fashionable New Cloths, and also in the most select New Shades. My Black Silks and Irish Poplins con- tinue to please, and are now beieng sold at lower prices than ever. Millinery is, as usual, first-clas in ...

Advertisements & Notices

... jrV IENLE eCLOTHG0. NEW STLES For. THIE PRES MT SEASON THE ULSTERETTE,` A Ncw Overcoat for Little Boy3. Ready-made or to order in New Materials. SOFT, PLIABLE, AND WARM. fls ULSfER' & 'DEERSTALM ', OVERCOATS FOR YOUTHS. Xew HOmspun Friezes speoWiy made for thew parents are requeded to send for our New I1M so tratd Catlogue of Bofe and Youto' Clothing. jOHN G. M'GEE & 00. B3IGH STREET, ...

Advertisements & Notices

... SALES BY AUCTION. SALE THIS DAY. IROYAL VIC TORIA HORSE BAZAAR AND CA)? RIAGE MART, SI & .'S, UHICJIE'ST7I STPLR'ET, BELFAST. JOHN JtOBSON DECS TO INTJNIATE THAT THE USUAL D .MONTHLY SALE ov FIRST-CLASS HORSES WVill be held in his TWO BAZAARS, (a 0 E D N E S D A Y, 5th January, 1576 (Being the Fair Day), At 'welve o'clock precisely. Parties sending Horses, &c., to this Bazaar with Servants ...