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n_m ?? ?? impurity of the Blood.— Enfeebled Existence. _. -dime embrace; every attribute required in a general ..

... remedy; it overturns the foundation of disease c '*£tive food and impure air. lv obstruction or con- ?? f the lftcr, ta ncs ' bo wels - or an y other organs, these ?? Kieciallv se'iriccable and eminently suocessf uL They _ifi k-pt ?? readiness in every family, being a medicine ■; utility for youn_ persons, particularly to those ? bleWututio_s. Biliousness, Loss of Appetite, Head- ache, and ...

Published: Thursday 10 August 1876
Newspaper: The Star
County: Guernsey, Guernsey
Type: Advertisement | Words: 8939 | Page: Page 1, 3 | Tags: Classifieds 


... JOURNAL always has enjoyed a reputation which has placed it at the head of the Newspaper Press in its own County ; while, from its great and steadily increasing circulation, as a medium for advertising, it bag been and still continues to be unsurpassed in the West Midland District of England. TERMS OF SUBSCRIPTION. For One Year 13/6 (by Post) 15/6 Subscribers residing in Worcester can have the ...

Published: Saturday 12 August 1876
Newspaper: Worcester Journal
County: Worcestershire, England
Type: Advertisement | Words: 23461 | Page: Page 1, 2, 4, 5, 8 | Tags: Classifieds 

TO-MORROW. rpHE Rev. HERBERT ARNOLD, late of X Farnbam, Surrey, wiU PREACH in Mount Zioh Cb ,vtel. TO-MORROW. ..

... CHAPEL, WICKER. J5 SERMONS, 10.30 and 6, by Rev. J. C. ANTLIFr?, B.D. CoUections. TO-MORROW EVENING, at 6.30. REV. R. STAINTON will conduct a PRAISE 1 WUETLNG, at Gabdek street Chapel. N.B.— Sankey's Hymns only will be used. TO-MORROW. THF. Rev. T. J. BASS, Undergraduate, Tri- n ity College, rublin, will Preach a SPECIAL SERMON to YOCfTG MEW, To-mokbom- Evening, at Six o'clock, in St. p*- j's ...

Published: Saturday 12 August 1876
Newspaper: Sheffield Independent
County: Yorkshire, England
Type: Advertisement | Words: 52358 | Page: Page 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 8 | Tags: Classifieds 

T OCAL NOTES AND QUERIES, interesting NOTES, QUESTIONS, and REPLIES ob Matters of mnch interest connected with ..

... in SHE INDBPBNDBNS E-VZBY THUBSDAY, TyKDER AN ASSIGNMENT FOR THE U BENEFIT OF CREDITORS. jjotioe.— All Persons having any CLAIMS or DEMANDS a«ainstthe Estate of MARY HUTCHINSON, late Grocer, of j£o2 Wentworth street, are requested to send into me (the Trustee under the Deed of Assignment), not later than Moir- d_.y, the 21st instant, a statement of their Claim, with nature q[ security held ...

Published: Wednesday 09 August 1876
Newspaper: Sheffield Independent
County: Yorkshire, England
Type: Advertisement | Words: 11232 | Page: Page 1, 2 | Tags: Classifieds 

TO ADVERTISERS. ADVERTISERS who desire that their Announce- ments should be aeen and peruaed by the general ..

... and district can only get their object folly served ?? in the Dundee C/ourier a ___Lrgus, WHICH HAS BY FAB THE LARGBST DAILY CIRCULATION IN THB DIBTRICT. This i« a fact about which Advertisers oan easily satisfy themselves, by consulting any of the Newa Agents in Dundee. Advertising is only valuable in so tar aa through ita medium ocmmunioation ia had with the public, consequently ...

Published: Tuesday 08 August 1876
Newspaper: Dundee Courier
County: Angus, Scotland
Type: Advertisement | Words: 12641 | Page: Page 1, 4, 8 | Tags: Classifieds 

OVERLAND ROUTE AND SUEZ CANAL. Under Contract for the conveyance of the Mails to the lediterrnnean, India, ..

