... IUTERATURE. APRIL Becton's Yetang Enqlisehwomana (Lonldon: Ward, Looke, and Tyler) lose somo very useful papors on a variety Of subjects for young housekeepera tand also furnisbes all the information aecesmary to enable thorn to keep pace with the i fashions of the day. The Coloured plate shows three g1ood praotical costumes~ for out-door. wear, end there Is a largo go supeental ...


... 1 I BELFAST EXHIBITOPtS. WE are glad to find that Belfast manbfaturers will be largely represented at the forthcoming Centen- nial Exhibition in Philadelphia, and from an in. spection of some of the products which are to be forwarded, we believe we are justified in saying that they will not only naintaih the reputation which the Northern Athens has already acquired for the skill, energy, and ...


... L LITERARY _, IELLANEA. Tmass A-ND HEAiH.-May would ifeem it an act of validalism to remoe a woll-urown trdflfrom the'neigh- bourhood of a dwellihg. 'ot, although 'wc love the pleasant green trees as much as any one, observations made from time toilne in various situations sliew that, in respect to health, a large quantity of foliage too close to a house is not desirable. In the fist instance, ...


... LEEDS COLUMBARIAN qOoETY , !I A -- 9- -I-- -1 ~ ~ ~ ~ iiO A very fine show of pigeons was opened in the Corn Exchange, Leeds. and ?? bc ~ day. Tbe promnoters ares the Leeds Coloclharciaji whose qbject in to encour age the breedino ~ pigeons, and especially of the Itorbti valuable classes. 'The soaciety has so existence, but whena we ?? tha t i Lieut.-Col. Child; the vice-presiccesitB . ' ...


... no_ FRENCH PLAYERS. M. LESUEUR. M. Lesneur's career is a striking illustration of the fact that an actor cannot serve Art and Mammon. Endowed with singular gifts for the fine rendering of certain comic characters, M. Lesueur was induced to leave these to batten onfleries. That the extravagant combinations of wit and spectacle in which he took part were much improved by his presence is as ...


... DERBYSHIER AGRICULTURAL SOCIETY. .k THE STALLION SHOW. ot The third annual show of stallion cart-borses (open to al da -d England) took place on Friday lset, upon the enclosed Re ground adjoining the Cattle-market Hlotel. The eariyrpart P. t of the day was exceptionally fine, and a large number of W he gentlemen, farmers, and other persona Interested in breeding f oh borses availed themselves ...


... 0 REMEMBER MEli Translated from ALFRED DE MUSrET'S Raffelle-toe. 1. Remember me, when opas the tlmid dawn Her glorious palace to the golden sun: Remember me, when pensive night has drawn Her silver veil of dreamy beauty on. At pleaeare's call whon palpitates thy breast, At ight, when shadewov woo thee with their rest, List I how the silent glades This murmuring phrese pervades- Remember ...


... - THE THEA TIRES. THE ROYAL-~AFTER D K. one r- Mr Boucicault is seen 7)at his beti irms dina like 1The Shaughraurn. He. is ounch 'less disq in happy in pieces like Aftet Dark; a Tale of& le 5f London Life,1 which was produced on nwia Dr Monday, rind Was repeated last night with a fair amount of success. The mathrial of the tr g, work is' 'common, and for the rniost part commion- 'deal ar ...


... FASHIONS FOR APRIL Tharm, The feabione of thie season will, we think, be much admired fthe by all whose artistic teats and just appreciation of the qualities th on constituting real 6iliganee reader their opinion of value. . I01 ithey There in no longer aqy exaggeration of style or out adopted by- It ;part either the ?? modhites or their customers ; striking colours el ea ou in juxtapoeition, ...


... TEE Eglp; 1107JNt OF SCIENCIFVIC j. zTIUMLINTS. LUNLO';DON CORaEnONDNT.) if 1 3ico of all the e:forts of the commnittee, re ritsflt.U1i ci s vicnidc instruments and ea was cot opened on 6aturday, .A irilly :;zsnounccd. The delay in of the ab ects promised by foreign ul . the dinicalties in arranging the gal- ot ioroapr d splay of the interest of ---ens promised, have been far t thlan, was ...


... (From the Uardenersr Biagazise.) i Hrrcurni GARSDE' .-BOeliq to be dressed with soot or wood ntises, and hoed up quite to the lowest leaves. Fow for succrs- lon. i1hey like a rich retentive boll. bow celery for the lMat time in seed pans, and place on a hot bed; but if no convenience of that kird sow on a warm dry border, and It will come up in time to make good plants for a late supply. Sow ...

Our Illustrations

... 1 ?? ?? ?? - ?? M ii 06?j THE PRINCE OF WALES IN THE TERAI MEASURING THE TIGER This is a sketch during the first days' shooting in Nepaul. The Prince of Wales has just shot a tiger, and several of the suite, including Mr. Bartlett, the taxidermist, with the Prince, have got down from their elephants to measure the animal. The party, writes Mr. H.Johnson,ourspecialartist, formned ...

Published: Saturday 01 April 1876
Newspaper: Graphic
County: London, England
Type: Article | Words: 2686 | Page: Page 3 | Tags: Arts & Popular Culture