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Advertisements & Notices

... e-RjENiAW pPLCE, P~iSLEY E0A.D, A AL$U,-tl):Liu Utsm: -trofnn :,ss c O 0 i,: ?? s.~ -AI- t a~ac As~ tsr J. T B&T LANE ~ 4,stsr'MOOl To Let area ftar.. W ~~iI'lil~l* 1 ?? ?? 3 es Ls sitS..-Q'~L..'rsc-huse. l tte k .CATJ XlAr~ f N-stI. ios -it 'Vi la, 6 croons -- aist 'Sn ?? an. nazis. a1.n-drt.tsthst~o p1-e:s. !o ys; a- rso-AL ?? I~no sodJ KtoLsen Rusets. rents I Pats' .05E~ill~se tre e'y - i ...

Advertisements & Notices

... PATENTOFFICE, I BRITISH AND FOREIGN. 4isv j. H, JOHNSON & DAY. IA US5 ST VINCENT STR.EET, GLASGOW, ho] T.ransact all business- coninettd eel:! Pslest ysr Iaeasllawr, P N-s.y.ssitl Dssxki, I~rlszleM, LO fl?,eO~1'~o~ l~rt5OE. ?? M TASO0N & CO, T' 37 UIOIGI SVREET, M Will thortly REXOVI, to LARnGER PRE-MSES, PC I-, To 1(3 SAITCHIEHIALL STRKET. s And now (flcr their OPTICAL, STOCK at 2~ P~ CXM ...

Advertisements & Notices

... MA ~e AP mosT M~IA= SFORTIX-G 'YEWS, BygHITS AND GOLD' Sac 0' SHIANTER)7 'PAP~q is~u TIXS g OLGOW IERALD -E~INzG TIEs. I r~pj I E gd; Srb-, |I VIcs:u and WABTEO, LaO= nd ForD, ALAA, &. ,which formerly on the First Page of the De l nOW be found on the Second I XEW OVOF TrE Wg .z; InCONC* a ; GLAAGWOW WEEKLY l . - - .--LJ ...

Advertisements & Notices

... &DVERTISEMENTS regarding &MTIyoNS V,&cAT and WAEED, Loss and Fomm, PA&TmEsnBS , AGxNcmS, M's C Pl&2oUs WA&N-ED, &C., &c., which formerly appeared on the First Page of the Heald, will now be found on the Second Page. i ...

Advertisements & Notices

... ?etw Coa~ffU~ Dewrwu Py0g of n BO' CGUEA PFREPAID RAlE B° Pait A22g~L~trTG WMtAI~O1m 6 ^ D S L B0 LoT^.erede Lotdshl 3n TWONI SOiW 1OB3) ze c;, Gll 3 ?? I . FXI 27, is, l~s ?? B TOUR so1 1 s lad.e 4s1 6di . D 71YE 4 n C f Ita5O C BX , 64 2S 6&,, 7n 6dJ k 2W Thm RedMuce rates *Mly only to Adt e o tho clasesas s ve riarnedn, and ms be rieid~ 31 not prcpa.54 the crdhiexry scae is cl red. D ow ...

Advertisements & Notices

... ON'T 'NEGLECT YOUTR TEETH. E The Standard Tooh 'Wash of the age is the i Fragisot SOZODONT, for learming aud PrBye- eervimg the Teeth aD Is deaisu the Gur. IC It imparts a delightfuly4 rc reabinstg d i feetleg to the mouth. raevota allct tar tfld Scarf frosm the Teh, comapletely arrestius the Pg of decay, asd ?? eucb p sa hsse already become blac by deeay. Impure Breath, caused by Bad Teeth ...

Advertisements & Notices

... THE lor EVENIPJG TIM ES C CON'rJ:;S TIM an MOST XNEWS, fo TOO FULLEST GEXN-IAL, LOCAL, LATZEST NwEW& 4fternom ma d Ertaiag Rsaden cm-edy upo t ?? ri; ?? es and Lated pmosjibc 1f orix frt~r. f,2 SYQ; Ccges, cot, Iron, Pmuce, ! tz c'rd Mlaer arkets, Shpipg and Sporting, Pubic i Al'eio'0, oud G1Wa1 &Ye fronn au quarkt til e Ge 94PY)Vicat: ofth: au. TEE4OUUanRdF1VEoQdodE4ZQ' Co OVER THE WEST ...

Advertisements & Notices

... your, Couewcnoc Izsertfiors for tete Prtce Of Tre Ch.EAP PRE PATID RATE '_jV Houses, Sho a&s, Wanted AgencieO lose cos &e. 'To Let. p~'a IVs Watet Selfic Aetilert fear Sal%, s GoinsVaearnegt. 4 Buiese b'rSae. Teeole, Gaerte I ±= MouyWns& R la L ree'itn TWO LINES or II WORDS Md each, or Is 12 'aLIEZ . 5 7 IS So Fo Fo 5k-N ,, ,2 sC 7hemp i50,.i'imitliuof Z' hes Pedncdratss'appsly only to ...

Advertisements & Notices

... - a FOOTBALL COSTUMER. FORSYTH, 5 nrn 7 RE.INFIED STREET, GLASGOW. ?? and LUPt of Colours on application. rTl:UTli 10 ltitlalty Adil) WILL l'EiZVAIL- XyHELLPTON'S Ve'oetete PURIFYING t F 'JL~ atocertified to; have curecd thevooncfo. o~f ca~st. cf Ofrr.I'V lxv tttl \ Or tlhe CtIF?T and BEn ELS, 5111i'iithe lHAIA 1It'iI;f'O~. Iii~-irn. I'ILKN h am MDI NE 5 VENi' 6 GRATlVlL.-CO -ll'O.TINGT. EP ...

Advertisements & Notices

... EA In consequence of Spurious Imitations of Worcestershire Sa4e, iERT 3 - M ILA & PERRLNS' have adopted .A UCE ANEW LABEL, bearing their Signature, which is placed on every bottle of T EA WORCESTERSHLRE SAUCE, & s and without which none is geruiiec ;ljERRINS' Sold Wholesale by the Pro- prietors6 Worcester, Crosse & Black- well, London; C? A'U . and export Oilmen generally. S Reteil by Dealers ...

Advertisements & Notices

... Four C.nseCtire pwerticas for the Prim of 3e CHEAP PREPAID RATE I roR ADVERTISEMNTS REGAD G .C I ost-toand. House Shops. ?? Wanted Partnersbips. Businesses Wanted. Agene. loases, Sha, .- o T et 3 SitUain Vacant. Bsine for S& Ja nituations Wanted. S&aide Artiles for SsA& Tea , Gonenesee, En. XMoney Wa`e Board. Lodgings. Be TiI1i Viantedler-a lste. . Not FRCeed-ig TWVO ES at 11 WORDS Cd each, ...