Advertisements & Notices

... TRADESMEN'S ADDlREsES r j-rOWEOPATHrC IEDICINES, COHE S. H ?? toi be Sotld feall, at Whqltoalo ortvon',1:1 woare~q¢nl ,at , age freo,-Vv. JiOWATER,. llonvo vr1t 207, Broad Street. ?? D1yEING AND CTLEANING 1N PERFMCMiON. J09SEP-1HA)IAMIhS DeFga to oantotncO the completion of 1ile Now Wer, t iterensoe(l facilitiro for CLrA.N[t\ n LAC]CE, TEiNO, AND MUSIN ICJRTAI'~S . BlDt AND WINDOW DRAPERIM ...

Advertisements & Notices

... PUBLIC AMUSEMENT. : THEATRE ROYAL, BIhAMINGHAiI. LAST NIGOT OF 'Illb7 pANTOUII. Toa ttO11T iSat'cltzy(, at 7 o'clock A U It 0 it A F L 0 Y D1. To conclude with THE IAiNTO'INoIL. ?? NttexT, hMir. T. (C. ItING,, Othcilo., Marchnr 27, ~. _l CIIAIIT.RS MATIIEWii. y Awaful Datd. NINOJI] OF WALIi3S THEATP.E. LA',I SI Y NIGTi TS O F' T~lE PANTOMIME, 1031.D R1H1RESENT.ATION. TE'IS EVENI 7 ...

Advertisements & Notices

... - E0Ito L BIRMINGHAM 714Trhree Nigitt of tine orntinciit Tragedian, M1R. T.C KINIG. ¶To-O ttT iTurersdeY). Shakesisearaee M1ACBETH.. ?? ?? Kenenri. ?? ~ng AS YOU LIKE IT.- On MONDAY NEXTthe Esnit.n Come~dian, ?117. cHARLES MAT.HE~W S, is ?? Nw Pay M AWULDAD. ?? WALES TEA TRE. AND TIE PANNTOMIDIE. 1~-K.Mrh27, the cerlehrated Aetreac, Mice ANNIE L.T' 1111HE TINEQUAL VIATCH. WALET~t~ ...

Advertisements & Notices

... CEZEAF PREPAID ADVBERTISEME7NTS. 1p,, OOi~fer irvertinns of the eieeoco of Fucinc Advertitienmo partiecilarised below the foliovieg are h rpir hne we 1Vrdl, Moen ?? ild. I 17 to 32 vrords, Once ?? le. OD )ilt-to, 'Three Insertioni .. IS. oil. Ditto, Tlhroe liviertiong .. 2q. 0, Advortbelierets exceedilng 32 wordsn are chargcd at the ?? of 64. IFo every additional eillht WOT(IS for one ...

Advertisements & Notices

... 62AIT-VflT L l001 Y T1 TO, E 2PPS'S (BREAKFAST) ?? OV ,J\A ;AMES `EPPS AND; CCO HOMcEOPATHIO, OHMIST8. : NOTI-CZ YMAM ADMIUM NO ' tM tANYI OTH1M EMLQYMM wL~won~. A.MIIOLD PUMAL,, %qTAPM au4 aQvW~7A8E8. DOM1~8TIO S3BVMNTof auds WArT1GE 6STUATZONS,. or EMPIOY1IR IJR1qQl .tho 51ERVIOE8 df SU ERt8ONS, 4 Ilnea, Qo~i 6;lln ;J~a~oa S e Ga d.; or a >WtOwi 43. 6d-; kpadf4 I~inee, beeptuoo ~ ~ ~ ...

Advertisements & Notices

... releoxg2yhero ~~o~d ji euro. Pe'obytoldtli oi Hht ~nblo 'b 'jadihl~c ~t~ -sy~eaua bt sadt lhnmr~bhemrterabei % ntkI ?? 1T:A ~ ~ rDO pntr n i ple u J~jtiiosi~ts btits tteo7tsco uavloa.4o~bv~bfIt~ N.b neiO~ft, knoseg t441otj 3, 1qug ?? Idhe a Ofoul-ntal(05=F777BVW~ '8n'e. ' gmot ApA3Wto to t~ti~y t IA~eipesens *alu ow p ~ObowsIcr box, A~k~rtoe trbsfzd 2vih40 t ryftbad Corpzto, pa idu 3l by b 9t ...

