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Cardiff Times


... SHIPPING CASUALTIES, LOSS OF A STFAMER FROJ-l CAELUFK steamer Frascati from Cardiff, struck on a sunken rock or a wreck in the English Ohaunel, on the 3rd inst., and sunk in fifteen minutes. The c:ew, cumbering fourteen, were picked up by a French smack, landed at Southampton on Tuesday morning. A FISHING BOAT RUN DOWN. The Belgian fibhing boat Clara, of Austenu, was rim down and sunk on ...


... At a county day, held on the 24th nit., a report was presented on the subject of licensing public-houses. It showed that, taking the returns of 1870. the public- houses in the county were 4,800 to a population of 2,650,000, or one to every 552 persons. In the Bill presented in Parliament by the advo- cates of temperance principles, it was set forth that one to every 500 persons would be taken ...


... FORESTRY AT NEWPORT. On Thursday the annual banquet of the court PriaOl Arthur, (•'>,359), was given at the King'a Head Hotel, undt-r the presidency of Mr Benjamin iLvare mayor of the borough of Newport. It was set in' M, Gritton's best styl. EaTly ir the afternoon the brethren assembled at the Court-house, and initiated sic gentlemen as honorary members, viz. —Messrs G W Jones and William ...


... FOR THE PAST WEEK. 1876, 1874. increase. Decrease A. P- j6. R. Rhymnev 2032 2 >50 — 218 Midland 12S747 116649 7C98 Taft vaie 8670 9367 — 697 Penarth Harbour, Ac. 1988 1857 132 London & North Western 176531 173323 3233 Great Western 132477 129001 3176 Brecon ami Merthyr 1 48 956 92 Petubroke and Teuby t83 476 7 ...


... CARDIFF LICENSED VICTUALLERS ASSOCIATION. The members of the above association held their hali yearly meeting at the Queen's Hotel, on Thursday ing, Mr Blake, Old Sea Lock Hotel, presiding, the following report of the committee was adopted :— Gentlemen,—The time has again arrived when becomes the duty of your committee to present to yoti their half-yearly repcrt, and they have deeply to regc^ ...


... AN ENCYCUCMTLETTER, ROME, Wednesday.—An Encyclical Letter, which the Pope will read at the next Consistory, is now in the Eresa. In it .his Holiness deplores the ever-increasing ostility displayed towards the Church, and designates Rome Governments as the fomentors of an unjust prosecution; declaring them at the same time respon- sible for the injury cione to society. Cabrera, on his death ...

[No title]

... I DL A N D RAIL Vi A Y THROUGH COMMUNICATION BETWEEN THE NORTH OF ENGLAND AND CARDIFF Third Class Passengers are conveyed by all Trains on the Midland Railway. CCTOBER, 1876.-Up TBALSS WEEK PATS. ...


... THROUGH COMMUNICATION BETWEEN THE NORTH OF ENGLAND AND 0ARDIFF Third Class Passengers are conveyed by all Trains on the Midland Railway, OCTOBER, 1876.—UP Trains WEEK DAYS. A A B ;p. m. a. m. a. m. ;t. ce. a. m.'p. m. p. m. Glasgow, St.Enoch)dep. 9 15 10 16. 2 301 4 85 Edinburgh(WaverleyBg.) 9 20 10 30 2 0 4 25 Qwrlisle „ 12 IS 9 0 1 16 5 30 8 6 Newcastle „ 11 23 1 60 10 612 60 7 8 Sunderland ...


... FROM TUESDAYNIGHTS GAZETTE. BANKRUPT*. Edward William Wyon, of C9, Mornington road, Camden Town, Middlesex. William Jones, of Tyddyn Phillip, Llanengrad, Angle- sey, farmer. James Holmes, of Tottenham green, Tottenham, Mid- dlesex, schoolmaster, George Board, of 40, Spring gardens, Manchester, and Heaton chapel, Lancaster, carriers' agent. William Fisher, 129, Meadow street, Moss side, near ...


... A SWANSEA DIVORCE SUIT. In the Divorce Division of the High Court of Justice, on Wednesday afternoon, the petition was heard of Mr Walter William Masters, of Norton Lodge, West Cross, near Swansea, for a. dissolution of marriage with Emily Masters, on the gro inds of her adultery with a medical student named Hamilton. The case set cut by Mr Searle, tin counsel for t')t' petitioner, was a ...