... HINDU MUSIC. IN a quarto volume, handsomely illustrated with lithographic engravings by a native artist, Dr. Sourindro Mohun Tagore has taken in hand to give a lucid exposition of the origin and characteristics of Hindu music. To begin with the beginning, the Sanskrit word s~ngita has the threefold signification of song, percussion, and dancing. The works that describe the principles and laws ...


... EA7TEr TAIN31BATS. SCIAL COIC?ORT Ar CARDIFF. -The first aid I sgrand -vocal and instrumental concert in connec. corp- tior. niis the Cardiff Social Society was hold at he ir the Stuart-Iall on Wedlnesday evoning. Mr. G. c-1il IV. A-ristrong, presidet of the society, oponed ho s] ti] en71tertailal'lcrt by delivering an addrees sifl(e reltivo to the objects of the society. out The concert began ...


... g TI1E SACRED DRAMA AT ?? ' 3 RWff ON FERRY, ?? SELECTIONS FROM JOSEPH AND HIS BRETHREN. Is Joseph and his Brethren, the piece per- formed last Sunday at the English Baptist Chapel, ritofa V ny, & agespaa p ' Tht is a question upon which there seems, from the correspondence published within the past few days in these columns, to he a difference of opinion. Some of our correspondents have ...


... I 1 I*D V_ A%. THE E00 r ?? ; .almoral C.itl, SBihday. The Qoess tho Duke of Connaught, and prineel Jldtrieo were prbieit ?? Service In tie psra , 'chrfi oCfriuthlo. Theley, Wormnanb 7,i'Ltd, MI I ok St .8tephon's Church. Eda h, offtd. Countessof EBtrold and MaJor-General H. Posisoubj Y pa iOD on lis Maeskty. : j4outens0i4oe Visont BrIdpx bs Wb VW codte. THE ROYAt VISIT T0 GLA0GW.. : u hn n.e ...


... TIHE DRAMA IN AMERICA. (FZOu OUR OWN COISRESPONDRNT.) NEWT YORK, OCTOBER 7-The dramnatic season of 1876-77 has fairly begun. All the 'Tiheatres are open, and under good headway, and the public is paying more attention to them than was expected. The city is full of strangers-residents of the New England and Western States-who have been to Phila- delphia to see the Exhibition, and are viewing ...

Published: Sunday 22 October 1876
Newspaper: The Era
County: London, England
Type: Article | Words: 1695 | Page: Page 5 | Tags: Arts & Popular Culture 


... THE MAG!AZIYES. ?? notwit~hstanding the urgjency Of ot] y 5''stcrn Questiona has no politic article ru Quol.Testonly approaches to the ree'o as ...


... The drawings by students in the above-named institn. tion are now on view, andi will remain so this week in the Picture Gallery, Mechanics' institution, Leeds. They represent a year's work, and the prizes gained 0show the estimate formed of its quality at South 7Reusingtou. In I both aspects the result is gratifying. In ?? toe drawings will compare favourably with any previous annual display. ...


... THE ROYAL t The Shaughraun, which has had an ad- t mirable run at the Royal, remains in possession P I there for another week, when it will be suc- 2 ceeded by the more serious work which Mr a 1 Henry Irving brings with him. The house lastt s i init was cuite as good as during most of the a ot~ber evenings of the performance of the witty q s production, and the fun, irresistible as ever, h ...


... ThE Capel Girls is a religious novel which two seductions and a sensa- tional death fail to leaven with worldly liveliness. The three girls who give the book its title are thus described by their father: Each of my daughters is a personification of something fine. Bessie is goodness; Sibyl is high art; and Hetty is common sense. Bessie is a saint, Hetty. is a strong-minded woman, Sib is ...


... REVIEW5m0 O, BOOKS. - DISTINGUIS&N;ED-: PERStas lit, PSIBBN SOCIETY. Smith, Elder, and Co.-Just at this time, when all eyes are, figuratively speaking, turned towards Russia, a book containing bio- graphical sketches of many of her leading men will be read with interest. In this volume we have short memoirs of several prominent states- menm, such. as- Prince Gortschakoff, General Igua~ihef, ...


... J^ANE SHORE, AT T1HE PRINCESS'S. Mr. W. Wills's new diama, which, we understand, bas achieved considerable success in the provinces, has been TL produced in Loodon, and there cannot be a doubt the ste verdict pronounced on it clsewhere will be fully ratified s by that of the usetropolis. It is. a thorough good work; -u well constructed, w ell written, and the interest in its fo, historical ...


... POETRY1,, INCENTIVE TO VIRTUOUS ACTION. Use to the boat the powers thou heat Thou canest not say bow long they'l iast, Nlor what the future bath in store, As days pasw on and years roll o'er. Then form aright the passing hour, Results are not within thy power; But If thy deeds be true and just To-morrow tbou muy'st safaly trust. Let not the spectres of the past Brood o'er thy soul; the past is ...