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... . a GEMS OF THOUGHT. KNsoWLroOn.-Avail yourself of all your knowledge without making a display of it. That machinery works best that is hidden from view. WRoes-DOING.-TOO Reany persons are far less-ashamed of having done wrong than of being found out. HURRY AND CUNNING} are the two apprentices of despatch and skill; but neither of them over learned their master's trade. TnovsLES.-A person is ...


... FR~INCE'S THEATRE.I Long-promised, oft-deferred Girofl.-Girofla was pro- duced at the Prince's Theatre on Monday night with an efficient cast and an excellent chorus. Thanks to the unwearying energy of the new musical conductor, Mr. F. Stanislaus, the piece had been carefully rehearsed, and went with a smoothness that left little to be desired. The libretto, which has been judiciously toned ...


... Por].TRY. | IiTTLAE CHILIDREN. 1 tbinik the stars are fair, Far in the deep blue air; And flowers are'surely sweet That conie the spring to greet. And birds are dear I know, The streams are clear that flow And field and forest bright As suaioer shines in light. But 0, the children fair, Than stars to mce are raro; And sweeter than the flowers And birds in sumoer bowers. And stream, and field, ...


... I F-AHIONS FOR APRB. (J}oe L! loUu.) The fashlons of this saoso win, we think, he much adnilred by all whose artulate taste and just appreoiatior of the qualities oentulg til 616ganoo render their opinion o va. T!r 4 no longer any exaggeration of stle or out aflop by either tie gratdes modietes or their customer; striking eolotui i ?? and arieatres of shape and trimming are things of tho pas . ...


... ALEXANDRA THEATRE. On Monday night Mr. F. Wilkinson. the courteous treasurer and manager of the Alemandra, Tneatre, took his besefit, ahen ho warn favoured with a large atterdance, the pit and dress cirole being so crowded that many persons were unable to sit. The entertainment commenced with tile per- formance of an adaptation of Sorihe's vaudeville L'Ambassadenr,` entitled 'Too Clever. It ...


... - I THE REAT, NUGGET. Toil on, toil on, tho golden ngo, The ;oet's soorned fletion, las yet to come, and bear the cross O Labour's cruciflxioni. ro ae t for the nuggets found, Tho gold for which you've panted; if happiness remains nfiould. The rarcest nugget's wonted I Though strecnms were changed to liquid gold, And pearls lay thick around us. They need not make no wiser non, Nor happier ...


... GEMS OF THOUGHT. Cariosity is a thing that makes us look over other people's affairs, and overlook our own. Truth is the object of reason, and this is one ; beauty is the object of taste, and this is multiform. One ungrateful man does aD injury to all who are wretched. You may depend upon it that he is a good man whose intimate friends are good, and whose enemies are charac- ters decidedly bad ...


... LITERARY NOTIC ES. .,',tiblw'S Ihlstrated Florse .!fniq' mcit. Rovlsod by jaues Irvine Lupton, ilroS. London W. H. Alleu and Co. This Volk Will bo wolcorced by all who take an Interest in horse-manegon zc. Tho art of wribing wel liua In a thorough nCquaintaro3 with the subject urder dicupsslor, s.nd in tho preseun instane the author has not only demonstrated this acqurinttnco by practical ...


... PUBLIC AMUSEHENTS. I ROYAL ALEXANDRA THEATRE, ITALIAN OPERA. Itallon opera is represented at the Alexandra, Theatle by Signor Campobello'g Company. Last night the Huguenots was performed before a nufsersbly small audience. The cast was as follows:- Marcello .. ?? 13gnor elingas ?? di Naogt ?? .3.. ao r V zn l z 11 Conte dl Ban Drts ?? 84mgor OsaUemsary It Oonte dl Keyers ?? ,Hgnor pobello ...


... I hommopathy in its Relation to the Di~seaes of FemaleS, fir OynceCodogy. By Thomas Skinner, M.D., Yiveipool. LiverpooI Adam Efrolden, In the pteront parnpniPO, Dr. S;Lnwjr IbinIm ib due to the profesaion, the publiu, and himself, that he shoulil give his reasons for changing ?? practice of mt dfolne from allopathyto honmopathy, after 25 ye~ra' experiento of the former. An au old privatea ...


... g ?? trt (f Japan. Part 3. Liverpool: Pub- 6t li hed by the Authors, Messrs. Audsley and ,r Bowes. .5 The third part of this trnly grand work, illustrative a of the Keramani art of Japan, has just been Issued .8 to bubeclibere, and the authors ore to be con- y greattlnted unon the undiminished interest whioh iH felt in the department of art which in this work they are endeavouring to explain ...


... PUBLIC AMUEiEYNT,. ?? E OYAL ALEX&NDRA TfhEXTa, Signor Campotello's opera ?? 16t rnii produced llc-irnt'a Guglielruo Teil' e t' Al. xandra Theatre, and we are ?? so n51 the public appreciation of Plusical ialt' it better denonstrtated than on tlbe previous efea the audience being moderately numerous. cast of the opera was as lollows -Arnoldo. S Urio: 11 Pescatore, Stgnor Dellhi Rocca: GgHl! 3 ...