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Daily News (London)

Advertisements & Notices

... SALES BYAUCTION. ~XoU-ufado Furniture. feow Oi0 aintd t ron~l ±11,101t SSS FAREBROTHER, ]fLLISCAK n o uAJ aedireotod by thes Exoecutors of tile late Capftain Fold to EL byAUCTfION, on tile Prmmisop, 9, ci0ovi31d-garders1, vile-I Tek.oa.URS1DAY, Jute 8, at I1 *1ti1i1z 10 xoln UI f1TIU od CONTE&NTS of 11orjeflN~ nlo~l~13 e101bdstood 3, 00131101beddhio,r maiihoganly wasi and toilebt 10l~v, 11tOof ...

Advertisements & Notices

... EUNpV']tA1.S, offielent, rcaopoetablo, ?? } ?? tfrtl hoourner' vrrinsgo. Now rogisterod booses, esnslcsto withwlit block pluillos or volyotsi heroes blick or groy. lol~ilos med ii or siodorn. leatimoolalh extending ovor tivo ycars.- Is E,1t 1 FtUDll N l-1t AiLi COM11,1 wN Y il mitod), 53, Oitj -road, 1i uli U tibry-sqwoua t.( . ;il Nomobridm-j1Io lirfolkowluaro, V. london. eo to iE l FUNl .LS, ...

Advertisements & Notices

... R AND MATINEE. - JUNE' S.-The Dlirector of I~tH.?ETVS OLPErA Iii.s the honour to aniounce that, In comliancwith atiiolii' aelptliations, (f'ounoit' Opera. FAUST wil Is pein~ir onSAURDAY II at, Joimi:rcl -nineoncing at o'eloh. Fust.SiCn r Cnipantrii Aerhistophiflee. A. Paeere; Hotl, olain Te 0ll.h'tinii f~in1 BSr lori~ta, SMaamo Christine tV~'oo. ~hreto o th 2u~i0 and Conduflor. Six MI011AUi~ ...

Advertisements & Notices

... PARKINS AND GOTTO'S DRESSING BAGS FOR LADIES AND GENTLMiEN, t ^1113 X1 Is. DA\G contains T £ * EIGHT USFI'&L ARTICLES Ifor. tbe Toile~t. THE £2 2.9. DAG contaills T P(lorocco) 14 USEUIL ikTICEIS for 1 tho ol. TIE £3 3s. BAG | contains T (SuluiorMIoroco) TOll.JS RVUISITES, with 'lolt,2d Tops, Writin MuateriaLs, T HE £4 4s BAG OI contins (Sj1rir 00ro0) T ~FT LQU1.,'1rqlE. with Vlzttriala, &c. ...

Advertisements & Notices

... PARKIN-S AND GEOTTO'S ' DRESSING BAGS FOR LADIES AND GENTLEMEN. AG ?? lTiItlE £1 18. BAG } lSEIGHT USEUtTL ARITICLtS I for the Toiot. T~1HE £2 28. BAG | ontill9 .THE jurloccO 1t USEFUL A~rICLES for t he Toilet, ?? £3 39. BAG I CflhIIUS T (Mlolocvo) lTTflUF ]tEL'17ISITS,. with |liated Tolls, Writo n e Marialg, IHE 4s. BAG _contais T (Superrior lororco) TOILT0' 10tE1JISTES v with pigetd Topls, ...

Advertisements & Notices

... T'EPORAIED FUNEMZALS, upon the Earth to L1'Ij Erth'' rincild c Ivetorcti'd in the Ti'itcv-' anid elieptnioni whit till prioeeCson. ?? Oil ?? 0. NN CROP)NA. COMPAN'y ?? 14,n. A1I~~cIS (Liucoln'c'- uifinn Headi I FC' ?? IF enditacO ndocctot, ortot,.i~ii'., r tktopi.~ Ar. paninlted fur ~i citicl fllJ14 li~, o~hciao', &. Preontation Aaidrooisus, (lilri O als cml1rc~oo~ Nunr' pato'cad itOOtinO- ...

