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?? Z^Z. F . ?? X 'ham, will Preach in MoUJT ZIOH Chapel. *■ * No Collection. R E^Hannahfptyer'and Gideon,

... Battles. _ Garde, street Chapel. w„n— r and Plenty. Morning- JgL, Review. Evening- Itie -_r_j ' SJioBROW AFTERNOON AT 2 ». -»-_ ?? pqtaINTON at South street Chapel. B E^ • S_se^ TheOhild of Pmyer. TO-MORROW. rm] IST -DELPHIAN LECTURE ROOM, « - ie« th Oh'irch street.— To-Morrow EvEKtKG, at 6.30. ?? « l T- rhP -th an Institution to be observed in the S; No CoUecriot.. Bring yonr BiWes. ...

Published: Saturday 01 April 1876
Newspaper: Sheffield Independent
County: Yorkshire, England
Type: Advertisement | Words: 52044 | Page: Page 1, 2, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8 | Tags: Classifieds 


... Apbil 20th, 1876. io tie Catti.K Markkt. York, a number of FATCAITLE, SHEEP, and PIGS. Sale at 9.15 a.m. YORK CATTLE MARKET. ON THURSDAY NEXT. MR. THOMAS WALKER will SELL BY AUCTION, on THURSDAY NfcXT, April 20th, ' 1876, at 12 o'clock, under the Wool Sbehs, The Property of the late F. H. Choi.mklet, Esq., of Brandsby Hall. LOT I.— Pore-bred SHORTHORN Ht_IFER (calved May 8. 1B7H), by Breast ...

Published: Saturday 15 April 1876
Newspaper: York Herald
County: Yorkshire, England
Type: Advertisement | Words: 33352 | Page: Page 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 7, 8 | Tags: Classifieds 

{ _- K^- SS PLOT MOWERS of every size and variety. ineliidin_r Grkuv's ?? c. „ Z \T RAN9OME-. HaRTUET'S,

... FOIXOWS A BATE LVVINCIBLK Ac Any M£hTl- ?? ' SH . A , NKS » SaMUELSON'S' approved of. H. BUSHELL'B Implement ?? at^2LS^^ on ?? ?? --changed if not . . EXPERIENCED WORKMEN FOR REPAIRS F OR TIiE FINEST BARLEY, fiT for Burton Brewers, use PRENTICE'S BARLEY MANURE. ' v, .£ n_t? Q CALI ! Y ?? QUANTITY, and lor promoting thegrowth of Spring-sown Crops PEE NTICE'B BART TSV MANDBE i. unsurpassed by ...

Published: Saturday 29 April 1876
Newspaper: York Herald
County: Yorkshire, England
Type: Advertisement | Words: 14527 | Page: Page 9, 15 | Tags: Classifieds 

C_=lXJ_=.GE_: PASTORAL-AID SOCIETY. «' God helping us, we will not relax our efforts, until tho land be ..

... it may be, England won to Christ. On Sunday, April 23rd, 1876, SERMONS ■\Yill be Preached in behalf of this Society : At St. Peters's Church— In the MORNING. By the Rev. JAMES WAREING BARDSLEY, M.A., Vicar of St. Paul's. Greenwich ; And in the EVENING, By the Rev. GEORGE FRKDERICK HEAD, M.A., Vicar of St. Mark's, Tollington Park, London. Services to commence in the Morning at Half-past Ten, ...

Published: Friday 21 April 1876
Newspaper: Essex Standard
County: Essex, England
Type: Advertisement | Words: 14112 | Page: Page 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6 | Tags: Classifieds 

OVERLAND ROUTE AND SUEZ CANAL. Under Contract for the conveyance of the Mails to the Mediterranean, ludia, ..

... Australia. Tne Pen- insulnr anl Orieutal Steam Navigation Company despatch their Steamers from Southampton, via the Suez Canal, every Thursd .y, from Venice every Friday, and from Brindisi, with the Overland Mails, every Monday. Offices, Londou : 122, Leadenhall-street. E.C. and 25. Cock- Biuir-street, S.W. QTEAM TO BALTIMORE FROM O SOU TH A M PTON.— The NORTH GERMAN LLOYD will despatch their ...

Published: Saturday 29 April 1876
Newspaper: Hampshire Advertiser
County: Hampshire, England
Type: Advertisement | Words: 34206 | Page: Page 1, 2, 3, 4, 5 | Tags: Classifieds 

VI'HITE STAR LTNE.— Y-*e_t-eni Agents, \| .-V..LLIACE and SON, 41 and 43, Maddox-street, Bond- ilßlGflTON.— A ..

