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Advertisements & Notices

... our Boot Department; but, at the same 1 Itime, we are doing such a large business in the I other departments as is already making a noise in sthe world, LADIES' ELASTIC BOOTS, 6 lld-former LADIES' ELASTIC BOOTS, 9s 9d-formerprice, 12s 6d. (Kid Boot fit ...

Advertisements & Notices

... . 1 . ,. . FIIRST-CLASS BOOT & SHOEA-WREHOUSE. M ODERATION IN THE PRICE$ OF BOOTS IL .does not necessarily involve4Vant of Shape and:Durabilit. At this Establishmunt there is an Immense Stock of PERFEQT FITTING DURABLE, BOOTS, iAT M'otRATr PFrIGoS. 22 ...

Advertisements & Notices

... down, Ada Helen, youngest daughter of Mr. Robert Fisher, aged 2 years and I month. FLETCHER-June 5, at Kenward, near Maidstone, Kent, Major-General Edward Charles Fletcher, aged 78 years. IIREOWN-Mlay 30, at her mother's residence, in England, Ann 'Jane ...

Advertisements & Notices

... and cabinet, Carpeting and rugs, fender and irons, Lot of account books aild stationery, Several pieces of linen, ladies' boots, A few lots of lewellery, &c. Albert and iron French bedsteads, Mattresses, bolsters, and pillows, Dressing tables acd basin ...

Advertisements & Notices

... I N MiEMOMtIANI CAO.iDS AT EATON'S - An immense variety to select from. Only suitable l:uterns kent in stock. Urgent ordlers prinred silhont delay. 200 French and English designs, both )iain and ornamental. Large Cards mounted and frained i the beat style ...

Advertisements & Notices

... pins cigar holderas vmlcaseq,. books, car rags, opera glasses, leather .bat cases anrllport~lanteau J trunirs. and boxes, boots and shoes, hamnpors; bottles, ac, Sale at ll o'clock shsrp. C omm~ission iby~purchiesers.. ?? Terms-Cash. Dellveryat sale. ...

Advertisements & Notices

... ns, PolelnorieUs. aTrbutillons, penstemons,. Holly ock-s, flower of spring, vesuvius, Pansies, dracveinas Italsains, .New golden pyrethro, doab0le white rockets,&c., &d. Sale at 1 o'cloc);. 5 per cent. commisslou. LAWLOR, HILL, AND CO., L AUCTIONEERS ...