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Advertisements & Notices

... COOK & TOWNSHEND9 11! S;29 , BIYROM-82!IIIET, .ti D161,. DALUB'§ HIT~, Beg to Announco that th-yt aro nowhowlug a LARGE AYID VARIED 8iTOOi OF LADIES' COSTUMES, ROBES, DRtEgI IIATERIA&Tr, JAUKhf AND M&DIThI3. COSTUMNI.-Tn thil department wve fire mow oxhibltng a Perfect s.election of Mae'e-up BRobes and Uoatnrme%. oom~utcg the new Roubaix Populnea. Indian Morbetairi,. Dtantsh Luitrew, Eluer ...

Advertisements & Notices

... WILSON AND JESPERS, MECRCHANT TAILORS AND OUTFITTERS, Are now prepared with a Choice Display of NEW SPRING WOOLLENS. D Aim 6, CIIEAPSIDE, PRESTON. T OST, in Fulwood, Five Scotch EWES._ L Finderrewarded by applying to A. VIflLEY, 1, Hill pleae, Preston. T OST, bedween Blakleach, Woodplumpton, L aad Preston, the CUP of a conveyan e ?? finder will ?? at the Ohrsicle office. T OST, oS Sunday night ...

Advertisements & Notices

... WILSON AND JESPERS, MERCHANT TAILORS AND OUTFITTERS, Are now prepared with a Choice Display of NEW SPRING WOOLLENS. 5 ND 6, ClEAPSIDE, PRESTON. f1ENT11AL WOB1KING MEN'S CLUB.- t) CHEAP TRIP to LuNDON, at Wbitsuntide. OST, P Pair of Antwerp PIGEONS, dove coloared. L The finder will be handsomely rewarded.-3, Friar- gate. _- OST, in Fnlwood, Five Scotch P(WES.-Finder re- L 2warded by alspl~lng ...

Advertisements & Notices

... Ae, Budta 3n appreQ51000. %A0l1 55yZOY L ?? S33wv29 on am L oixxor17ET1' to Tie,;dAGti q Obfmmt--d-_ LA O7|er re wya Vt Af,.W' g-oad 1odlco e tiirLtS §iX2l gS5 1 5 B~erry. *1 tieel 5tcnet. f 3niylt PI ?? nod -g1 rolVESS. GooAD ?? IF AY a n ^15- _ (otA~ Xdico E~ondiWaU!O ?? 1318. LO£ on-ee>d. thn _ 00 to Anten.-Aei ei _ :~ V ROWC& _ __ _ __ _ wysth~t~~rgg;TlE: to eoDscssmanas. ,aNTFDr~f^ ...

Advertisements & Notices

... 'Tiuj F, TOADVERTISHEIL ~,b or J ItYl prmna an al] the TbhecoM ton rI,(N;& ~ Omranl, oSXI1N1 CdaYt ' m ralchi loet gat ~cn~ oiaohn withat eagwzd to atl~d intheI ola~wntt x otm. i Ur T senau vci; finka'.weolug o ?? aitls rexamin hatO Atikebo;u oiot g extnt bpill-ec' lo matteby l~cr.and in r AthiWkX. liiT sentbypoT, &pne~NrQ 0lal.b hanp o~ lava; ntL In~ rtofnieitth~ thI0400 ?? ?? %hg ?? Ar.Town ...

Advertisements & Notices

... NOTIOUL qV111 1110 v10w of d~rnulnalvitO Vha obsau eleo oollhigic, the Aeamerns of tid lin take a, spelifled course ton l .all MM GII On the outward pawoeo flow Quenstown to yo 7ko soutne rozbg meeinuo-w .1,0't,-udnt h northe ?? Wr p4.Orebghem a.f~4 lat. r eiing 1.othe nd. VhRTI.M BOTEDJIB.YALokn M~AI *.o. ?? S&MAsi ilmttllgs CHIN19A ?? ?? wad ?? ICLBA . ?? SOOTI& ?? eh ?? Moulxu. UIYUh ...

Advertisements & Notices

... NOTICE TO ADVERTISERS. WtH&H'3rtnoyreImT1Odmlaenta in the Mercuryvr Liqnesa to aent) reerin to BitattoWnsg expong atins y Wanted, Popertswetog be forldsom et, Apstnoi, xandn athe Soles ?? aprivateroty, muto be mad b, leg ioinn ?? nto th flwith texpase rectoscno ATDlo i moba !Arnn0oio en ?? ?? 2eoTrn. oLT La ?? uninkrmdirexain the43 meerte lyotfc. atono o~c (cop tellattr ad ronhoi F Hoteuifl ...

Advertisements & Notices

... NOTICE TO .ADVRTISERf. ml~ ~ ~~j e 13EPj D I1Talt dntorsoue Vont.` of tho (berm i'j.111,01te~i4 XP FN g0 li TitWC, OOqjQ 0T OtVi 1) AtL1( INDMIA- TIX3ic Omn2 s 1 Llio;(. Advoz*_rnent,~ oZ ttle olv tkt~A are beokeer till bre charged 83bC Prelootto tooY, To be Lobt, Wented.' dO.. wil 15 rertibiouslye-'n taals-m InIL the mercury nrv reqrretekd to %ttlnd to the Lollewtng oxpbanittonai- ...

Advertisements & Notices

... ENVAL TO HOMiE MXADE, ?? d.r. HARTLEY'S MtArtRMALkDES AND PRESEIRVES < THE BEST. nolO LTb' r dnall r M. Slatloyr' prad nor 1 escelenL'-(sycaer. 1IF JJ !SICOLL, ATE.RCI1ANT CLOTIrIER, .L , IMY, NAVY, OIVIL OUT0ITITEV, IIEO59T STBrET AND CORnRILi LONetON. Bianch Ftabliehmonta at L!VR.rFOOL,. M&troMlltE1TSr , & BERMUtJ 16.w UIVEIP'0OL ADDRESS: 50, BOLD-STREET. IVMLrtg oVIRVOAT, -Showorpreet ...

Advertisements & Notices

... ?? bH !!udfmt WALKE &ACKRLEY, LAHGZ AUCTION * nnV ART GA~fXRLBI3 Eah 1ThDd lrg bF 6 Yards Wide, se, 0dn cd corr, 3ri~la estranoe &from as, Church' d I fot No. UI %vs andtt1etif TMltM %io-%aledet -r tro 'It~e -tac b-rr'o ee on Oahreetiredivr;a rdn abalai pa i O'-tiv ri~ their OcMMIAse ng Pastflino j it ?? treqitfO 5- recital ?? fa'y slaw of enableO th' o jt noinet China send kencteei trueoI ...

Advertisements & Notices

... NOTIOB TO ADVERTISERS~. rUMMAW ADMMx1i&V'tos3 Inao~odn three mne in length) retigt IUtoe ine n luZ oo of 111 thl3 vainyovnnittt, Ki S~xcatNI MlAdyo%'~tcro of thti nine tbatifiro booked will toeohMeOA TubaLot, Wmotv,~'No.. Will Detnoenon ?? atthour oourl ag Adfvcre (ens~ul ?? end Ku e ctInco, eneie ?? mudit be mae y efe'.a4 in no notin cirantroy with thteet dirsllniioarenot ThI T0WNLF ...