... If A )bIIoN AivD VARLETIrs. . - THE COUR~T. Coburg, April 10, The Que en, accompanied by Princess Be*e1tre, ar- ye lired at Cobnrg a tew minutes before eight o'clock laet evening. Her Majesty left Baden-Bade at I0 o'olock co yesterday morning, nnd travelled by speclal traiu. Their Royal iglghneases the Grand Duke and Duehelss of ge Baden and Prince and Prlneass Iolenboheo wero at the St ...


... F AIRS. COnoSGAs APRIL FAIR.-At this fair, held on Wednesday, there was a large show of cattle in all departments. With the exception of milch cattle, for which there was an active demand, business was dull, but prices remained firm. First quality beef sold at from 75s to 80s; second do. drew from 60s to 70s; and third rate quality changed hands at from S0s to S0s per cwt. Springers sold at ...


... PUBLIC AXUSEXENTS. At the 'Haymarket, Shakspere's comedy of Measure la Meassure, 'which has not been played in London for 'twenty-five years, is reproduced. Many passages of :rmther too suggestive a nature have been excised, and in vtherways the piece has been curtailed. It is, on the whole, :hirl' acted, but, for all that, we eannot think it win obtain much favour. Miss Neilson looks the ...


... New alloys are atlivn peaiseblo, wenl niy be expected to proey occasiowially of gxeat vabio, T n reipcct to bronze, very important retiults have followed frina the adloltion of Dr. Kiinvil'R niethdid. ws carxied out in England by the Phosphor lllonce Company. Thevitluc of phosph~oras in its combinationi with bromiil consists mainly-if not wholly --in its strong affminiy for oxygen. If thuts ...


... OIAABZI( AND VARZZNS& : T92 CBJRT. P ~ ?? , Sbaturay Te OtQ a Duke and Gadd Duchaes Bd W am P R a tto. Qnu Vltebla at halft-PO a O'clock athu aftemoon Lad ?? toliwcaon. -h ' tuned to Carrh ^at 8.1. . Tue Duke of Rutland's party at Belvoie Casle, whlich membled op Tesda bas lfcludedth Maquis ?? ?? Bocto5 and l M Hervey,*MWda Mfarchiones of Allcabary, the e Countess of Bradford and Lady Mbel ...

Doet's Corner

... vurs (9-arlur. THE RELIEF. By BnPr HARTfLR How pahed the ni~ght thro' thy long waking ? sl Cheerless and dark, as may hefit The hour before the dawn is breaking.' 1No sight 9no sound ? No, nothing Save the plover from the marshes calling; And in you Western sky, about An hour ago, a star was falling V s' star! there's nothing strange in that. No, nothing, but above the thicket, somehow ...


... THE LONDO x MUSIC HALLS. THE CAMBRIDGE. MR. F. ABRUrAHAS'S BENEFIT.-If it had been his fifth or fifteenth benefit at this Hall instead of the first Mr Abrahams could hardly, have been better supported than lhe was on Wednesday evening last. The crowded state of the place on that occasion may be taken as evidence that the frequenters of it are thoroughly satisfied with the way in which he has ...

Published: Sunday 09 April 1876
Newspaper: The Era
County: London, England
Type: Article | Words: 1539 | Page: Page 5 | Tags: Arts & Popular Culture 


... THE WINDS. Where is your home, ye wanderers free? In what far land across the sea ? Live ye in some vast cavern rude- Some unexplored solitude ? Or dwell ye where no sound is heard, No voice of man, or beast, or bird? Had ye your strange mysoteriousbirth Beyond the narrow bound of earth, Where ye might mingle with the flight Of spirits from the world of light- Bright messengers that sometimes ...


... CLOUDS IN THE EAST. By V. BAIER. t'hatto aad WSVimdus.-Ex-Colonel Valentine Baker, now an inmate.of Horsemonger-lane Prison, where he is expiating the criminal folly displayed in an indecent assault upon Miss Dickenson, has jist issued a work with the above titie. It has,: we presume, been penned in the limbo to which, Judge Brett coneigned him; and if so, then it must be admitted Iy all who ...


... EDGBASTON AMATEUR MUSICAL UNION, The twenty-sixth concert of this association, which took place in the Mlasonic Esll, on Wednesday evening, under the direction of the society's honorary conductor, Mr. 0. J. Ducheonrn, ivas one of the mnst ambitious, and at the same time one of the most creditable of the series, being as in- terestingiin selection as it wes admirable in point of execu- tion. In ...


... XUSI? I THE OPEIRA ISEASON. Mr. Mriploson'o proopectip of the fortheomling s?850f of her Majoaty's Opera explains the ?? of tijo A Druryomlae Pen of the 9ri nd Y90ilna b9&*2lne on10 I A the Vktor ho usuaalgmn, Apandtecneun 1OZ0 eerity 2 night. kost of the' princaipal of recent And pro. I viomi fterpou ar to reosppoeq, Iaaiu0lni; Ji4LQ. T10tinn, 14M Uxadame obvinlnkio Nlkwen, Maluie, ...

London Irish Rifles Amateurs

... London Irish Rities Amateurs. A scanty but fashionable audience assembled at St. George's Hall, Laugham-place, on the evening of the 6th instant, to witness the fourth dramatic performance given by the London Irish Rifles, under the patronage of Colonel the Marquis of Donegal-or Donegall, as these sons of Erin called it in the bills--and the officers of the regiment. The best thing about the ...

Published: Sunday 09 April 1876
Newspaper: The Era
County: London, England
Type: Article | Words: 495 | Page: Page 4 | Tags: Arts & Popular Culture