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Lloyd's Weekly Newspaper



London, England


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Lloyd's Weekly Newspaper

Advertisements & Notices

... PUBELIO AMUSEMEN~TS. !'MZATUM Royait, R&sIAR=T~ 1,siR Astr UAITasO. M&t J. BI. Bseexsrlts EVERY ovetan%, at 6.15, an antirel ne d otlgio Camoedy. LA ord ?? SiT. JAMS'S W ?? AiceSRNIV ,t. U neuoisafor limte number Of R i ?? Ofts aA l ?? Wiss tron Pary WId Debt.e RMT T6HRYL ST. THEATRS WEAT- ?? of a limied emer -, NiJt of Maelocee's plo ar.ndtr drving the wthe, Dlat 7.f0 GXtarE Wise ...

Advertisements & Notices

... V-.te9MntGoeriEgboekgreL- 1w-u P!- ustralla. DYTED R few RnPeetab~l Young Women for WTVPo s'd eryie&-~wlll leave a free ?? and 51bI~u~ abl5o5O Forno Labouresine or g~0OhiP 01ghsteet, o tnPlum) or General Servasnt T0 bir~hhe a housemaid is kept.-Aplrll3 at uju11B a D rwof-roesi. Crydon, gorrOy. Falcon P0 0, _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ A PlIrn Cook NT D ?? i nmall cv ily o-; ?? hoTE~iusD chus to - euge ...

Advertisements & Notices

... 40saIS 'AsN MAINAar1s. 3a ?? D. BDO15sregL. iL hD- iluos Moe LalIcntgd Ru ds Irwin,T. er PYGMALION AND' GALATHA. (le f Gloestar. CnsaMs Mari Harm;tjVhto D 'lm,.Tre Queendae ?? aorilrie rc] Enh.kMies And Laendis hAGEB time), te ne THMdamnTTH E EE *FCNNUHT. 3ssspAdra Coer EEl ,g SRclors. Rberson o MLlctn rod alar n Henry Nevilste uk o l'ser. Mse Dols o,;RI evenawtlforthe Cnoticeo KInGldwt h ...

Advertisements & Notices

... T1E SEA - ITS STIRRING STORPS THE'SEA-ITS STiBRING STORY. T Part I., price 7d. H~E SEA^ - ITS STIRtRING STOSD71 T. ?? I. ready Oct 25, Prie 7d. Part I., price 7d. HEi SEA -ITS STIRHINr, STORY T ot AD VENTUE 'IIK h tieA- f thr, son iubet wische b other srtbjelts of ?? to Te T ~ ~~~PartL, pricee7d. T o iu-s t I., Irc 7da part I., price 7d. HIE SEA - ITS SUIIUUN4G STO- .1.of ADVIIOTUitEp. ...

Advertisements & Notices

... PUBLIO AMUS3EMENTS. THgEATRE ROYAL, COVENT GARDEN. -St¶VRV vein, ad illfuthrestlePUSS IN BOOTS. TI P Al e RtNe.MCEa Aofe CooS . BEoAT hmoe S. HOa L Wednsday ?? a ae pnfo CtOb r Hall. I~~~e iTeeE E5AF SHORS I penionloffAESOE ithwl e Presetds vr. eei ikAILY TEEGIIAPH.Mile Heath contlinues to dellneal Uwith iiedinnioiheld Catoeatnd pathos the sins and sorrows, ti: teloptatiia5, and tri~als of ...

Advertisements & Notices

... PUBLIC. AMUSEMENTS. THEATRU ROVAL, HWAXCBRET, ?? ,ih'D MANAsGER. sle. J. D. B.lucu.5x0. 15K . JOSEPH J EFPFRRS60t faruewael ycrf oflO515Cs, p~lot to wh Ihis desarture for America, wjlttermiett August31. tohicbl vtot plaes mnay nlo-vbe onogaed. Ilor-cfiee open from I0 to daily. At7.45. the htterieal drmaby hJ.B.Panoehdl. Fs4., e55t~llC CHlARLES Xll.-At .0Otr.Jelforeosol ?? iglitlyini ..ENI' 1 ...

