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... o'clock.* ?? THIS DAY. , SILAS' CHURCH. \jgffi f ALU of WORK in Ixtatt 6choot, Hodgson Wfg&*S »nd • IMBtl, April 3 and 4, from 12 to J^ THLS BVEjVLSG. f |£ 7\rKNTT-SEO(>ND ANNUAL SOIREE * ,1* aCKES &TRBKT BAHD of HOPE will take * ?? rirtouax. la the LwnKPKifDiofT School Five o'«Mtea_ AdrnJaaion. Adults. S»d.; ChUaren, ftt_^ . . >- THif EYEHLKQ. IITERARY AND PHILO- ?? f+OFrIICAL BOOIETY f M EH ...

Published: Tuesday 03 April 1877
Newspaper: Sheffield Independent
County: Yorkshire, England
Type: Advertisement | Words: 29054 | Page: Page 1, 4, 5, 6, 7 | Tags: Classifieds 

It may justly be called the Pbbfectiok of PkepaßED Cocoa. — British Medical Journal. Sold by all Grocers. SOLE ..

... TAYLOR BROTHERS, London LONDON AND SOUTH-WESTEEN AND SOMERSET AND DORSET RAILWAYS. STEAM-PACKET SEEVICE.— THE EOYAL MAIL EOUTE.— MAECH, 1877. .~ T> EISTOL » BUENHAM, ?? _0 HIGHBBIDGE, ag*lljaitl_k WELLS, GLASTONBURY, -_tKacß___H_fe* AND GUERNSEY AND JEKSEY.— Quickest and best Route.— Shortest Sea Passage. — Direct Service by the Royal Mail Packets, viA Southampton. — The Latest Train leaves ...

Published: Tuesday 03 April 1877
Newspaper: The Star
County: Guernsey, Guernsey
Type: Advertisement | Words: 9351 | Page: Page 1, 3 | Tags: Classifieds 

TO ADVICJiTIBERS. 4DVERTISERS wbo desire that tbeir Annotmoe- _»nt» should be seen and perused by the general ..

... and district can only get their object fully served D t Advertising In the Dundee Courier a Argus, WHIOH HAB BY FA.R THE LARGEST DAILY CIRCULATION IN THE DISTRICT. It la a fact about which Advertisers can easily satisfy __?ruse!vee by consulting any of the News Agent* in Dundee. Advertising is only valuable in ao far as through it* medium communication is had with the public, oon-equently ...

Published: Friday 06 April 1877
Newspaper: Dundee Courier
County: Angus, Scotland
Type: Advertisement | Words: 13508 | Page: Page 1, 4, 8 | Tags: Classifieds 

TO ADVERTISERS. ADVEKTISERS who desire that their Announoe- menu should he seen and perused by the general ..

... district can only get their object fully served b y A-«r_-n« in the Dundee Courier a Argus, WHICH HAS or jt.r THE LAHGEs'T DAILY CIRCULATION IN B. r_r. i- _ HE DISTR , CT , .. .. ; ,h.i-it which Advertisers can easily satisfy c k.n,->lvas by cons-lung any of the News Agents in Dundee. S in ; ia on'v valuable in so far as through its .- „ , ;. A «;th the public, consequently ' -iv ' : ' r ?? * ...

Published: Tuesday 03 April 1877
Newspaper: Dundee Courier
County: Angus, Scotland
Type: Advertisement | Words: 14310 | Page: Page 1, 8 | Tags: Classifieds 


... # TAILORIN:I«nd WOOLLEN' DKAPEBY BUSINESS jtrried on by him for toe hat 48 tears, takes this opportunity of r»tarning his thanks to th« Oier^y, Gentry, and Pu-ilic of Hud- oarsneld uad mighb nrhood, lor tbe very liberal support ac corded to bim and so'icits a continuance of their patronage to bis Son, John B. Littiewood, who sill, in future, cirry on the s&m*, and receive an i pas all debts ...

Published: Wednesday 04 April 1877
Newspaper: Huddersfield Chronicle
County: Yorkshire, England
Type: Advertisement | Words: 13676 | Page: Page 1, 2 | Tags: Classifieds 

It may justly be called the Peebectiok of pRErAKKD Cocoa. — British Medical JoutAat. Sold by all Grocers. SOLE ..

... TAYLOR i-.GTf.lf-S, London. LONDON AND SOUTH-WESTERN AND SOMERSET AND DORSET RAILWAYS. STEAM-PACKET SERVICE.— THE ROYAL MAIL ROUTE.— MARCH, 1877. ~ TT* KISTOL ' BURNHAM, ~iL___HfcK -X* HIGHBRIDGE, WELLS, GLASTONBURY, .i___sc__l__S_aaa*-AND GUERNSEY AND JEiiSEY. — Quickest and best Route. — Shortest Sea Passage. — Direct Set . ic. by the Royal Mail Packets, via Southainptoti. — The Latest Train ...

Published: Thursday 05 April 1877
Newspaper: The Star
County: Guernsey, Guernsey
Type: Advertisement | Words: 9294 | Page: Page 1, 3 | Tags: Classifieds 

•^-* INDIA-OFFICE, April 4, 1.77. v. T. TARY of STATE for INDIA in T. jKB Xl V GIVE. KOTTCK, That

... the amount ■ • HILLS Of EXCHANGE on Calcutta, , 1 Ite B ECF.I VED at the Bank of England ' A flu 'ti. instant, ou the terms stated in the vi this ofhee on the 23d August, 1876, .. of which not more than Rupoes : the Government of Bombay. GEORGE HAMILTON. — -T^ TIAILK* >AD COMPANY il. ' MORTGAOK BONDS. \. April, 1877, will be PAID on and mini g-bouee of Messrs. M'-ulloch street, I- C. .. le ...

Published: Thursday 05 April 1877
Newspaper: Morning Post
County: London, England
Type: Advertisement | Words: 11361 | Page: Page 1, 4, 8 | Tags: Classifieds 

(TOTICK— -he OH_»lG_- 'or ADVERTISE • -1 MENTS of IIRTHS, MA-'.-UAGBS. and DEATHS Is Ss. 40H INSERTION — Cj ..

... institute, 5, Henrietta-street, Covent-parden.W.C. b Medical Dot ectok.-ALFRED EBSWORTH, F.R.C.S. tfjtldent skilled medical, surgical, and monthly murses are supplied I^* moment's notice from this Institute, also fever uurses, male i Jdantg, and wet nurses. _ _ . _, to be addressed to the Secretary or Lady Superin- gSgat. MONUMENTS, Tombs, and Mural Tablets in in* Granite, Marble, or Stone. ...

Published: Wednesday 04 April 1877
Newspaper: London Evening Standard
County: London, England
Type: Advertisement | Words: 40878 | Page: Page 1, 4, 7, 8 | Tags: Classifieds