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... a conclusion lils earnestly-written l/uqs on the life acd labours of Mazzini, while ina sequent article on Liberals and Whigs tics Hon. G. Breurick controverts the views recently urged by dir. Goldircuc Smith in favour of ?? two sections, and argues ...


... a total of only 1,642,000 square miles wcith a population but little over 17,000,000. Mr. Goldwin Smith has sn article on Whigs and Liberals in which he takes a by no means encourag- ing view of the position and prospects of that party. It has, he says ...


... of a family nearly every member of which eventually made his mark in publiclife. To u father, Thomas Wrightill,inpolitics a Whig, in creed ?? was attat time straitened in means, and in 1803 foenew a school in the suburbs of Birmingham, where Matthlew and ...


... to gain the end it has in view (hear, hear). Some of us are Nonconfornmitst, and so-ne of us are Churchmen, and some are Whigs, some Liberals, and some are Eadicals; but we must join together and fairly compare our views as friends, and then let us-with ...