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Daily News (London)


... Tpil PoLIO , OOuip.M GUIILDftLl; 1 llessrs. DCane Irbd Co., of LondonBridgo.; ana sevoral tl othor rospectable inhabitanas of the W d of q Wi t-il out, *er'e suaimded by thxe Pd4lir itliho titib beffre R Aldershasi Oetlen for not tayink theit d6cfiiobltdatd ilrtd. 'he defendants eodinplained th~t the assessment com- mittoe had raised their ratiuk considerably and the paro. ei .hial authorities ...


... THEN FOLLIUN UOIOURTS MANSION HOUSE. .Eawits Couslter, a respectably dressed man, Was crarged r. before Alderman Sir Robert Welter Catden with obtain- el ing by false pretenlces various quantities of powdered to critric acid of considerable value in the aggregate, with el intent to defraud. Frederick Green, a warehousemaln in hi the service of Messrs. Homner and Sons, of Bucklersbury, ft ...


... | ?? lINTELLIENOE. X f _ ' ' ' ?? mGH CoURT oF SUSTIOE. -Jenr CHANCERY bIVISION.-Nov, 9' bene CB thoROU) ?? ;afore the Master of theaoll.) smi . ;DBBH=a SON V. XAXW2L. advc EThlis was an aetion to restrain the publication of a cheap from edition of a work called Dangerous Connction!, 'fron written by Mr. Charles Gibbon under the following oir. then oumetances. The plaintiff was the oprietor ...


... THE POLICE COURTS I aT=ID~T-A T.T. Xewis 6oAsnann, living at 24, Dean-stee, Fetter. alihedto Aldermaa Stone for his aesistancaunds folowing circumstaucss :-On Wednesday last he to his female servant to the hospital as she was Gaff, - from bad eyes, and on returning he suddenly iysd'4, near the top of Fetter-laue, and had not been sble to Is of her since. She was a foreigner, and could not sap ...


... I .70/en; Grrlltea11n,, Polio, it cab drivrer woarlin tlra lnadgo No, l,(ill, Ivan swaraorrd before Adecrmoar lgfr Thma Wlilte for wilful taxlisbhaviouir. The Complainarnt -wan Etliztabeth Dowone, a mlillIno, arid one thu nionrlng of tire Nlth of March alto hailed thu deferrdart in Istllil~tro, inrgton, mud told blia to drive liar to aL warreliourio iii Wood-titrout, Ubimieaitldo, whoro phe ...


... I LAW INT.ELLIGE'NCE I NOTRIPS.-tarm lATY. LORD AlAY1OJ' COURT, GUOIILDIULL. AT lt0.-Ca111eM: Coups v. Dralckef-Auderson v. B.andmacher -1'ldlljvs v. The Oeneral ?? Navigation Company-Ntindao V. Tlcholr-Joneg v. Maealhum. TEBD LOON ?? COURIT, LtN9OLN'B-1NX. 13rsonr MR. RtE01eThAMi MlRUssAr, ?? As CIS, JuDGo.- A pliations; motiorn, ie., at l. ar Registrar Murray is the Registrer of the day. ...


... [THE ASSASSINATIONS AT SALONICA,- #2HA CORRESOaMT.) BAL.ONICA, XAY 21. left the Pircaus on Thursday for Salouies, 21 noard the Fraisinnet mal il steamer. At daybreao on Friday we entered the Gulf of Volo, the snowy tops of Pindus gleaming on our port side. The beautiful bay which, wheis once entered, appears an inland lake, reflected in its bright green water the hues of hill and sky; well ...


... . ?? rLICE'COURT& = A' ' - : : Jerovaqr4 alias Ksr4 of 21, Oaboeerraee, asim- a 'ra Wu' brought from Bremearisfn on a warrant gned f ?? ,ggins, by Detectivo-sgaete oss and t Randall, and placed before Aldermea liadley, charged with being conaerned with another man, not i.. cuatoa,,u ' .in stealing a 2004 Bamk' of England noto, balosegingi W 1 the Loudoi aniaWestmiuster' Ban. Hew ' lo a with ...


... [ At the Corn Exchange, Hungerford, yesterday, Wiiliamn Day, Henry Tidbury, William Tidbury, and Piancis George Tidbury, the four men charged wslh the mnurder of Iuspector Drewstt and Police.eoustable Shorter at iieuford Bar on the 11th iust., were again brought up ol remand hefore Mr. Georgo Cherry and other magis- trates. The prisoners arrived by train -two froem lheading and two fromu ...


... GUILDHALL, deorge .Dufty, living at No. 19, Coal-yard, Drury-lane, a carmen, in the employ of the (reat Western Railway, and Peter Murphly, a labourer, living at 4 Sugar Loaf- oourt, Swan-street, Minories, were brougist up for final examination, before Mr. A~luerman Elisa, charged with breaking open a ease of tobacco, in transit from the Victoria Docks to heading, and steahng therefrom W61bu. ...


... aga JLISBON TRAMWAYS CASKi. I 'rla hearing of the cause 1TtvYoross v. Grant' ctil yesterday in the Court of Commona Pleas jaipdhll, before Lord Chief Justice Coleridge and a IreO5a jury. The court was crowded throughout the ieesy l fo atep uitif? are Sir Henry James, Mr. ,,sHoward, i3,O., and Mr. Tindal .Atkillsoea; the L~atcIidO~ his defence intperaon. glr. Grant reminded the jury that when ...


... LAW W1NOTICES.-T'IIlS DAY. THlE SUPRIEME COUlrT OF JUDICATURE. (Biltbro this Dord Chancetrllor, lit Wusfsittisuter.) Ar I.1.-l'utittosss to oustt ?? 3155 0rsSu-lto D)o la L' Boostio, (Beofore Vthe Court of Appeail, at Llstcoln'o-ln.) A Ar 1Oi.-ltssskruphtcy appeaido: Ito We~b ?? Vi~itassd-AVitt slid Caollpsiry, ex ?? 51031 C'OURT' OF JUSTICEs. CIANCEISY D)IVISIOsNJ. IAt thaolhost Ilotten.) C ...