... RC* M CAR TRAIN runs Every v*-eek Day between V dor :- ; a- ?? l -o - -, leaving \ ictoria 10.4. a.m., and Brighton - _ . ni 1 xf.i *» Sl NDAY- A ?? First -class Train from Victiri. t 4 sin, ?? at tlapham Junction and Croydou. Day .: k.ts. l__ jrj-fHF GRAND AQUARIUM at BRIGHTON. JL ?? i:iM SATURDAY.— FAvT ili .INS for Brighton leave v ?? iit ■' ?? and 11 ;,o a.m., and London-! >rid_e 10.0 ...

Published: Saturday 22 April 1876
Newspaper: Morning Post
County: London, England
Type: Advertisement | Words: 25596 | Page: Page 1, 4, 7, 8 | Tags: Classifieds 

A******~* H ■ C\i*

... ?? ~* H ■ C\i* ?? «, mtWA. V ,_ 'WSb 4- V ?? x^ PRICE Id. Unstamped, Stamped ljd. WEDNESDAY, APRIL 12, 1876. REGISTERED FOR TRANSMISSION ABROAD, No. 2,709 \ TTHORISED AGENTS for Huddersfield, 1 pewsbury, Holmfirth, and surrounding districts, for riKET'S CELEBRATED LADIES' FRENCH BOOTS, Jj IISSON and WHITHAM, B, John Willi^pi-street, JS««field. SJ^of the Largert Stocks of French BOOTS and SHOEs ...

Published: Wednesday 12 April 1876
Newspaper: Huddersfield Chronicle
County: Yorkshire, England
Type: Advertisement | Words: 13624 | Page: Page 1, 2 | Tags: Classifieds 

Saks frg auction. To Coach Builders, Wheelwrights, and Others- MX. HENRY THOMAS has been instructed by- Mr. R. ..

... SELL by AUOTION, at the Thkee-kilk Stone, on the Truro and Redruth Koad, m the parish of Kenwyn. on Thuksday next. April Gth, 1576, lfk» Dozen HEART OF OAK SPOKES. 30 „ „ „ LADDEK STAVES. Several Lots of ASH TIMBER. Several Lots of BILLETT and FIRE WOOD. An excellent. Milk Steamer (to scald two pan- at a t.mej, Register Grate, with Mantelpiece to fit), Hackney Saddle and Bridle, Side Saddle, ...

Published: Saturday 01 April 1876
Newspaper: Royal Cornwall Gazette
County: Cornwall, England
Type: Advertisement | Words: 23096 | Page: Page 1, 2, 3, 8 | Tags: Classifieds 

BOYAL AGEICULTURAL SOCIETY OF ENGLAND. TaUNTON~TEULS, 1875. -Qob m v*™* £?£*«■» ?? Ora Sou Psra, Oia Ftrst Pmzn ..

... Prize, >^%rv Tmnn) after Seven Days' Trials amongst 64 MowerabyV the leading Makers! MANCHESTER TRIALS. «* psst Ten Year* fcfc^^Z/^vJ^ 111 p BEZES AND TWO HIGH COMMENDATIONS Iran the Boyal Agricultural Second for Self Rakers; First and gaoety of England, for Mowers for Premiers ; First and Second for rf Reapers, being more than oD other NA ...

THIS DAY. qTHH BAPTISM OF CHRIST IN JORDAN. The wondrous ?? by B. €hKU>wx_r Lewis, IS NOW ON VIEW, 4t

... Mr. Thomas Rodsebs', BookaeQer and BUtttoner, Orange alley Corner, Market place, where it will remain for a short time-only. Admibbiok :— Tes to Foub OKB ?? Six to EieHT .SIXFEHCE. Y. M c * ■ *• TEE BAZAAR, ALBERT HALL. MAY 23rd, 24th, ato 25th. SCHOOL BOARD. SCIENCE AKD ABT BXAMIKATIOKS. Tbe Examinations in connection with Ihe Science and Art Department will be held as follow :— Practical ...

Published: Wednesday 26 April 1876
Newspaper: Sheffield Independent
County: Yorkshire, England
Type: Advertisement | Words: 11517 | Page: Page 1, 2 | Tags: Classifieds