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... . CHINA could boast the drama as a national institution well established more than 3,000 years ago, and may therefore fairly claim the right of being regarded as its original founder. Long before theatres arose in Greece, they were universally popular in that vast country, and mighty Rome did not adopt the drama until 400 years after the Athenian stage had won its glory and renown. Persia and ...


... £23 We have no hesitation in giving Cassell's F(l III i ly JHayazine the first POSITION AMONG THE MONTHLIES for the people --its character is so marked and decided. Edinburgh Couranl. CASSELL'S FAMILY MAGAZIITL For MARCH, i price Id., CONTAINS- A Night on a IYTorning Paper. Medical Advico for Spring. ITo-v Great Storms Arise. Chit-Chit on Dress for tho Month. Gardening in March. What Mr. ...


... . IT may be said, probably with truth, that no breed of dog has ever been so popular as the fox terrier; nor does this popularity seem to decrease at all as years go by. The reason appears to me that the fox terrier is the best kind of dog for general purposes that any man can possess. He is equally at home under ground and above it, in the drain or in the drawing-room, in the hedge-row or in ...


... . Requiescat in pace. As those words were uttered by the priest for the last time over the coffin which was almost hidden from sight by the loving tribute of flowers that had been laid upon it, there was not one of those who stood by the grave of John Oxenford but must have uttered Amen from his heart. Never did a man. who had for so long a time wielded that weapon the edge of which is so apt ...


... grand prize engraving. TRANQUIL ENJOYMENT. FROM tiie celebrated picture Painted by J. F. HERRING, Sen. The PICTURE will be sent post free to any part of Great Britain or Ireland, on receipt of Coupon and P.O.O. for is. 6d. or 20 stamps, to defray expenses of Package and Carriage. The Price without Coupon is One Guinea. PREMIUM COUPON. GRAND PRIZE ENGRAVING- TRANQUIL ENJOYMENT. (One Copy.) ...