... CORN. LONDON CORN MARKET, Friday.—Market quiet but lirrn. English wheat in short supply, and full prices are realised. Foreign very firm and about 6d dearer since last Monday. Off coast cargoes, fully Is dearer on week for best qualities. Flour—a steady market for both sacks and barrels. Barley quiet, and prices are unaltered for both grinding and malting kinds. Oats rather firmer, but not ...


... CARDIFF—ARRIVALS. ROATH BASIN—Jan 8. Bristol Packet, 53, Williams, Newport, light EAST BUTE DOCK-Jan 7. Palmyra as, 707. Bruce, Leith, ballast R L Alston ss, 452, Nisbet, Newport, ballast EAST BUTE DocK-Jan 8. St Devenick, 246, Fowler. London, burnt ore Ellen, 133. Murray. West Deck, light Amalia, 236, Thorsen, Bridgwater, light Lilly Baynes, 90, Bond, Lydney, light S & E A Charnley, 93* ...


... The annual horse show came off on Wednesday. The weather, being bitterly cold, prevented the entries being as large as they have otherwise would been. There were three classes, and the prizes were awarded as follows CLA.851 L—For the best thoroughbred entire horse, prize .£20; Colonel Ballard's Weather Star; highly com- mended, Mr John Rees, of Llanboidv, The Preacher. Class 2.—For the best ...


... CORN CARDIFF CORN MARKET, Saturday.—The probability of war between Russia and Turkey, and the consequent stoppage of spring supplies of wheat and maize from the Danubian Principalities, caused ihe market on Saturday to be in a very excited state. Buyers were making pur- chases at greatly advanced rates for all kinds of grain. Wheat was fully 4s per quarter dearer, and at this price a large ...

------------------------------------THE RHYMNKY RAILWAY. *

... A TREFOREST SCANDAL- At the Pontypridd petty-sessions yesterday, Mary Llewellyn and Sarah Llewellyn, of Cambrian Inn, Tre- forest: and Ann Thomas,a servant of the two last named, were charged with a libel on the charactcr of Margaret Thomas, landlady of the Railway Inn, Treforest, by displaying efligies on the 24th ult. Mr H. W, Morgan appeared for the complainant, and Mr Rosser for the ...


... LATEST MARKETS. CORN. CARMTF CORN MARKET, Saturday.—The attendance at market to-day was small, and but tittle business was done. Only a few samples of wheat were onered, the home supply being apparently almost exhausted. Flour (plain tie), 50s 6d to Ms wheat (white).22s to 22s 6d per llystrid red, 20s to 21s barley, 27s to 30s oat?, white, 28s to 30s black, 25a 6d to 27s maize, round, 5s Hat, ...


... WELSH TRAINING COLLEGES. SWANSEA. The following is the result of the examination of students at the Swansea Training College for Females, as officially published :�� STUDENTS OF THE SECOND YEAR. First Division.—Davies Annie (D), Jones M. A. (D), Phillpott E. J. (D), Fairbairu Margaret. Second, Divisiott. -Preston E. A., Rees Hannah, Davies E. M., Ellis M. A., Bevan Elizabeth M. (D), Jotcham ...

[No title]

... MOVEMENTS OF CARPIFF VESSELS. The ss England, Capt Hain, left Bona on Monday for Rotterdam, not Bilbao as reported. The ss Cardiff, Capt Madron, arrived at Falmouth on Wednesday night for orders. The ss Greta, Capt D Davies, left Bilbao on Thursday morning for Newport. The ss Blanche, Capt James, left Bilbao on Wednes- day for Cardiff. The ss Faulccnnier, Capt Coppin, left St Nazaire on ...

[No title]

... SWANSEA STOCK AND SHARE LIST, supplied by HERBERT RAKE. BANK-BUILDINGS, SWANSEA, AMOUNT PAID. RAILWAYS. Stock 100 Hereford Hav, and Brecon Ordinary 01 92 1W L'itto ditio Preference 02 93 ml 100 Elan ily Railway and Dock Company 138 1:19t 100 Ditto ditto B 6 per cent Preference 140~ ill Ii) 10 Pembroke and Tenby First Preference 71.. Stock 100 Rhymney 108 50 50 Sevo, n and Wye Railway aud Canal ...

---------=----------.THE MONEY MARKET

... THE MONEY MARKET. LONDON, FRIDAY EVKNIKO. IWe has been a moderate demand for money to-day, buUhe capital offering still keeps the rates very Bank Bilb.-2 and 3 month, 2 per cent; 4 montks I)er cent 6 months, 3 per cent. Trakle Bills -2 and 3 mouths, 3 per cent; 4 months. ■P€r cent; 6 incntlis, 3J per ceat. JV«»«rs bullloi) „ a,, q( j ™r4 £ rJohas *»- « j The Stock Exchange markets opened VE™ ...