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Freeman's Journal

Advertisements & Notices

... 1BAIL, WAYS REAT SOUTHERN AND WEStERN G I IRAILWAY. CURRAGH RAOES. On 24th, 25th, and 26th April, 1877, A Special Train, First and Third Class iwill leave HRing's-bridgo each dayat 11.30 for the Curragh,and will rturn a quarter of an hour after the lasbtace. Fares-Return Tickets From Dublin to the Curragh and Back. First Class, Bs. It T rd Class, 2s n d.k Oa the above -mentoneddsys all ...

Advertisements & Notices

... rHE pBL1IRS' N .F REDUCED:PES. MESSRS. NOVELLO, EW.ER, a8 , hv tchonour~ to annouce hat the folloizig *oks ?? beon reduced In prlce. ?? *- ig'ENDELSSOHN'1 ELIJAH. SblThree h- ItJ-lings; NOVELLO'S TONIC SOL*A EtDTIOlN, BARNEY'S REBEKA. Tvo Shillings. gENEDICT'S ST. PETER. Threie ShillTIg. nESSRS. NOV EWER, sld CO. also 1beg to nunonnce s the following oks may DOW be bad at a uniform rate of ...

Advertisements & Notices

... OBEXTOWNEs 3MD . Cob.m% DAM MAS S BROCATELLMS, TOUBNAIK ami FOB DLfINNG AND DRAWINGRa=n = B ?? S. OLDHAM AND SONS, 11 AND 12 WEISTMORELAISM-STR E1P Have received their New Stock of n bove Goods,. min solicit the Inispctioa of Purchasers. I31an'eto, Quilts', andi Gencral Furniabing Gotnds. FAVOURIE TEA, EOV. it being payputicula deslre to aupply i ;FIR8T QUALITY TEA; - IrTpor~eQtI~e ioive ...

Advertisements & Notices

... ROU$()VS34S;Dit ?? Brown, 1 York-terraee:-- or ?? 'Sbinth,' 4 El 8BsIngioni- WANTE, A UETAtI UMOIMSED HOUSE for wiih 'filr iaent *ilbe giren.' AdaidtsQ'951 Offide of this ape;r. ii:. ('snl4;8S TIOUSE-TO BE LET, a very comps6t EOUSE '-'93itUate iU ALUBSBT-PlACE, ;Grauc ...

Advertisements & Notices

... AUCTIONS. . ?? DAY (Tuesday). '. ' CONTINUATION or EXTHNSI~vr AUCTION. WANUT AND) MAHOGANY FUBtNITUlRX, 'Office Desks, Two 10-gallon tins of Oak Varntsh, Drapery Goods, 'Cloth and Tooth Brushes, rifty Pairs Spring-side Boots, Stitched and Pegged Work; A Searmtress-s Sewing Machlie on Stand, A number of Gold Brooches and Rings, Silber Light Table Lamps, Dinuer Ware, &c. LAWLOR, HILL, AND CO. ...

Advertisements & Notices

... % ghly Important r Win, an& Italian WarehouvDI a VALUABLE LEASEIOLD iNTERET ,,l d~~~I Aoldyestabiedirfupulp te RETAIL GRO , Tea, fro aath pU R. The Grocery an Provision op h lae e tted up tecontly with ever apontet euve benfittcarrup en bulinessinbot gled buness8 hey ihave forcrryin topped counters, er teac scales ,and weigB gaetions an gae fing c In SpiritShasoP overy superior four-punl ...

Advertisements & Notices

... ^I ORTUARY-Monuments, Tombs, and Headstones in every variety of material and design; prices moderate. At D. Scally and Son's ;,arble Works, Glas- nevin. M Entrance-Finglas-road and Cemetery- avenue. 1235 UNERALS SUPPLIED- William Fanagan, 54 F'Aungier-street, and Dveer's Repository, St Stephen's- green, supplies Funerals in the best manner, and on the most moderate terms. 1627 ONti lENTS, TOMI ...

Advertisements & Notices

... MISCELLANEOUS. DUBI;IN, 10 LOWER SACKYILLE-STREET, January, 1I77. J. P. DELANY ?? f'iis ?? of thanking his fricnds i ci:ttoniercc, with whose confidence, he is , a r. sy, his bucsiness has so largely in. c z!z' he fibds it incumbent on him to -. oc-c : ee Acnsive premises to mcet the re- ;e Ao his iccreoagel t Wade. ith this !; llch pleasure hi announcing that nv-. ?? in ,:ettim-g the ...

Advertisements & Notices

... MI SCVLLANEOUS. ?? ?? siĀ£~s\EEN\ ?? N\ FANCY TWEED 0.S. D Readys adeSUITS, Y2 2 Recommended for Fit, Style, and Wear. T WEBB AND CO, S4, 35 and 36 UPPER SACKVILLE-STREET (Opposite the Rotundo.) 61)23 r E S T A N D S O X Beg to intimate to their numerous Patrons and the Public that, as they purpose making very extensive alterations on their l'remises, in the course of a few weeks, ...

Advertisements & Notices

... 'T SALES BY AUCTIOWN at; 4es;ylaaw. ewxpi;eu ita;4o. year ;1immedilt ' 3., ?? ' ST ,rT ?? RA GI 'Dys*' Itiudexpiteld'4aliffI5 ierasltiuui; isnmtqatea pospesqwn w . i eist t; ?? ou ile emise, ' ?? ?? ?? FqrsitiuNej ,, ,:.i - f: L.X> ii tQR, rer and ,, Ibel 867 ?? tfrdi~tt'1lS taIff6: lffi-W tentifa rent 1 r*. *f ?? m ohu11r3Jbr.Esqqni elsiciturs. aElstacso- .t;. &flRLD'81JROSS BhtlQE. ...

Advertisements & Notices

... G -11TY AND RORKE, UNDERTAXERS, BAGGOT- STRTlEET, supply Funerals in a most respectable manner, and on very reasonable terms, having all the appointments and materials on thoir concerns. ,ONSU MENTS, TOMBS, HEADSTONES, and XL4. MURAL TABLETS in the greatest variety, and thc largest stock in Ireland, at Fitzpatrick and Molloy's, Glasnevin. 9933 M ORTUARY PRINTS and CARDS Printed in the iL ...

Advertisements & Notices

... P~nLICATI IiF NEW WORKS AND NEW EDITIONS4 s. d. I.cgonds of the Blessed Sacrament. illustrated 10 6 Poems for Catholics and Convents. ?? ?? 65 Be The Chances of War. By A. Whitslock ?? 5 A Ny Conversion and Vocation. Fr. sehouvaloff 5 0 The Seven Words. By Cardinal ellarmine ?? 6 0 Theo ay of the Cross. Illustrated ?? . 4 6 aly Ileturi to the Church. By H. V. Eoneven 3 6 Th ?? Bible. Douay ...