... Suyptiea by lHAChLltA V SAYCE, Stock tuiil biiaro Ijiunors, 1, l'o..i vm-p ;u.v, Varuiit UAILW A13. Vaid Prices U e,t %N I: u.givo 97 n Loudon and M01 tii H'esitjri) luu HI -152 100 .-12L 122 ICil/UitjO^ 1(X) ..142 144 all i. ;,0 21 jtocU SouUi Devon 100 65 (j7 „. Tali Vale ,.100 ..210 212 PilEf'EREVrrAL Block Cambii-.m f.:anidioe> ..1 u 1 I )'. ...


... C 10 12 0 2 30 4 5 7 30 9 40 CARDIFF, ds- MO 10 12 -15 3 10 5 30 S 0 Weekday.. [11 lo 1 ii 8 55 0 10 8 40 } 11 35 1 50 4 91 0 50 9 15 ) 5 toiiio ic'i4iiTtilo-»-o PENARTH, dap. {_ !) 0 0 12 4 45 7 10 Week days. i 10 0 12 30 S 0 5 20 7 50 ) 10 85 A_° 3 30 0 C S 30 Later Busses on Saturdays. jr1-;DAYr: CARDIFF, dep.. ?° 2 20 3 50 7 0 8 50 f 12 oO 2 50 4 50 7-50 !) 50 PENARTH, uer> | ? 0 5 ...


... MONEY MARKET. LONDON. FRDAY rhe following was the busiuass doaa oa 'Change Awday. British Funds.—3 per cent Consols, 96, 51, 64 ditto for Account, 95* to 96J 3 per cent, Re- duced, 91^ to 941; New 3 per cent, 94 to 94!. Indian Government Securities.—Indian Stock, 6 per cent, July, 1880, 103§ to 103; do, 4 per cent, October, 18S8, 100J; India Deben. tures, 4 per cent August, 1877, 96J. Colonial ...


... CARDIFF, t SWANSEA.' t NE?VPORT. K-ov. ——————————————————'————————— Morn, Even?Hght Mom Evt?tHght Mom Even H?ht 18 M —023'23 51134 -!194 — 031220 19 T 0 58' 1 35 24 4? 0 4? 0 40?0 01 6 1 45 22 6 20 W 2 9? 2 4425 11? 1 17. 1 5321 9, 2 22 2 6824 2 21 T 3 13 3 5127 1C! 2 24' 2 5623 8 3 31 4 326 4 22 F 4 24 4 5529 9' 3 26' 3 5325 3? 4 34' 5 328 6 S3 S 5 23. 5 52 31 2? 4 24. 4 52'26 3i o 29, 5 56 ...

SOUTH WALES TIDE TABLE. --------.-__--_.--

... SOUTH WALES TIDE TABLE. CAUDIFF. SIWV NSEA.* NEWPOUT. Nov. —————————— ———————— ————————— — 02323 51134t-19 4 —J031220 19T 058 13524 4 04 040200 16 145'N 6 20 \V 2 9'24425 11 117 15221 9 :!22 26824 2 21 T 3 13 3 51 27 10' 2 24 2 5C 23 83 3? 4 3 26 4 22 F 4 24 4 5529 9' 3 26 3 5326 3 4 34 5 328 6 23. 5235523124244522635S955S.S04 23. 5235523124244522635S955S.S04 24 S 6l!)C46!31651S547267622650309 ...


... I -CARI)IFF A-NJD EAL-qAAMt OSIfllBUi&ES. 6 19 12 Q 2 30 4 55 7 30 9 40 CARDIFF, dap 10 10 12 46 3 50 5 30 8 0 Week days. 11 1G 1 2) 3 55 0 10 8 40 J 11 35 1 50 4 ».» 6 50 9 15 5 30 11 10 lis 4 10 6 40 9 0 PSNARTH, dep. f 9 0 0 12 15 4 45 7 10 Weakling 10 0 P-1 31) 3 0 6w 7 60 ) 10 35 I 0 3 30 6 C 8 It) Later Bnssee on Saturdays. SUNDAYS. f'lRiirn ) 1? 20 !2] 3 50 7~9 8 30 TT CARDIFr, ««p.. j ...


... VESSELS CLEARED—Dec. 21. Marans, Sophie Augustine, F, 130 coal, Glyn- corrwg Co Penzance, Flash, B, 200 coal, Dynevor Co Shoreham, Jauie, B, 190 coal, Glyncorrwg Co lIe de Oberon, St Joseph, F, 150 coal, Glyncorrwg ...


... SWANSEA EXPORTS, 1878. cozil. Coal. Iron. Coke. P. Fuel. C'stwise. Jan 69,166 1,000 46 9,526 22.189 Feb 55,938 438 nil 10,109 20,684 125,104 1,528 46 19,635 42,873 The coal shipments from Llanelly werej Caen, 925 tons Careutan, 240 tons Cher- bourg, 375 tons; Dieppe, 370 tons; Granville 10 tons; Isigny, 270 tons; Landerneau, 13,) tons; Le Brault, 145 tons; La &> tons; Nantes, 2t0 tons Point ...


... WWX-WiEK DAYS. I Sunday i1'2'*4- •• 1,2,3.1,2,3.1,2,3.1,2,3.1,2,3 Merthvi fit i J •• a- P-m- P-m.' a.m. p. m Aicrthji (iligh-st. i 10 55 3 3;> (> 4K 9 ;» 4 l.' An'iT M-VvV i'7Ti8 5t •• 1} 5 3 45. 0 60 9 13 4 25 l^uakui h x itrrl J. for ti. \V. ltaihvay 8 10 u iC s f,o 7 3 9 24 4 3t3 '10 55 3 34 6 39 X 9 Ml! Jie.unaii I Orf J.0 3 38. 0 43 .9 8 4 Is 'o n Ash. „ 6 t 1J 7 3 40 6 52 9 10 4 28 ...

Kinmel Terrace

... WEST END VILLAS— 23 Miss Lewis (p 24 Jones 25 Mr Roberts (p 26 Mrs Si-mister 27 Mr J. R. Jones 28, Mrs Parry (p 29 Mr and Mrs G. B. Prince 30 Mrs Hughes 31 Mrs Yorke Jones and Miss Williams 32 Mr W. R. Williams (p 33 Mrs Matthews (p 34 Bodelwyddan view Miss Jones 35 Mrs Jones 36 JfrV. A. Clarke (p 37 Ye Windsor, Mr Clarke 38 Mr J. Goffe 39 Mr B. Williams 40 Mrs Davies 41 Mrs Martin 42 F. ...

Crescent Road

... Clwyd Street. 1 Mrs Struthers 2 Mrs Morris (p 4 Miss Williams (p 5 31 rs J. G. Vott 6 31 iss 31. E. Richards 7 Martin 8 31 r Berrington 9 Mr Williams 10 3Iiss 31. Williams 11 Mr 12- WELSH CALVINISTIC METH- ODIST CHAPEL 14 County Court and Mag- istrates' offices, illesdi-s Sisson and George 14, 31 r J Jones Rhyl District Water Co.'s offices, JlIr Bayliss, ma- nager 15 31 r Bayliss (p National ...