... 64 This gratfair terminated en Saturday, whe the.largest 4 amount obusliness was done. As reported ien te mleiaz - on Saturday, transactions were not freely made on Frielav. 1I The scarceity of lambs in the north during the past two years -- induced sellers to bold out for the high mrires which ruled at 4 last year's market. These price, howev~er, were given under 4 the impression that lambs ...


... @o etrx. SEEKING;. Maiden, what are you seeking, As )ou sit by the riker-side, Watcdiiig the bubbles breaking, Hearing thle waters glide? I am looking for hopes that pericfed Like bubbles that vanish iu air; I listen for voices cherished, That I never again shall hear. Young muan. what are y ou seeking, As you gaze on the lustrous night, Watchi the imieteors streaking I'he violet Heavens ...


... CLOSED AT DUSK9 see3 BY FREDERICK TALBOT, of in Author of E WAS Sre WORTH |T T? Tag NrsbtiL,3S ;Or JACo PFumR's LEG.ACY, TuLe WrNNie;t fic HAZARD, &C. Tv- .,es ep1 IALL3 R'IErHS RiSa3ieveD.j or 3st ce uo CHAPTER XXVI. to s 'Tfar HOTEL DE LA CIUJCIE. i TII restaurant of the lIotel dc la Crucho was more thau in usually full that night, and thero Wits all atmosphere of sub. vo dued ...


... EGYPT AS IT IS NOT. Egypt As It Is. By J. C. McCloan. London: Cassell, Petter, and Galpin. Messrs. Cassell, Petter, and Galpin are hardly doing justice to Mr. Mackenzie Wallace in publishing the above volume as a companion to his work on Russia. People who buy Mr. McCoan's work on this recommen- dation, expecting to find in it the impartial spirit and trained historical faculty of Mr. ...

Published: Saturday 14 July 1877
Newspaper: The Examiner
County: London, England
Type: Article | Words: 11827 | Page: Page 15, 16, 17, 18, 19, 20, 21, 22, 23 | Tags: Arts & Popular Culture 


... THEATIME ROYAL-OPENING OF THE SEASON. I Arran a brief space of summer rest, the Theatre reopened for the regular season last evening, when Miss Harfleur made her first appearance in Belfast, acting the part of the Maid of Honour, subsequently the Qaeen, in the drama, Anne Boleyn. It is not the first time that an attempt has been made to dramatize the events preceding and leading up to the ...


... IFA1 f I 1 . , . II ;, . A H'OUT ' i *| ?? Windsor Castle, Thurda'y. nmo Queen cad JPrinesABoeabnrIe'xrbve out yesterday afternoon. P1rtncW I1ebpold,: at ten~de4 ,oy the Honr, MeAUir Ygrlcp, arrijed a't tbi Castle from Lhsnio r. 'Mrs. Diumnmonda f ?? ery~ew. Dean of Westminsterhad thehonour of diningwith tha Queen and Roya. family yestbiday. : - ; l Her IMajesty w6`6 06tivith pnude Jns ...


... AMATEURS AT TEE OPERA COMIQUBI. There must be set down among those peculiar mysteries which, in the words of the famous Lord Dandreary, No fellah can understand, the reason why a number of young, able-bodied, and presumably sane men should take advantage of the Saturday half-holiday movement, in bright, genial sum- mer weather, to air their vanity by strutting behind the foot- lights of a ...

Published: Sunday 08 July 1877
Newspaper: The Era
County: London, England
Type: Article | Words: 928 | Page: Page 5 | Tags: Arts & Popular Culture 


... * JOfNSTO'NE AGRICULTURAL SOCIETY'S SHOW. 1 The anmil show of ser -under the ,pes of Mi t This society, took piaes yesterday in Ludovie Park, x Y Johnstone. The weather was very nufavonrable, 2i drain falling nearly all day; and in consequence I there was a considerable falling-off in the attend- a nce of Visitors. This yser the show Vus open to an coners, and additions were made to the prizes ...


... -ofI 'T E LA TI ; T I i .. t' j'7itr. tilejicvoui- ?? iied allthey ave 'been fetupr'ea trieetet O8ce; ernotlW1U ?? etle.51e*x eilBodY s nd epitone -of tlie beet ?? yes a easmirrorftndwihnts Sl-viees, and is copiously illustrated with bote6 tlor te Oi~ sO thG t tbe student can alw ays ascer- i the exnct sourc wience *ie mformatii is rle t~1d ril. Birchiall 'Hkes a logical 'rrtmgemelit of lrive ...


... . I ONLY. Only a baby ?? iad cared, Gently hold to mother's breast. Only a child, Toddling alone, Brightening now its happy home. Only a boy, Trudging to school, Governed now by sterner rule. Only a youth, Living in dreams, Full or promise life now seems. Only a man, Battling with life, Shared ID now by loving wife. Only a father, Burdened withecar Silver threads in dark brown hair. Only ...


... Bolh Italian operas are now closed, after a season which we suspect has been far from a pecuniary success lo either. At the Globe, Stolen xiises is drawing capital houses. The more it is seen the more it Bis liked. The capital acting of Messrs. Ryder, Righton, Leathes, Misses Foote and B'tta, conduce, greatly to the unde- niable success of Mr. blerritt's very clever piece. The manager of ...


... -- - --4 SA.VAGE AND CIVILIZED RUSSIA.-Longman sncd Co.-In the pages of this volume may be h'ace& the progress of Russian civilization from the darkest ages of her existence down to the present time. The czars and ezai-inas of Russia have, like most other royal races, been a lot of tyrants, profligates, and prostitutes. Perhaps the most horrible scoundrel in this lengthy list bf scoundrels was ...