... M OR a I I D I ' ' 'O I II I ' |FPtbAf lush ;ONDON-Go P.S _ ?? A-c:rien aair ha .. DLONDn7.r, Thursday. . ;K erwu Afairhasrecently exercised the min ds 'of' the connnittee of the Travellers' Club. ?? seems that Count Nesselrode, ion of the well-known predecessor' a'f L'kice Gortecoakoff; was dinizg at that well-knowie -establsehmet , and that'in bhe :onrse - of conversation the respective ...

Published: Friday 19 January 1877
Newspaper: Hull Packet
County: Yorkshire, England
Type: Article | Words: 958 | Page: Page 6 | Tags: News 


... ;, :t f I 4, :D ' E' Iid Wbr, LvJ' ,e , o , t Uffafi;' hoi;b itreet'1IulL; ' rot' Fiasrdi' mi ixrs U.M)'IaFirht'e ;bhirst Tuesdyuon 'Biariibe, ltteyL'., Groptr, last ih sday.A: atum ewrt~odgeeof, l41,, .4. Mtpr, beconti 'bliferva im;2 Mas onicw Hall,'B e l lane,i NHa:l is.' Y ou', 1V.M. Sebond ;nd fourth .24tk J JUuly, ?? REV, ad CO. 1,010, 'ownjoi Bull, Wcrship. a. ?? -Johnson, W.L,, First ...

Published: Friday 16 February 1877
Newspaper: Hull Packet
County: Yorkshire, England
Type: Article | Words: 1411 | Page: Page 7 | Tags: News 

Local Intelligence

... . guat, Taz APPAIRS OF MR. W. G. DUMBELL-IIn the Hull Bankruptcy Court, before the Registrar, m' George Wmn. Dumbells the younger, a Rleetlpg as6 oappointed for the public examination of the bankrupt, who, however, did uot appear, and a tninute to that effeetuas entered on the file of the court. Mr. Moss appeared for the trustee and committee of inspection. SPRING BANK PRIMITIVE MRIHODIST ...

Published: Friday 16 February 1877
Newspaper: Hull Packet
County: Yorkshire, England
Type: Article | Words: 1965 | Page: Page 8 | Tags: News 

Local Intelligence

... Local ittigeceI ?2rIT1o0s-.In the House of Commons, on T..e say, Mr. C. B. Dentison presented petitions from Selby in ?? of the closing of public-houses ma Sundays. Mr. Bright presented two petitions froui Linlolushire tgaiast opening museums and galleries on Sundays. OPTimo PssaNO-James Scott's New Magic Lantern. Slides lent on 'hire. Get nrsew list and 3,000 slides. Notes .by the Way on ...

Published: Friday 22 June 1877
Newspaper: Hull Packet
County: Yorkshire, England
Type: Article | Words: 1802 | Page: Page 6 | Tags: News 


... RAM SALES IN THE DISTRICI! in 0 ec 511 y.l 'el OW 314 Iii res W. IL it. B la es 1, rt al as 1. a n, THE WOOTTON DALE R-AMIS. ?? annual sale of this much esteemed flock of long. woolled Lincolnshire sheep, the property of Mfr. George lig Taylor Havernroft. of Wootton Dale, near ftrtorl.,t a* Humber, took place last Friday in the far-famed dale, p. where sheep have for many years been broug is ...

Published: Friday 14 September 1877
Newspaper: Hull Packet
County: Yorkshire, England
Type: Article | Words: 1767 | Page: Page 6 | Tags: News 


... TT{E EASTERN QUESTION. THE NEGOTIATIONS FOR PEACE. A telegramn from Constantinople. says :z-Nothing is Witively known respecting the Pour parlew's with bervia and TMontenegro. Those principalities have merely agreed to enter into negotiations, and the con- .ditioi!.A drawn up on either side cannot yet be stated with any degree of certainty, but the generally acceptel opinion here is that an ...

