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LIST OF VISITORS AT CLUNY HILL HYDROPATHIC ESTABLISHMENT For reek ending 23rd September, 1877. George Norman, ..

... Esq., Glasgow R. K. Donald, Esq., Glum, Dr Bell, Edinburgh Mr. Dell, Edinburgh D. gingeon. Esq., Wick John Simpson, Esq., Whig F. Peeks, Esq.. Curios Mrs A SAL) L M. J. Alit ., Coq., Glasgow Mire Mgle. Glasgow Mai E. etoa,Kirk-Newton M 1 Pretty, Kirk ...

THREE-YEAH-OLD WHISKY. GIBAON StUs THREE- YEA 11-01.: • • eCIIISY at Pattern Stallings per Caller. b ..

... in gustily a Itio.d a Whiskies, such as J OuileOq has at present? The Age Is w.rrauttet, be cAnailed, the I•the Is Shit,' &Whigs per Calln. A reedit Inept. guaranteed Two Years /Ad, 14s ad per Gabon. Ss Ad %tale. TANN FAMED 13.13../ANDY, Tears Oid, ad ...

descends to notiee one book and passes by another. An fur the gallant Captain, In • f th e y,„,

... attached to him a considerable number of recalcitrant Whigs, who, unmindful of their history and principles, sold their party to the enemy. But behold the irony of fate! Disraeli opposed the Whig measure of Reform ; and sue. eeeded to power only to carry ...

THE APPROACH OF WLNTEJL. Tug from the And thickly 00 every line.; gentle sei.hy re wilily Among the all

... your 4 POETRY. been at TO iIAUSDOIS 111ACORTAttla OT BOVITRLI. likeable overdreo not MCI Oa' eauMen, min, time tang, A, Whig ~,orsstews, hope. L the Go Atween Ter at Elgin toots , Tr glee per monthly news. leader We Leg I has ern ye, loot, Ilr Fes ...


... rallying cry or their password, but even constitutes their glory. The illustrations which be gives are the well-known ones of Whig and Tory, then newly minted like copper coins, and having scarcely lost the brazen hue of their original opprobrium. Each party ...

meddled he he mot tea teacher Yr A...ism wild that the them together under mum, Thu raper, thy idea -

... Weilustby.-1, aped with and moderate trade, p.m a Really prlme heifers mole pr • other from 84 In tut ovek. and mode mom ld Whig most unsaleable. Aim tem IMP LEEDS, Wednmdf; she per Pi.; stow:, from pa, alma. ousoltable. Number dWA al sheep, MOO. LOCAL ...


... hotter known as Lord Bury, who is a member of one of the hereditary Whig families which have lately changed colours. The Keppels, who came over with Dutch William, and have been staunch Whigs till the other day, are now Conservative. Lord Beaconsfield, who ...

jorres, Wk. WEDNESDAY. MARCH Zl, 1877• Tux Ministry have done a clever thing in accepting Mr Clare Read's ..

... MARCH Zl, 1877• Tux Ministry have done a clever thing in accepting Mr Clare Read's motion. It is almost as good as dishing the Whigs—the only difference being that, in this case, it is the Tories who are dished. So unexpected was the change of front on the ...


... GrIDE, vv. 5 TO THMILiLLYFAI MI:FFATLY. AU prepaid and ad:lnnaed DI ADAIR. i RATE TOt SEEN DR ADAIR'S MAGNIFICENT ANATOMICAL WHIG( ! TY, wetly end extensive 1000 Models a the DUMAN FRAME, kr. WONDERS AND Pcmght Flrence. ParC., NlUnifh, Vienna, .4 LIFE ...

TUX ELGIN COURANT AND (=BIER. Ftwrr yeses t:ds very morning the first di the lirmt newspaper its was wood

... Pierre ; Poetry Varieties ; and all the rest of it. Mr Grant, instead of introducing himself to the public as a party politician Whig, Tory, or I Radical, which were the three political parties half ceutury ago—said that hia political principles I will be ...

LIVING LEADEns 1. - 40}IN i4ICI,IHT August at ksace propmsri rirvw , Wuorst calm soul in a settle I state

... policy of the most active intervention in the affairs of Europe, worthy of the study of all times, and as superior to the modern Whig policy of selfish isola. tion as he himself was to the best of them. If, however. thus far Bright falls bound our ideal of ...