Advertisements & Notices

... PARKINS D GOTTO'S DRESSING BAGS FOR LADL1S ANID GENTLEMEN. I ;el £1 le. BAG contains T BlomT ETSEI'1UL AUTRLU for tho foiloL _ ?rL-Em £2 28. DA(2 c011ttills (M o'ooo lt IsEXUL, ARTXCW for rILE £3 3s. BAG I contains T (Mtoroc ITOPMIRT ItEQUISITlf With I'lrstld Tops, WrZtUnS m3at ?? ~ _ T12 £4 4P. BAG contains T (Sutecrior Mornom 1TOrf1M 1tUQUTSIT]3, with | Platod TUoPe Writing Matexia, IM ...

Advertisements & Notices

... . MtoSES & SON;O UHAINT TAILORS AND OUTFITUilMBS. FOR ALT, CLSSES. L UIT64 4s. TO 70s. UAtiDIi DlLES i ter SESEAMSUM4 rI A]I5¢l^r rrltlrido9zed ?? Shteot, 43EPtl~rno~v TOtUrfsl~alar* r o 3@ J. ^ 2S1 EO S]E S A ND ESO N. biN5OIU1 ?? 3d AL1)iAtfl. ?? ,;'rENL{AM.COORT.IIOA.D. ,A*1 flrnUoxd, Yor1~i~ro. NO'TICE J (ici~r~cUlDXS lIISONS 6EEE31.7GI l:VENIG N Y i OTI C R IOYBLENT, C 1^1 'Cl~ll, ...

Advertisements & Notices

... i)IRTHS, MAWRITAGES, and I)ATHS. - oparo y Aothenutieoto, NOTIOUS INSElUTPE) in eny NSWi4PAPPg1' et70ioeltan ProvitoiJl. or Caijololx, eorreotly Miit tins br l redk. L a ?? Aient*. 100 iccadilV, W 1) Ei~eO~IMJD FUNER~tLLS upott tho Barth to. sJ1 tisrihb eridelyitoe liilto~l a 9th!' i'l nxs, w 'us lisanstrr ?? Xi nr~ldoX . IUSIa rtomt N aDphl2 wlthtis l nt oil s'l orslir ?? Otroali W~a. ...

Advertisements & Notices

... Souv reniro t) nnf t e,.ni .. pi a, e i Axhhiit Words are things, and a drop of IN alnuo huh a roduce that which makes thousands ?? I r 11 L B I I I i E3stabli.shed upwards ot a Quarter of a Century. SCOTTISH RRINTING INK MANUFACTORY0 FLEMING'S VEGETABLE MAOHINERY OIL'- Three td, Over Twenty a d Carriage 1'ree. ?? ?ixpence e a 0 G llona',' Cas'1v',3 Ft?l,'ee- Delivere MOB ; nild with 'It A, ...

Advertisements & Notices

... bEFORMII) FUJNEPAlXS, upon tiho Earth to W~lh ,lii *o. I!;ice t; ?? tttltiI~t~) Withile 0! titlot r~tl gls *gr~itii iieZ;,lls,.i;l.-tl,.\U NYt'.IUiltU'l..!lt ?? ?? w 5tD.-'ttl.Seficielt, rvspectaixo, ?? 1 rlb ?? thul zieeuit tccr' cilritice's NCIV reLiX lctnd Il^tneceJ, C|lk'Il-.tieritis' Clitl rTle'lvtl, 'Thstiteetiiitzlext-'ritlir (irelrive yelars.- Wiril'ittR ?? ?? ?? g~vley. lhuIIALi) Ir( ...

Advertisements & Notices

... p-.00, I11. YN ., J unoe lit ?? i'in'ii~ii (Ii at ?? e AlX!:Elv DE 11OTHSCIT1ILD, I's ., in thc( Chail. 'rho In'A. ic t ti!, t i to unetr the diltiootko Of Ilerr Iti. ?? m~itgbe l riojue ariot rL. Mie'Hnd of dlin t~oi ireiuiirds ol attond, antil ?? i lte'lrn ion. inde the direction of Mr. D. teioor ~uitiiwl oltt-nd nut r(eaton01d onbehalf of the Fund. Oet~e~rne~ir~t~.One li lat Laies' Tieko-tS ...