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... I S'~~j~~1~L*TEL Lt - - 1, (From our Reporter.) Belfast ,Monday. This morning at 10 o'clock the Hon. Baron Fifiz' gerald tookri, sat in At e 'rown 'Court of the County C90r0opso, and tesurnetd the .isp sil'of the criminal business, Tnsi3UgARA-.TnR9M@Dl!: z i: qA John Daly was ?? thst lie r id otliV 15th September, 1875;'at Pihnr55t,Beif5at, Wilfully, feloniously, end of malice aforethought, ...


... iT11ESCAPE OF THE POLITICAL IPRISONERS.I (From our Correspondent.) TKilkenny, Wednesday. The following % the text of the Rev. John D'Reilly's letter to his mother, Mrs. O'Reilly, John- street, Kilkenny, announcing the escape of tho *Aaian prisoners from Western Australia:-- Freemantle, Western Australia, April 18th. My dear Mother-You owe to the accidental de- tention of the mail steamer the ...


... I. - LAW INTELLIdENCE, .. SATURDAY., (Bdiforo Jndge Fanrgr,.) Tl. T eistele of P. FeAcrgan.-T46ire. had beenaa diaspttj in2 thib hiatter *ith rioard to a 't aehai of bog land.. The eatatoe ti besld ompriil ethe' lauds of Derryinore, in the county of Longford,, Aidn between these 'Joidr! and tdii :eibboounig laudri of Noppa '*sa isomef bog land, part tit. whigo, ',blongeed to eoeli deni ...


... 1,:LAW T -J~ LLQENCEG YD * TF.IRDWA.,, i5,ITO CHANCERY. H ?? Itrfc or Tsat, and aiter dissposing of a ?? rn tionFl, he proceeded to a meet- jug of the benohera. The arrangements of the orrouit5' Trir'''t e''t~i'u'~mb ?? made. tq-dy. R,4SCOURT. s.~ ~ ~ ~ Po . k. . &&- gleiiorsat at ioo c' tane P to~uo~t llitole motiqni ' -aC VICE-C0ANCELLOR'S COURT. K .Nunnsr v. Rrinkldy.-Dr. Kaye, on behalf of ...


... I[ JIMPORTANTGJ T. RELIGIOUS BEQUES WIi~ 814T f T'k Agorne,.Gc#,w v. Dr. Detany. The Court case, which wats argued mitt termi, and In w~kiff ~iitorey-Genersl claimed a odrtaln sum of money, Aito bvl~l.'nd her' brdthog.1 'Arel'V r'ea Wed, on hie 4.4k.4 ltciies We?. piwpo~~~ ci ~jwitj~ s~ 4i)Jy ule-dt, 1) 011 ?? ?? a tci u es 4 ~~t~4U~IbMA, R1%t TjM1 doein uselcawor 9. li ue. nklchC nob its4o ...


... W L- LWINTELLIGENCE. I YESTER'DAY. ROLLS COURT. TAe Asueas'mae Comapainy v. ?? hearing of this suit, to set aside a policy of ij. surauce for £5,000, effected by the defendant, with the plaintiff, was resumed and is not yet concluded. The Attorney-General, bergesut Armstrong, and Mr. iotert.;t (instru~ted by Mr. Watson) were f:)r the plhintiffs. Mr. Mialrdonogh, QO.C, Mr. F. Wialsh, Q ...


... 6. llt?-,e, 114 . 5T6 -Oawen & tons Rlb6tMLiDAMbititf ?? . of8:1W ~dt &>6~ tow ehamber zX Ionrhe thre we cortu, 16l16AT 'OF ANAi ;RUPrY. ...


... I . TILlTE[ M3NDlC1TY FRAUDS. TO TRE\ IlTui OF THE FREEMAN. Sin-sYour i~rticies on the Mendicity frauds will, I hope, draw the attentitou of the public and sub- 4cribeis to this charity, and induce those who give their money to see to its application in future. The vant of ?? interest is one great cause of the tunladminiistratieli of the institution, and this is evidenced ty what took place at ...


... LAW INTELLIE.XCM 1 YPSTERDAY. COMIYT OF CHAN1.11RY. 'Me tord Carecellor sat thig urnung ftor the plirwo 0et heating motions. Lcmon1s, mainors_--Mr. Frazer, vith whom ?? ?aIr. Killen, nppiied for tin attauhment agninst Michael Lennon, the tatlher of three nmiuor girls, thes ubject of litigatton. The mother ot the girls, Ellen Lennon, is a lfortotulnt, and resides at Sandy-row, Belfest. Miebael ...


... POLICE INTELLIGENCE-YtSTERDAY XORTMll DVISION, (Before hr. C.. J. O'Danel.) Dermxndig Drinit.-A yoing man about 23 years of nge, named. Elion, was prosecuted on remand lor having demautled money for drink from a wsoman on Albert-quay a few night dince. Pri- toner asked the woman for money, and caught her by the shawl, but did not use violence. The woman did not appear to prosecute. Mr. White, ...


... I LAW INTELLIGENCE, I .SATURDAY, COURT OF CHANCERY. (Before the Lord Chancellor.) COMM1MSSIONEiRS FtOR TAKIXG AFFIDAVITS. 'Mr. Thomas Wright applied that Mr. Thomas Lendrum be appointed a commissioner for taking affidavits under the Court of Chancery in the town of Clonakilty, in the county of Cork. There was no commissioner within ten miles of that town, and Mr. Lendrum had been already np- ...


... I Dr. N. C. Whyte, coroner, held an inquest on Saturday, at 10 Great Brunswick-street, on the. body of Alexfander M'Lean, a dentist, who took a dose of oyanide of pota2sium on Thursday night. Mcr. Wiljiam Anderson deposed that deceased and his wife lodged with him at Great Brunswiek-street, where deceased practised the profession of a defitist; witness opened the hall door for the deceased at ...