Advertisements & Notices

... S3ALES BY AlJCTIO'., tcelgatt. Sayrey..t ?? lrTt50 ?? Station. itiss Ut eot lr.'ohcssaoosos05555piO ?? hall dil seaeinloT;, tsot mo1a ssitn Oussl, ld ?? ?? sit hou In, throand Xalsiesy. t toe '45ltt ?? trrllols Isrenms~s, 'With Neosetery oroitnot l`we` an seelotpeses fto oundb, about ha~lf an arre. Also a wehll-tocted hitchlv e~lo Oeatstdill aboolt half an 11rosanloeny j5ale hyrsuvle ontr-A ?? ...

Advertisements & Notices

... PERUVIAN GOVERNMENT GUANO We beg to give Notice that we are offering RAW PERUVIAN GOVERNMENT GUANO, AS IMPORTED, AND DISSOLVED PERUVIAN GOVERN. MENT GUANO, Treated with Snlphuric Acid under our control Messrs. OHLENDORFF and CO'S Works, Plalatow Victoria Doak; Guaranteed to contain Nitrogen equal to 9 per cent Non-volatile Amnmouia, 20 per cent of Soluble Guano 2 per cent of Insoluble I ...

Advertisements & Notices

... _1alcs bu M'uftwn AWESS RS. HE PPFEBR and SO0NS8, LAST.P1ARADE. LEEDF. 0 128 Lie ro Tly~'lit edtON wti el byAa'cont, in their New Ittite cobra rtseesestlt ,Yjlafgiysl IWSES COSand PONIES, Let 1. A staoy Miare, eight years, 1iI hands : quiet to ride andl drive. 2.A bay Cob, roar KNtro B4.2A; quiet to ride, anidaWive. 2.A biy stino wtit hbt..nb potintls. OcIS'n iasts, 12 handto; quiet ta til rid ...

Advertisements & Notices

... hfiAx to 2\DutdtatrZ. . AdeertistmenOW for ?? PALL MALL GAzTrrH should be sent to tse Office before Haif-,tast Zen o'celock on the dny of ublcation. . Annoue7vsgceatts of Births, jMfarriagres, and Deaths are inserted in the PALL MALL GAZZTTE at a charge of Five Sitsitsrs. Fhey may be sent through an Advertisits Agent Vewsagent, or Librarian; or, proeberiy arliscnticated, to the 0oCe of the ...

Advertisements & Notices

... &tit's to .busrtatz07. Advertisements for Jhe PALL MALL GAZETTE MSould be sent to the OCice before Half-past Ten /tcock on the day of jublication. Announcnrtents of Births, Marriages, and Deaths are inserted in the PALL MALL GAZRTTE at a charee a] Five Shiilisgs. ekey siy be sent through an Advertising At ent, Vewsagexn, or Librarian; or, rojterly autsenticated, to the ?? of t1he PALL MALL ...

Advertisements & Notices

... W bad;Y J AlT C raia M u~ -RoTERiS, RcXA8 11O.1SES, CoBs, -c; Takmto Q&nbe 113. t-wo Sh~a?170, ?? Ags Isc(!1 ia Rinkrulov; WhteI' C1 Yjt ?? cod! .hben 0,-or3, au, o. Go oI~ pro ta, theoa. DI a llorw50 tf t3C9 to 'Ol'4t3e and Olg Ie h' ?? Y',dtz e' ,.10 UcO's-91rt rices .rl.L ,q Vwlec1trlsse Whto,313, AO VCC!iti~da2 Zjtt the ltd 3jay. *, Tcr,)o .io at their Rtepocieitfy LivrrrOJI, Lot of ver Y ...

Advertisements & Notices

... bY old.w fl.'tCM YJ nei 9Mi~tatr; strong aua weii finisbed. >31( .sdn.o'b'fo 11iO'ptlyim itwater to ailt kitido 3!f 'J I r ',COt.LeA, Loomn the d~str1ct pgnt3, ?? v :J ~O1I'$1. I'T IE, ClInt. cuotrei 1.hd you n W I1I ;,-l6o fur a, aalof11- r---A and~ In full-nsorTati~iOf. 1'oica £tt %m,5 S ?? and all CoiaLie-d witil; it, for i-''1014411 s' aend-ha Em C'Aroii h I o o 211na7r.-SD. Onyrotbior ...

Advertisements & Notices

... AI01LTIO TO _ADwF~gT18sRR; itotooaero' tPrt-itt o2 ?? I rlvNNO. I s, . 1evocat of this, CI0tha lin ov basked w9ilt ice 51t50%58 is ?? OOrc ?? Oryeinafi~5rYI 1000 h stloo us mciii, ty lettic, said !0a CO &jrr'3;amcimc cc, M11h.~'l~ll lhtsikmans ozsonrt jtb! -ant J 5, , *YhO1 C% &t D.-t O~gUNDOU.1 tisocoled Vtohalloan' a-nd Urelvrios' Ar.AnDolloeer, rind Valuer, 8I, Visoril.street, Ccar ef ...

Advertisements & Notices

... PUBiIC NOTICES. Q T. GEORGE'S LITERARY ASSO- r K CIATION, DARLINGTON. A PUBLIC TEA Will be hold under the auspices of P the above Association, on THURSDAY, April 27th, in S the LECTURE HALL of Church. Tea on the Tables n at Seven o'Clock. PUBLIC MEETING at Eight 03 o'Clock. Admission, One Shilling. 2627 e' 'JEERLY PRAYER MEETING, X V DARLINGTON. fi: TO-DAY, from Twelve to One o'Clock, in Rooms ...

Advertisements & Notices

... FURNITURE DECORATION AND CARPETS. DIPLOMA OF HONOUR, International Exhibition, Vienna, 1873. The sole highest award for English Furniture. HOFS CONCOURS, International Exhibition, PARIS, i867. MEDAL for GREAT EXCELLENCE of DESIGN and WORKMANSHIP, International Exhibition, London, 1862. GOLD MJEDAL OF HONOUR for IMPROVEMENTS in ENGLISH FURNITURE, International Exhibition, PARIS, 1855; the ...

Advertisements & Notices

... _ ARAD COHAPEL. -)X -ijour. A'NMIYER'IARY. IXObr1e.E. R, CONIIER, MiLA, no ri;. 0 ?? to Parents, 'efeochtr, and 'IIoILx.I. . EO.IIDS, Pastor.- Th g.orol~ God. 6.31 P.M., f ?? lt thile nto Mr. Aldermian itt' 0 bean chotiel, 1Headiugley, PU HLLAND. Service to I ~ ' L'Ci 01 'C olati0o for W0uruers. XlA ~liD .D., nut i,.ACb. Col7ljtrinl Cr ii )1 NI I ONEXONCHAPTEL, ~ .31 o~'O t 110 f rast Tro ...

Advertisements & Notices

... iv UNrIAr iiir ifin `Hfirvr~trrrc~sth t It ' 4.941t~i r4*11 , I ?? Ir ' c ItA I III V1 I ' It 1 ?? A F441 'tIcI ?? 4cin X~i\ 44cL4 IIRI IJ(IR II ILIII4cr, 4. ?? l44,I I4~,44l 11444. Id ?? [IF,4l14r{ RIII44, 44'.u, v. iom' 41, -xarti tI 1, 1 irttt Co Mmn4. E:C(ONOM14 ICVUYNI'ALA E.S'I'A11- %NIl~I~l I N'T ( jlt.;oll/ ?? lI}0Ir-zT7lIO! I C( .1 Cit Chia{ ?? I IIMI il J I r 4IIA . GII. ' ...