Published: Friday 09 February 1877
Newspaper: Hull Packet
County: Yorkshire, England
Type: Article | Words: 2608 | Page: Page 3 | Tags: News 


... THH HULL LUNATIC.ASYLUM. The following is p report which was, adopted unanimously at-a meetingf the Visiting Justi'es of the above asylum, on Tuesday :- It is scarcely necessary to inform the Visiting Justices of the reasons which render the present asylum buildings unfit for furthet inhabitation, and which have drawn upon it the oft- repeated censure and final .condemnation of the Lunacy ...

Published: Friday 09 February 1877
Newspaper: Hull Packet
County: Yorkshire, England
Type: Article | Words: 1863 | Page: Page 8 | Tags: News 


... LATEST NEWis. THEE PIMLICO MURDER. Frederick Treadaway was found guilty last evening at the Central Criminal Court, of the wilful riurder Lof John Collins, at Pimlico, on December 15th. Mr. Justice Lush sentenced the prisoner to death. REVOLTING CRUELTY TO A NURSEMAID At the Slough Petty Sessions, on WedAesday Francis Morris, a gentleman farmer, of Iver Heath Bucks., and Janet, his wife, were ...

Published: Friday 09 February 1877
Newspaper: Hull Packet
County: Yorkshire, England
Type: Article | Words: 649 | Page: Page 8 | Tags: News 


... T . A& meeting of the Tovin Co'il' was 'held' ye'stei'da, Alderman 0. Wells presided, and thei-e being present Aldermen SeIton,. Willows;, Lambert,' Bannister, Foun- fain, Wailer, Syuions, Dowsing, and Councillors Eving- t1m,. Iayment, Wilde,, Appleby, Battersyly, Fraser, Smith, Simpson, Robinson, Ernm, Whiarham, Gibson. Ellis, Hudson; Cohen; Scott, Downs. Uhapilman, Pease. geod, Starry, ...

Published: Friday 07 September 1877
Newspaper: Hull Packet
County: Yorkshire, England
Type: Article | Words: 2536 | Page: Page 8 | Tags: News 


... MASONIC XALENAR. i Humber Lodge, No.:: 57,Freomasons' Hall, Osborne- stre'et, Hull. Bro. Francis Summders, W.DM. First and Ithird Tuesdays. Humber Royal Arch Chapter, last Tlhursday. ' Humber Lodge of Mark Masters, second' Tnesday-7-30 p. -i. Minerva Lbdge, No. 250, Masonio Hall, Dagger-lane, Hull. Bro. C. Wilkinson, W. M. -Second and fourth Wednesdays in Odtober,November,December, January, ...

Published: Friday 20 July 1877
Newspaper: Hull Packet
County: Yorkshire, England
Type: Article | Words: 1659 | Page: Page 2 | Tags: News 


... HARVEST FESTIVAL AT ALL SAINW, MARGARET-STEET. . 'This ohurch has a rep tation for the splmdonr of its harvest festvals, and last night it maintained its prestige. From shortly after 6 o'clock the emngregation began to assemble, and when the hour of servce ,Vus reaohed at ?? seven, the sacred tedifice was, trowded by a respectful and devotional sessdenoe. The decorations were in admirable ...

Published: Friday 28 September 1877
Newspaper: Hull Packet
County: Yorkshire, England
Type: Article | Words: 792 | Page: Page 8 | Tags: News 


... T E r a sITHE YEOVIL MURDER Yesterday the trial of George Hutchings, Giles Hutchings, Peter Hutchisgs, and Charles Baker, for the murder of a' police-constable named Cox, near Yeovil, on the 16th November, was continued at a Taunton. The charge against George and James I Richards, for harbouring the prisoners after the mur- der, was also heard at the same time. The jury re. turned a verdict of ...

Published: Friday 16 March 1877
Newspaper: Hull Packet
County: Yorkshire, England
Type: Article | Words: 683 | Page: Page 8 | Tags: News