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Advertisements & Notices

... 1. Webster, Quebec, Leeds.' I WELLINGTON-RO41) New Wortley.-To LET, two a good HOUS ES3, ell itted up~, aind ewi naperesd. Boot £18; g one at f 1. Andly NV, Ilopton. Plumdber, as, Durie-str~esi Welling- ron-road, New Wortley. . ' I r RINGI EL -MOUNT.-To ...

Advertisements & Notices

... Jowellery, Cloth, - &o. Borough Auction Mart-Weekly Thursday Evening Sale, at 8.10. of DRAPERY, Hosiery, Oloth, Clothing Blankets, Boots, and Effeort. * - - E. W. BATLM'T, Adotioneer. D 25i d- No. 2 Aire-street, Leeds. SIALE of FORFEiTED PROPERTY This Day I (T ...

Advertisements & Notices

... and LJ shafts complete. Stephenson's Carriage Marnufactory, Harrogate. Neat PONY WHITECHAPEL CART to be SOLD, A cheap. Golden Boot, 89, Sweet-street. 1]wORSALE, Stylish Four-wheeled DOG-CART; colour 1L dark ?? lined light grecn, fitted with brake. pole ...

Advertisements & Notices

... The SEYnROTrCgn,st~ of VS uME will be represented bry tiC domeil selected and very choice wines, yes,, 12 dozen ricb pale golden sherr very old, lint foll 'of character; 112 dozen 18113 vintagO peart, laottloa 18i7; So dozen 18 I3 vintage port, more recently ...

Advertisements & Notices

... Leeds, kSlr. E. W. BA.TRLtY has receivesl instroetioncr to 8Peli by Anetion, on Wesilecd-,y, Augutce Tscealyxe-iglstl, at ths Golden Cross Hotel, North-slrert, Leeds, at seven o'elockc in Ohs evening, Stubject to suchl conditions as shall be. then prod steed ...