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... 1 , 7 ! A b ' A lP) II THE COnRT. Bsd'enpBdOn, Sunday. rnv~ ~k. ~asp. eforsed thi's moihiin at $li~litk - ?? before the Queen, PrNncess'ea etiffO, ?? tbe~lseiiseholl , i ev. Aiiald Whit., Englibli= ghpli a adn officiated. 'The Queen 111 s taelk quiet drives in the Ineighbour-hood. A visit wa pidt tbe tomb of her Majesty's imutnntel sister, Princess Hoheiolhe, on the nrtt morning after the Quee ...


... a4bint 4i .. i*iB I THE~ PRINC* *OF WALES. His Royal 14h s the Prince of Waeq WMU arnie at Malta O'D Thurs ay next, and ?? ogain on the following Worning. THE DUKE OF EDINBURGH, . . . - :. \ . l .a, )2ondna Tho Duke of a dnbrgb wgo arrirca here : by the d n- mail trom Paris t in Jotrey to A ad, t 1.%e -thtootternoon. ' ' 4w . THE 3BpHE$S QF 5TZWRIA. ! ETh ers f Austrfi left Diver at 1.30 ...

[ill] [ill] SOCIETY

... .1 Teas - -1 FU'. SIOAL SOOIETY. There was a time-asome twenty years ago- when Dublin was strong in its choral societies. It vihs a treat to which all looked eagerly forward when the Antient Conoert Society (as chief atmouget them) snnounced a concert to be given under its auaspices. 'It is true there was not about thesco ciety. tbat breadth d liberality that would hove gone far to populnrise ...


... I THURLES APRIL FAIR, (From our Correspondent.) The usunl monthlyfair of the above town was hold ou Tuesday when a very large supply of all kinds of stock was exhibited for sale. Buyers were numerous, anc prices for anything in good condition showed a decided advance over quotations of late fairs. Strippers and good two year old heifers vwre much looked aftjr The demand for bullocks was not so ...


... PASBI)RN AND VARIB.TIBS. .v. THE COURT. London, Thursday. The Queen will remain at Baden until the l2thinst. I The Interview with the Emperor will take place at Co. burg. Baden.Baden, Villa Hohenlohe, Tuesday. L Yesterday Mr. H. E.-H. Jerolngham, Acting Charge d*Allalrs, and Mrs. Jerntigham, had the honour of being presented to the Queen; and this day their Royal Highness the count and ...


... YAbBION AND VABIETIES. THE COURT. Marlborough House, Saturday. Her Royal Highness the Princess of Wales, accom- panied by the Royal children, left Marlborough House i todday for Sandriugham. In attendance were Mies Knollys, General the Right Non Sir W Knollys, Ur Hoisan, and Mr Dalton. Sandringham, Saturday. HerRoyal Highnesn the Princess of Wales, with Princes AlbortVictor and George and the ...


... I Tax HICORiCAL RwcORD OP TrIM 27TH ISxIa- srIIoG RBzonxrT, from the Periodof its Insti. tution as a Volunteer Corps till the Present Time. With an appendix, &IC. By W. Copeland Trimble Wm. ClOWes & Sons, London; W. Trimble, E nniskillen.- Ta title of this work indicates its object, a com- mendable one on the part of a young Enniskillener, who seems to have thrown his whole heart into the ...


... 1 I BELFAST EXHIBITOPtS. WE are glad to find that Belfast manbfaturers will be largely represented at the forthcoming Centen- nial Exhibition in Philadelphia, and from an in. spection of some of the products which are to be forwarded, we believe we are justified in saying that they will not only naintaih the reputation which the Northern Athens has already acquired for the skill, energy, and ...


... FASBIOI. AND VABITIB2. l -Sir James and Lady Power left Kingstown yesterday for England. Lady Burton left Kingstown yesterday for England. Major Rnox left Kingstown yesterday for England. Hon. 0. Ponsonby left Kingstown yester- day for England. Captain Stanton arrived at Kingstown yes- terday from England. Eon. Stanley Monk arrived at Kingstown yesterday fromn England. The following are ...


... LISBURN HYACINTH AND SPRING I FLOWVER SOCIETY'S SHOW. [FP.031 OUR REPORTX&2 LisBauaN, WEDNS-SDAY. SomE short time ago it was felt by a number of re- sidents in the neighbourhool of Lisburn that an exhibition of ?? flowers, held in the earlier patt of the year, wo-ould not only receive the suppn t. p.tvot.ace, ant eneot.rage.nent of the p ?? gene. r.Al, but that :t would tend to increase their ...


... I ,]U)'N ?ALNi V~liT.lTLES. Tli, QUEEN. Baleli Iladen, wednesday. tfor Mtajesty the Qneen and Princess Beatrice wili; leave Bnden at t.40 this morning for Darrastadt, and re. turn here at 8.12 to-night. Darmstadt, Wednesday. Queen Victoria arrivedl lere by special train, Mt ono p.m. to-day, to visit the Prince and Prlncess Louis of Hesse. 'His IPoyal Hliahness the Duke of Edin- bmngh ...