Advertisements & Notices

... ?? Anultralia. C~oermelit f South Australia Grata VZ0arse Ii F. i~neoosijernL n'lionit 1 Agrneffltuval exb~r~ ntrceedillj, 4 Yeasm Of Age. i~d110n7,~ e. sotmore than three children:l o7~5os~Fem~ les ServantolS fooof n 'indit o h paid hy intend- th oa cnifor their rem tunra- y~rian5od jui mrol ?? f g 1170 rtoiks rlilomiic t theooflisc'loif tlte Govermn Sl~~1ilt . VIOCI ro A.CHAIlBEIOS, WVEST. ...

Advertisements & Notices

... ?? IOAZOSTO NEW SOU'TU WMMLDS.-T4HDMED RATES. ]A-U'1ltS, Ilerihanias, ibomeotie §ervauts, Parm0, .1'.endothr Lbauere &W, are DrGVideir by the 7lymouth to Sydney. and thonceeby rail oretemarert attior iparts of the Colony, amurrdor;-1ifrried or sn aterio exeedog o yursof age, posoage (iiretudinrg iroddo~ en monoout GIt;t hildeen from 2 to ,A ?? ?? ~linedlg baiding arid ?? out-, ii meae ...

Advertisements & Notices

... * PUBLJC AKUSEMENTS. Wt Maoatr Me h al?.00 li~scomedy FOLLOW ~MM W maro ith BIRDS Ml -ram ROVAL ST. JAXEs' m TATRMZ Latinaa n, MAM.9ea, Mae. Joan WeeD. Ferati~O Hue oliday Ster. sebe a Morning Porfertaxnae ot TheDansheffo at2; jalmaen Saftrday aent, 33,matennr DooloenL. YMRY.geninatil0 wilt bre premenle Insor e0 ~ TE DALIBCH~ra.Chraggera by Mr.eonn bel. M Jon Caytn. r. C. lWarner, Mr. 0. ...

Advertisements & Notices

... P~UBLIO AMUSEMENTS. Lesrze ~AN MAcjeoxa, AIR. J. B. Rucitsross. *E-VERY eveioning till turther noatice at .11. C. la.. Rae~oOH 0iF, iiFOLLOW THE LEADER. 1iss LafontAln. litres 1Teiie, -and.Mr. Herbert-After which.xti.0 Myr. NIV ,. ?? logical comnedy. PYGMALION AND CAUITEA4, Croitoe, Usles iieorletta -Hsoden' Grelatea,,ho Mas ?? kvr R~io ivdithd? BIRS Buksn't n TI1 Let% MWwCn TChrOYALID ST. ...

Advertisements & Notices

... S. 'Avg 0 Ann . ZTJI^Y A;P3RoC-blp~t $g. 6D. Wt .. are greatly redruot, fitlads coallet 04, by S. DAMi and C~l Am IXGER XC are greatly redused, . Sltands complete,.5a S. DAVIS ux4 Oo.t . Wnwox aad GIBES mtrr are greatly lull sta ?? oplete, Sca, by S. DAVIS and co.? ,,Am VOW AWARX . WltElER oad WIlhE0 I&ALIMIX are greatly rodu 1 onJtandseo1plete, sag kV 8. DAVIS and 0o.l ROVE MOM ire greatly ...

Advertisements & Notices

... XW'ALTX WITHEOUJT =EICrln, I I Uhesmie Ooistliptsoutls, Dnarr~lea, NlerVOuS, Illiltol Pnolmenary, aud lrver Complsityjst, 'libility. Aisihmuso SiTOBtE~bDUBIARmltY'SDBIei~iCIOU~dS FOOniDthBe I lVA1EFN'rA ARABtICA, 'hishia cures chrouio midi- j'c} g tstocl.dysoepcia), hahitciloulontlpatioociiarelsmoe iasimoelrh ox~id liver sonplacinto, ficatelnc, n ervousiuess bieiusness, all kinds of ciovero, ...