Advertisements & Notices

... CHEAP PIRE-IPA1D ADyEHTISEMENTS} CL 0 ?? l 3 6 Tltt *'cpi Adeerrt of ° Ilner- Iroer- To isr- .1. Prepid dvetiscncus o ; tion. ?? tioms. NL;l the W^ale~d clas are - -- .- - 7 iiiscrted ac cding to the 2 6 .t i. ,0 i 6. d. aceonspasyis', scale . R. 2 16l 0 6) 1 6 1 6 vf CODSCC Iiivr, 'ad i ?? wpill 6 48 1 .3 1 0 4t 6 Tr vcltseniiite en ard strty 'onfinedt those that dart arc al' or1 1 01s1 ...

Advertisements & Notices

... JOHN WIllLIAMS & SONS, t\ FOR / CROQUET) tCROQUE - 4s60 ' ~SHOW ROOMS, QTJEFN STRETJ CARDIFF . BUSINS ADDRESS. GREAT SALS OF DRAIRY; REM1SANTS,. . .1 TH1S A3ND FOLOWIG DAYS CARPET DEPARTMET: 3n this DBepartneut a Discount of TEN XP1ER CENST., or Two Shillings in the Pound, will be allowe~d off the unldermentioned prioss dlring J the Sale:- . TAPESTRY CARPETS, is ll~d, is 4ld, 2s 6>d, 2s 3d ...

Advertisements & Notices

... COMMuERCIAl SALES.I -QIEN HIBBERT, U~ RN 'AND PEOY:I&ION Mi.lcCHANT. WE3ST BUTL1 !)OCIE, CAR., 1)1 IF, bcing about to ?? to krs newr stores adjoining 3Messrs Trayes snd Compsrny's Timnber Ynrd, his tihe following Eor disposal at lowest 1;BIE, stesnier Eiicb~rd Trevjt ?? expecedo on lMondsy. BfLACK OATS, or Jobana Kirwan arrived. W}RITE OATS. ex Emuma A.~i , arrived. INAISE. Anileriesn ?? ...

Advertisements & Notices

... AI~XANRA THE~ATRE. S%~eAY 5Ubn . Sbkeaer' WOTMWS TALE. ci~foX WAE THXATRNRT ea ?? .oo to commewe a for NiX BIGHTS ONLY, of the eminent LIZZ~ ILLMOIIE, hISI Z w LXRTO }N l il ?? and Stge Directrof the Theaon tre, london). ?? the 14th inft. and durinif the week. tPV R T gDER TII AVALANCIa . ?? ad3 lo Wyke oor, yenerY by . opu Burl-que bA E{.J renlb. {° r o and Topica Song J. P. %,cfltil;y ...

Advertisements & Notices

... Ovo., cloth, 8S. 6d. SHEIM'S INSTITUTES OF ECCLESIASTICAL ?? A esw and literal translation from 1\xrne'rO.ST othabi~,dditianel Notes. Dy F As, MTuhD oOK, D.r. R evis ed by Leondon: WILLIAM TEGG & CO., 12 Pancras Lane, Cheapside. Square cloth, is. each; by post, Is. 2d. OOhS FOR ALL TIMES AND SEASONS. Edited B ,1IITVHE lFOR LOWS LACOMOCS. PR EBS. 0pIRITS. | WILLS OF THEIR OWN. ie gs beee are ef ...

Advertisements & Notices

... MISCELLANEOU MI C A U T I N.1 MR. E. SOLOMONS, OPTICIAN (52 Yeastablished), begs to Impress upon the publq1 the 4ecessity of guardlng against imposition; for, owinig to the celebrity and well-known excellence of his Spec. cdeu and various Optical Instrumeuts, attempts may be mudt by self-styled ?? or empirical pretenders to optical sle., to Dastme his name, asisullaxity thereto or othrwlse, ...

Advertisements & Notices

... iZ h ob. at san oo. on ,bn ber 'ith an, IOBD khe to hat re. 0BS as 3531 en. in Lhe aon *nd 'gs' 1515 ogh out the ad, the hat thg to 1W' to he no aid ?? ,e. iht oud mid )ice but Inm. buy pp lUr. tied ned a of ;do ally e lso my ard ted one ond Ink Iuk ion the %PP )ro. Ally Lto ado the Ink an, ?? zm. seir lig 501, 3ii0 ADVERTISEMENTS. Fou NorTUr. -. To give an epportimity to those not yet using ...

Advertisements & Notices

... NOTICE TOXA*ihERP. The OlHABROEl5tozU ran OURY ?? ofthe1$g','s h The eerge~ Dlendto ?? owsinoy~g fIXP~tIWE-; 8l~bytrIeutc ?? L et K , Wan Adrtoa3 (ansein latter nd t In thel Mer eey-mo,je ! Aderese antswering adetieenta meet examine ther ?? aorlf% * su ru that applratlon meet be made by, feer, and ID no : t~otode cannot^ ; ._ W-_ w wai erm.1s,&e VAULTS, in frbxmt oriv~yaajb dtei~ ...

Advertisements & Notices

... \ zss m# anb, ai- anB'ied,'- I QS50. - Safe lnveetment. - Throe well-bnilt I VILLAS for SALE, Ashley. down.-WeiSON. 8, Rridga- street. [898 . VC HOUSES for 9ALC, Tetterdown. ODnJ fl8 3h6let-etl9.-WlLS{ ,4 8, Brid e-steet. (0§.4 B JILDING LAND for SALE; room for 23 e I B19 houes; Kooi brick lay. Stasleton-oad.-WfL'0 , Brldge llsst. l~[8955 .. 1tEIB ROUSES, with good 0ardene, Syden. 3- PDNbam ...

Advertisements & Notices

... RAILWAYS. DURBLI, WICKLOW, AND WEXFORD RAILWAY. aNOV Ics herebygiven that all Articles Found In the carriges or on the premiens of this Comapmy, and all rods and Parlel received, the consigneas of which eithrU not been found or Lhave refused them, up to St D0eotber. 1875, WILL BE SOLD BY PtSBLIC AUCTION, at the HARCOURT-STREET TERMI. , at Twelve o'cloek, on 31st August next, it not claimed ...

Advertisements & Notices

... rHP, hAGUE in AID of the CHRISTIANS of TI TURKEY. Pivrnorc-Ths Right lion. Earl RUSSELL4 E.G. Wsem nutnsn MrICAEL, Archbisho oflc ade, Metropolitana tSn-INCTS( Tio''ru iteAncrT,. To Rsvist in relieciirs ele Sick and Wounded4 ii tie Eaitern War, asuito aid the CliriSianuof Turkeyfin obtasirig~ their freedoenrfroma )UN Ish sl UltIWEdN'rl, NEEIE-lt'W' aid cubseeitioisi' may be paid to a! o Iso. ...

Advertisements & Notices

... SHIPPING AND EMIGRATION. p /IDDLESBROUGH & LONDON .I1STEAM SHIPPING OOIPANY. -The splendid full-powered Screw Steamer -'COBDEN, Captain Croft commander, or other vessel, will leave Black Eagle Wharf, Wapping every SATURDAY AFTERNOON, at Fomu ?? returuing from Mfiddlesbrough every WJSNESDAY (unless prevented by any unforeseen circumstance) The Cobden w11 not carry passengers until further ...