Advertisements & Notices

... BUSINESS ADDRESSES. 12EST ELECTRO SILVER. . Biscuit Boxes ?? 17s 6d to £5 Ca Oake Baskets ?? ?? 2£s to £5 Cruet Frames , , ?? .. 15S to £5 1OB Spirit Frames ?? £8 Be to I8 188 6d Pickle Frames ?? , £10s to £S8s BggFrames ?? 6110sto 44 s Tea and Toddy Kettles and Urns .. .£4 ?? to £10 ?? Tea and Coffee Sets ?? £4 14s 6d to £8O l7s Tea and Coffee Pots only ?? 7s 6d to 15 109 Table Spoons and ...

Advertisements & Notices

... PUB3LIC NOTICES. S T. GEORGE'S CHU] S LITERARY ASSOCIATION. A PUBLIC LECT URE will be Delivered, ur auspices of the above Association, on THIUI ?? 80th, in thc Church LECTURE HALL, Rev. ROBERT M'NAIR, of Middlosbrough. S I A New Aspect of Nature.-Chair to be tao ?? by the Rev. W. A. P. JOHNDIAN, M.A. Admission Free. W:EEKLY PRAYER MEE'U DDRRLINGTON. TO-DAY, from Twelvo to One o'Clock, in R ...

Advertisements & Notices

... IMMENSE SALE OF FURNITUR9. RfTIRlNG FROM BUSINE1S. HENRY BIOK, 46 & 47, BROADMEAD, BRISTOL (Having disposed of his Bu lness to Mr. O. Newtb, of 6, NO'a0on - street from June nex ), Intends SELLING OFF tbe wbole of his Innmenao 8ltock of Modern HOUSEHOLD FURNITURE AT A GREAT SACRIFICig, AS THE WHOLE MUST BE 80LD. PARTIES FURNISHING WMI fnd this a splondil opportunity to SAVE MONEY. The STOCK ...

Advertisements & Notices

... JIFLE CLASS for SUNDAY SCHOOL 1E'LCCIIERfS o1 all deptooinintionq, and others, This n td every- W~.Q .tit at 13. South-poesadu. C40) j~PLN1M)OL 0f~ 3UJyf.1ANT '11fTS CONGRLGA- q 11NLOI~l-hs\, lilount Talboyrtceet'l. - toichod h5 01 ?? Aarch 8tht, IN, in tbhs Simo idr. ait tiols' id. o the 11PV. J1AAMES (iltlIQRV, Oftti~ii Be iolst 1 W.Afte.ra0on. et 1.11, by the Revr. JODXVAli) SMIrTH ...

Advertisements & Notices

... I a:DfFVT'l'IS3REREiTS. J Indigestion and all complaints of the stomach and liver arc ?? relievead rand in at very abort thum cainpletely cured, b7 Alirod Oromptons' ijills. Surprieing cures ae teffeted tythanre. Shid by all k)heinists in boxes it 13Xd. and 2a. ld. each, with fuU dirertions for rki ug.' C 1dS1do No MoREe UMEDic6ra.-DU BAR ty's DErLICIOUS IfEVA- rj.rN , IoOD cures indlieation, ...

Advertisements & Notices

... FLIXOI~ ALL FARMS, I -LAST TIMBER SALE OF THB SEASON4 Messrg. LENNY & SMITH DAY 4 Will SELL bry AUCTION, THISgaret and St. rUHE TlEBS at St- Michael's, St. Margare a farm 1Lawrence, commecalg . b at Eleven precise1y v. 4 H WedesaynetMarch 15th, .50 Fat and Grazing BEB SS 40 SWINE, 2 jonted rolls, 3,1 0ead Stofk ;or a Scantling, and a vatietl of DedSok LENNY & SMITH. I 'e Innkeepe and ...