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[ill] [ill] SOCIETY

... .1 Teas - -1 FU'. SIOAL SOOIETY. There was a time-asome twenty years ago- when Dublin was strong in its choral societies. It vihs a treat to which all looked eagerly forward when the Antient Conoert Society (as chief atmouget them) snnounced a concert to be given under its auaspices. 'It is true there was not about thesco ciety. tbat breadth d liberality that would hove gone far to populnrise ...


... PASBI)RN AND VARIB.TIBS. .v. THE COURT. London, Thursday. The Queen will remain at Baden until the l2thinst. I The Interview with the Emperor will take place at Co. burg. Baden.Baden, Villa Hohenlohe, Tuesday. L Yesterday Mr. H. E.-H. Jerolngham, Acting Charge d*Allalrs, and Mrs. Jerntigham, had the honour of being presented to the Queen; and this day their Royal Highness the count and ...


... LITTLE EMILY AT THE, THEA.TRE ROY AL. Lovers of Charles Dickens's beautiful story of Le David Copperfield (and who would not be included W-as such?) have at present the opportunity of a most enjoyable treat at Mr. Parry's cosy theatre. In the e writing of this story the great author confessed that he i had had more pleasure than in any other of his pro- 7e ductions, and those who wish for ...


... AMessrs. Ludlow, Daniel, and Roborts sold, at their suc- tion rooms, yesterday, a large and importmnt collection of modern oil paintings, numbering 138 lots, including twelve high-class works by tihe elder Dawoni, There was a numer- ous attendanoe of buyers, and the competition for some of tho finer pictures was very spirited, as will be seen by the prineipslpl~riccs realiie d -Playmates at ...