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Manchester Times


... 1S U E D E B. ! On Saturday, Mr. T. Booth, North Staffordshire coroner, opened an inquest on the body of Mrs. Martha Sillitoe, aged 70 years, who was murdered on Wednes. day evening at Hainford; near Stoke. Evidence was given by poioe.constable Smith, the village policeman) and aneighbour, to the effectthat, as Mrs. Sillitoe was not seen about on Thursday, the house was entered, and the old ...


... THE ThENG~_CgIVCTS. !EEBG-E22,>ljEA3 The priso:,q 'Patrick Wtaunton was on Saturday visited ir. Maidstone ?? by his brother and sister, who beakh}i ntwo of the eonvict e children to see him. Sk. sequet~~ly the prisoner, accompanied by his brother and sister and his children, was taken to the hospital sword to see his wife. The interviews were of an ex. ceeditgly painful oharaeter,- The brother ...


... AURD ER S. A murder was committed in Birmingham on Tuesday morning. The mnrderer is Frederick Blakor, a barman, and the victin Miary Saunders. The ivo ?? Ibo livi~g together in the Lichficld Rlad for about three months. The woman's huebaud had died oily two or ! three months previously, and was landlord of the Black Horse, Adhted Row. At his deaha, hov;wver his wife relinquished thc business. ...


... CROWN COURT.-SATUWDAY. BEFORE Mn. JuSTICE HiaxxIs BURGLARY AT MANCHESTER. A young man named Samnuel Bnuleiy was convicted of having, on the 19th nit., burgiariously entered the dwelling house of John T. Pendlebury, beerhouse keeper, Egerton-street, Manchester, and hain~g stolen 4d. and some tobacco. He was sentenced to nine months' imprisonment with hard labour. TUESDAY. ALLEGED FALSE ...


... THE THREATENED EXECUTION OF MAN- CHESTER MERCHANTS. I Yesterday wreek Mlr. Jordan Valtohoff and another Bulgaria~n gentleman went to Kowaley, where the Eearl of Derby is at present Staying, with the petition which was signed by between 400 and 500 Manehester merchants on Friday, praying the Foreign Secretary to interfere on behalf of the Messrs. Geshoff, who were sentenced to be hanged ...


... The adjourned licensing meeting for the ManchestOt county police division was held at the County pol:c8 Court yesterday, the magistrates on the bench being Mr. H. J. Leppoc, Mr. Wright Turner, Mr. J. Maysor, r. Royle, and Mr. R. Peacock. Mr. Nash withdrew an application for a spirit jien'se, and applied for an order sanctioning the removal ot a license to sell beer on the premises from the ...


... . MURIDIER AT BRADFORD. A horrible murder was comisitted at Bradford during saturdaynight. Abouttwo o'clock on Sunday morning, the dead body of a man named Michael Duna, aged 28, dyer, was found in Clifford-street, Horton. He was frightully nmutilated on the head and face, there being Do fewer than twenty deep woends, apparently inflicted ,ib a sharp instrument. The cirounstauoes, as far as ...


... SALPORD QUARTER SESSIONS. The quarter sessions for the hundred of Salfeord commenced on Monday at the Assize Courts; Mr. W. E. Higgin, Q.C., the chairman, presiding. The Chairman, in charging the grand jury, said they were assembled to perform their public functions at the ordinary time. But there had been no sessions held since the last ordinary quarter sessions, as it was found impossible to ...


... THEs CHARGE AGAINST DETAVIS., I At Bow-street, on Saturday, for the four feenth time, the three detective inspectors, John Meiklejohn (who is also the chief superintendent of the Midland Railray police), Nathaniel Druscovich, and William Palmer, and Edward Froggatt (the solicitor), of Great Marl- borough-street, were again brought up on remand, Palmer and Froggatt surrendering to their bail, ...


... ?? ClARGe AGAtNST. DETECTIVES. . utril of the four inspectors of the Scotland Yard b T] partiment and MIr. Froggatt, solicitor, corn- BW 'tdoa WednesaYsayttheOldBaiovbeforeanlr. Baron ok* Jobn Meiklejohn, Nathaniol Drascovich and r4 .Dly~alrcer were brought up in custody frorn the oat prison; Chief-Inspector Clarke and Nfr. Frog- e d been out on bail since their committal, ?? eadered to their ...


... a The Gaigntmni give the following account of the trial .for judicial separation between the Marquis and Mar- . quise de Caux:- ?? Civil Tribunal of the Seine gave judgment on Friday in the cross suit for a judicial separation between a the Marquis de Caux and his wife, Mdme. Adelina Patti. g Both of these parties were represented by their legal ad- visers, who read over the allp-ations on ...


... Li VEiRLmo~l a&U rUDJIN t\SSIZES. I CROWVN COUJiT.-WEDNESPAY. (1`aor.0E MPa. JUSTI-= Luas.) EXTRAORDINARY CASiE OF ShOOTING. 3l1atthew Ml'Cunlocl, a youth, described as a barman, was iitdicted for having, at Liverpool, on the 8th August, I telonio tslyhot ?? Sheals and Bernard Mullen, with intent to nurder them. Mr. Al'ConnU appeared to prosecate, and the prisoner was defended by Mr. Cot- ...