... Australia. Tne Peu- tasulnr -m I Oriental Steam Navigation Company despatch tbeir Steamers from Southampton, via tbe Suez Canal, every Tbursd iy, from Venice every Friday, aud from Brindisi, with the ()rei land Mails, every Monday. Office-. London : 122, Leadenhall-street. E.C.. and 25. Cock- siuir-etreet, S.W. TEAM TO BALTIMORE FROM SOUTH AM FT O N.-The NORTH GERMAN LLOYD will desnatcb their ...

Published: Saturday 12 August 1876
Newspaper: Hampshire Advertiser
County: Hampshire, England
Type: Advertisement | Words: 31934 | Page: Page 1, 2, 3, 4, 5 | Tags: Classifieds 


... Goner*! m OUTFITTER, 18, Newatreet, Hw__ten__te_d. -jSilng and Mourning Orders aiecttted with neatness and ?? n Goods ot the MMSH constantly hep t ta *Nt ?? Hndd___r».ld tm Btagar-M «^ y sE^TNOMAO&NBB. htlat tor aat jaas over B^rtng «ee«ted « th. notice, | , BBMOVED FBOM TOF OF KIN6-BTBBBT. KkrEET-PLACB BOOT AKD SHOB WAB___HOUSB. TOSEPH VARLEY AND SONS, J ..soeeaeow U Mr.. Hy. Liddell), ...

Published: Thursday 10 August 1876
Newspaper: Huddersfield Chronicle
County: Yorkshire, England
Type: Advertisement | Words: 12245 | Page: Page 1, 2 | Tags: Classifieds 


... LANCASTER, Saturday Last, Auoust sth.— ! S; d. s. d. ; Potatoes, new, per lb ?? ?? » 0 >H Butter, per lb 1 6i to 1 7 Beef per lb 0 9 to. 0 10i ,M utton, per lb 0 9* to 0 10^ Veal, per lb f 0 9J- to 0 10 Lauib,perlb 0 10 to 0 11 Rabbits, each I 2 to 1 4 Salmon, per lb. 1 j to 1 3 ?? Rhubaib^r burrcb 0 1 to 0 li Gooseberries, per quart ?? 0 3} to 0 4£ , Black currants, per quart 0 74 to 0 8 I ...

Published: Wednesday 09 August 1876
Newspaper: Lancaster Gazette
County: Lancashire, England
Type: Advertisement | Words: 6284 | Page: Page 1, 2 | Tags: Classifieds 

CHARGES FOR ADVERTISEMENTS (Prepaid.) s. d. Domestic Servants wanting places, 4 lines ?? 1 0 Domestic Servants ..

... 1 6 Apartments to be Let, 4 lines 2 0 [If reference is made to the Office, ls. extra.] ToMILLERsT fir A.NTED, a GENERAL MILLER, in a Water and Steam > 1 Mill. Also a YOUNG MAN to help iv a Small Water Mill.— Apply, O. R., Office of this Paper. WANTED, a FIRST-CLASS SALESMAN, principally to Sell Manures at certain Markets in the Eastern Counties. The Situation will be vacant in January, 1877 ...

Published: Tuesday 08 August 1876
Newspaper: Bury and Norwich Post
County: Suffolk, England
Type: Advertisement | Words: 12096 | Page: Page 1, 2, 4, 5, 8 | Tags: Classifieds 

TO ADVERTISEBS. AI> VERTISEBS who desire that their Annonnoe- ments -should be seen and perused by the general ..

... Dundee aad district can oidy get their object fully served ?? in the TWjNDEE -OOTJEIER A ArGUS, WHICH HAS ov Tf&R THE LARGEST DAILT CIRCULATION IN ■* m^ THE DISTRICT. _ . j, , fact about which Advertisers oan easily satisfy ?? Tee by consultsng any of the News Agents in Dnndee. ' D Advertising is only valuable in ao far aa through its ?? is had with the public, consequently *!~JEL m ent_i ...

Published: Friday 11 August 1876
Newspaper: Dundee Courier
County: Angus, Scotland
Type: Advertisement | Words: 13456 | Page: Page 1, 4, 5, 8 | Tags: Classifieds