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... THE ASCOT MEETING. NOTES FROM FOBETELLER. [SPrCI& TZLEGPF M.] Ascor, WEDNRSDAY.-The Royal Haut Cup fur- nished an interesting contest, and of the 22 coom- I petitors Spinoza and Little Harry both supplanted Ecossais in the quotations during the morning, Spinoza ran fast, but failed to stay home, and the same remark applies to Hesper, who was actually favourite at one timre during the morning. ...


... SHYIEWSBURY MEETINW.-YnTMWfAY. G [Central News Telegram.] A Tis w.eather on the last day of the meeting was b the moat enjoyable of the four, and although the II fields were smaller, the Cup contest amply atoned vs for any shortcoming. Victory rested with Brother Si to Royal George, who woo, after a fine race with 6 Miss Lizzie, The favourites ent up badly in moat I of the other races, and ...


... - THE T URF IN ENGLAND. trOox OUR CoBWUONDEnT.] LO2DOT, SATURDAY. Tax weights for nearly all the spring handicap are out, and in the course of the next few days we may expect to see the Waterloo Cup shofildered out of the way of the lincolashire Handicap, the accept- ances for which may be called satisfactory, number. ing as they do nearly two-thirds of the entry. As soon as the imiipost ...


... CRICKET FIXTURES, IAuzust 29 snea S-N2.I. C. C. v. 27th Regiment tdi 4th DNasoon Guiards, at Orxaezu, twelve o'clock. l &est,~U S ra gno W.AE .IC AN ( ELEVEN) v. ORMEAU C.0 Txtleven which represented the North of Ire-. land on Saturday was quite too strong for their opponents; but, as the match Ws arranged on very short notice,- it tvas impossible to adjust a more suitable team. Messrs Young ...


... - . r I THf: first annual sports ia connection with this club came off on yestrday, inr a large enclosed field on the Bangor side of the town, kindly placed at the disposal of the committee by Robert Percival 'Maxwell, &Eq., J.P., D.L, Grcoinport House. This club, which Was only inaugurated a short time ago, owes its existence mainly to the exertion of Messrs. A MiLois and T. Z Patterson, with ...


... VICEREGAL C.C. v. N.I.C0C. THa Viceregal cricket match, which has been looked forward to with the greatest interest, com- menced yesterday on the grounds of the North of Ireland Cricket Club, Ormeau Road. The weather, the arbiter of all outdoor events, was during the earlier portion of the afternoon somewhat unfavour. able. As the day wore on, however, matters changed, and the previous cold, ...


... BROOKVALX c.a. v. CR&SIrE, CC.. This match was played on the ground of the former, and resulted in a victory for the Brookvale Club by 13 runs. Sabjoined is tbe score :-Brook. vale C.0.-lat innings, 22; 2nd do., 33; total, 65. GrasraereC.C,-isinnings, 22; 2nddo.,20; total, 42. CA3S`LE C.C V. CROMWELL C.C. This match was played on Saturday in the Onnean Park and resuated in a iictory for the ...


... GARLINGFORD LOUGH ROYAL REGATTA. Commodore-The Viscount Neivry. Vice.Corn. modore-Captain Dent, R.N. Patrons-I he Earl oi Roden, Lord Clermont, Lord A. E. Hill- Trevor, William Whitworth, Esq., M.P.; Major Hall, D.L., J.P.; Ross-of-Bladensburg, and Jas. Alex. Henderson, Esq., J.P. RosTREVOR QUAY, MO1TDAY.-The Carlingford Lough regatta for 1876 commenced to day, under the most promising ...


... ULSTER 0.C. (AN ELEVEN) v. ENFIELD C.0. WmLz one eleven of the Ulster on Saturday were doing battle at Portaferry, another played at Pros- pect in the above match, which resulted in a vic- tory for the home team by 55 runs in the first in- niDgs. The Ulster having been by very fair bowl- itg and fielding disposed of for the small score of 75, Enfield commenced with a fair chance of suc. ces, ...


... SPORTIKG. TILET T URF liN ENGLAND. l !IFROM OUR OWN COR.RESPONTDENT.] Ta pr thaqatr LONDON, SATTURDAY. j Jzz p~t a hedqs~trathis week has not been I ,of .a pzrticnl~arly Easy character; sit l some fair animals have come fortb, and if the Ceenrewvitch and Ca~nzidgrisshirc have rot lx en ofl'ected rmuch by the ri nuinb tlhcse races look al:l the znare inte- iresting iii the fut ure. On1 tli ...


... SPORTING NOTES. the ISPFECOAL TELEGRAX.) [Fow OUR cOERESPONDXT.] WU BIRIGTiHAM, TUESDAY. THB patrons of the sport at Birmingham were ex- ceedingly numerous this afturnoon; and, though no Bor high.class horses contended in either of the events, iol the sport was neither dull nor uninteresting. It ' gave rise to some bicknring, however, and objections nek were rife throughout the proceedings. ...


... N.LC.C (AN ELEVEN) v. LURGAN C.C. Taus match was commenced yesterday, at Ormeas, late, as usual, and resulted in a draw. The North of Ireland occupied the wickets nearly all day, ani realized 231 runs, six of their number having reached double figurea; of these Mr. Kelly's score was the most remarkale, his bitting being quite sensational. At one period of his isnnings he credited himself with ...